What is her agenda?
Try to think of something more complex than her being an agent of the organization sent to observe the 'test cases' and keep Gamotan alive until he has served his purpose
What is her agenda?
Try to think of something more complex than her being an agent of the organization sent to observe the 'test cases' and keep Gamotan alive until he has served his purpose
Other urls found in this thread:
To gain Gamotan's trust and then rape him.
Then why did she curse him? With big bucks too?
What is a ryota? Why is her nickname ryotas?
She is actually the final villain.
Will she be dressed like this?
Is this show worth watching? I keep seeing this girl around the place and she's got me curious about it.
The show's still trying to unravel and connect all the protags but overall it's kept me interested. It's better than most of what else is currently airing but only slightly.
She's a Spirit Guide, so she probably knew he was going to end up getting killed sooner or later, and wanted him to be the Astral to her Yuma or something.
Why does she act so retarded? Is it to make people let down their guard around her?
The twist is pretty dull and its just pointless rambling until you figure it out
What does the ED mean?
If you like mystery type of things, then yes.
That she loves Gamotan.
Butterflies are symbolic for ghosts and spirits.
How much you wanna bet that she's the one that's gotta help those 256 souls get where they need to be?
Clothing is a cage
Those puppes need freeing
I binged The Perfect Insider because someone mentioned it in the last thread.
It was okay.
Pacing in the second half and the VR pod stuff seemed off. I'm sure a lot of people got hang up on the philosophy stuff, but I thought it was fine.
Her name is Ryouka. Nickname is Ryo-tas. Like Gamo-tan (Gamon) and Myu-pom (Miyuu)
All this ara~ ara~ I want to commit to this officer.
Never tell anyone what you're really thinking
Never heard -tas being used as a suffix before. I may have heard -pom like once before and -tan all the time of course
all this show has going for are the gigantic ryotas, right?
It has mystery. It's very mysterious why they thought it would sell when it introduces ~9 focal characters in one ep and expects you to have enough time to care about more than 1-2 that are on screen for at least 2mins and at max 8.
Obtain breast reduction
Gamo-tan is an urusei yatsora.
They should just pick up at ep3 since WhyNot is frozen in a moment of desperation.
To star in a shit show
She is my virgin/sex/fertility goddess/waifs
I must plant my seed in her
Innies or outties.
Big or small areolas
Big or small nipples
My preference:
Oh god please be inverted I will fap forever
Could you explain as best as possible why innies are so tantalizing? I don't comprehend why you would want nipples you can't pinch to make her squeal softly.
Not him but I can see the appeal. Teasing them until the reveal themselves can be quite nice.
Not the person you were talking to, but I can give you an example why. I dated a girl with inverted nipples and DD breasts and I loved them. My gf was very insecure about them because a bad experience she had with a female doctor, she actually ran out and screamed that her nipples were abnormal and she could never breastfeed. This made my girl uncomfortable and made her hesitant to show her breasts, so I was literally the first person to see them. What made them more appealing is the more I turned her on, the louder she moaned and her nipples would pop out, to me that was a sign I was REALLY turning her on, and she loved it.
That is genuinely interesting information, anons.
Thanks for clearing that up.
its because seeing the nude boob isn't all of it, there's more to it.
you've got innies and they can become normal once excited. they fit well with bigger breasts.
Would you a Sarai?
I don't understand anyone who would fuck a man.
This makes me want milk.
Calm down, we're only 4 episodes in. We know everyone's dead. No one knows why there was a Mass Suicide to begin with and why those ded people are hanging around, how detective-kun knows all that stuff, who he's working for, how do FBI-chan, Zonko, the creepy kid and/or Gamota's dad tie into this.
From episode 2, their emphasis on 'CODE' and preview clues, I'm assuming that there has been a list of those 256 people way before the mass suicide happened, and professor dude has encrypted and hidden it away. That opens a whole new can of questions.
Episode 3, detective-kun actually says あなたのマンガに出てくる刑事ですから, 'I'm the detective who came out of your manga'. That's some strange wording at least. In episode 4, Ryo-tas does have a shadow in some scenes, like when she tapped the decoration thingy. Demon dude knows he's in danger because someone did this to put him in a trap, probably because they want his abilities as shown in this ep, so that's why he's dragging Aria into this. Since she suggested the black magic business, her smile in ep 2 probably means she's going to help him to keep her partner. Question is how she'll meet the gang, because they obviously are connected through Kiri Kiri Basara. She has a handle as well (Black Rose iirc), stated on the official site, which gives away a ton for some reason.
That's off the top of my head. Say whatever you want, but all of this is far from dull. It's better because for the first time I can't guess half the plot from the OP, and this actually seems like it's heading somewhere. LNfags can't spoil this either because there's nothing to spoil. I can't remember the last time I was so hyped for the new episode of a show.
It's probably the most underrated show of the season. It's like Durarara but with more mystery and occult. If that sounds good to you check it out.
>that opens a whole new can of questions
This plot goes through cans of questions like it can't decide which can to use for dinner. Then after a while, there's about 17 cans of questions just lying around, all with a couple of bites taken out of them.
And we STILL haven't figured out what's for dinner.
Yeah, also another difference is that Durarara being a Fantasy story, rules are imposed individually to each character, while Oc9 being more on the SF side, rules are imposed to the world before being imposed to the characters.
It's that additional layer that restricts the possibilities but adds more world-building and consistency that is interesting imo.
The thing that FBI-chan is present in half of if is weird
But it's still 11AM bro
>He doesn't know what dinner is days in advance.
Why is there no "EIGHT" in the ED?
Tas because big tatas.
she just half says it
That is a VERY good question!
Remember that "god" warned us
Not even, try slowing down this .flac that contains the 3 times she says "7 9" moe-desu.com
The half-eight is an auditory illusion
It means she skipped the 8
Because 8 means infinity.
>Hashigami was incredibly interested in Tesla's theories and was either close to or did make a huge discovery tying it to explaining some or all of the Occult.
>God was talking about Tesla and how the park was cursed.
>The park is the same place where all the bodies were found.
>And the reporter actually told Hashigami that all of this would happen based on impresssions she had from her dreams, which he FULLY UNDERSTOOD MEANT SOMETHING.
>And then Hashigami was killed not too long after that.
Are there ANY wasted dialogue or visuals in this show? Is the fucking Vanguard card important? Are we going to find out that it's something like Demon Eater or Saraquel, which will miraculously explain everything? Is the random gate that Gamota tried to open important?
I don't get it.
To make me hard as diamonds.
> Is the fucking Vanguard card important?
the weird kid that "ataked" chi-chan was holdin an album, I guees he is a vanguard player. Other than that, we need to watch more.
> Is the random gate that Gamota tried to open important?
The last one before Sarai found him? I'm going to guess is a random gate or Hashigami's house
What, the professor was the culprit?
I think it's more likely that Hashigami successfully predicted the mass suicide, using scraps of dream impressions picked up from random people he met with on a semi-routine basis and possibly other means.
If the mass suicide was the work of a single culprit or organization, and they knew Hashigami was likely able to pin them, they had him killed.
There's just too much info missing to figure much of anything out. So far, all that's clear is that Hashigami knew SOMETHING, even if it was incredibly vague.
And somehow, he was able to write "CODE", that will be important
Whose tits are those tits?
Why hasn't Sup Forums made a kiri kiri basara site yet?
some fat neckbeard already bought the domain
Her design is absolutely delicious.
Somebody already owns the domain because somehow nobody in marketing thought "we should get this domain BEFORE we release this media that has the domain as an artifact".
The fucker will charge out the ass for it, and then nobody will buy it or do anything with it until it's been too long for anyone to care.
That's brilliant. If he's smart, he won't charge out of ass. He should realize that anime is niche, and with the amount that's released, it's better to make a buck as quickly as possible than to hold on hoping for more.
Nah, this pretty much guarantees that nobody is going to buy it. Sup Forumsnons don't exactly have loads of cash on average and if the marketing staff for O;9 hasn't already bought it then it's not considered something they want.
So I watched the first 4 episodes of this, and I feel like I have no fucking idea what is going on.
Is this normal? Am I just fucking retarded?
>Am I just fucking retarded?
Oh, ;__;
You're probably retarded, but there's so little info about what's going on that even if you COULD figure out some stuff, it wouldn't have gotten you any closer to solving the main mysteries.
Depends on what you mean by no idea. If you haven't solved the mystery that's normal and expected, but if nothing at all is connecting and the show is a bunch of random shit to you, then yeah, you're retarded.
The fact you're even asking this doesn't make me hopeful though.
There are clues everywhere, but I feel that the mystery is going to be explained well at the end, so just keep watching.
If you want, read the past threads, there are so many answers and hipothesis
I mostly just seem to have a hard time understanding why half the characters are even there. Everything seems so disjointed.
Like which characters? It'd take too long to explain every character.
Pretty much everyone not in the kiri kiri crew
>but I feel that the mystery is going to be explained well at the end
That or
>buy the VN to know the conclusion!!!
Being retarded is better than being full of hate tho, at least, even the most insignificant contribution you will make to humanity can't be a negative one.
Well, Sarai is the son of the murder victim who is the figurative and literal key to all of this. On top of that, he's an active poster in the Kiri Kiri's comment section, always "busting" the occult myths.
Aria so far has been responsible for cursing Gamotan and she received the scalp of the professor, so she's also connected to his murder. The "ghost" works for Aria and his out of body experiences introduce us to a mechanic that will apparently be important to the show.
The detective shouldn't really need explaining, he's doing his job. He's interrogated almost the entire cast. His otaku tendencies led him to discover and tip others off about the BL doujinshi which "predicted" the professor's murder. The lady who drew it is obviously important because she depicted the murder scene accurately in her manga before it happened.
The reporter girl has mostly been exposition machine so far thanks to her job and being an admirer of the professor but she's a reader of Kiri Kiri Basara and wants to speak to Gamotan, so we'll know how she's connected better soon. More importantly she's apparently dead or something since she's lost her reflection and isn't being noticed by anyone.
I think that's everyone that's not in the Kiri Kiri crew.
Thanks user that actually honestly helped me plug up a few holes I had. Maybe I ought to do a rewatch. I feel like the pacing of the first episode threw me off a bit.
>tfw Durara dollars still has that website
>There are posts from several hours ago.
And here I thought the place was dead years ago.
>mfw I didn't care for cowtits
>this show
It is making me grow as a human being.
I feel happy too that you grow some nice taste user
>start watching
>Cocoa's voice
Never have I dropped something so fast.
>see casting
>Ayane Sakura
never have I picked up something so fast
If you aren't following what's going on, your primary anime exposure is limited to shows that started airing after 2011 that treat the audience as brain dead schmucks who can't think and need things repeated to them every 5 minutes.
I mean they're obviously all just living in some sort of simulation. Myu-pon's vision in to the future of the terminal cancer patient just indicates that he will just be another piece of data in the sim in 10 years.
The existence of Anonymous;Code basically spoils that twist given they seem to be in the same world. Kind of annoying. In the end I think the timing of the O;9 anime adaptation isn't to promote Occultic;Nine itself but the release of the A;C VN once it connects at the end.
I wasn't even aware of Anonymous;Code.
I honestly just started watching this today and didn't look too much in to the surrounding stuff.
If both of them are dead then how can they buy the coffee??
The premise of A;C is that around 2036 when scientists make a perfect simulation of Earth that makes their own perfect simulation of Earth ad infinitum, they start questioning the legitimacy of their own existence. In truth, A;C's setting is layers of simulation all the way down and all the way up.
If O;9 shares a setting with A;C (which would make sense given several hints so far plus the two belonging to the same series, separate from the SciADV series) then it's almost a given that it has to be set in a simulation.
A;C's protagonist has a SAVE & LOAD ability that allows him to hack the simulation and change world layers, which in a way feels like a more advanced/different application of whatever is going on in O;9.
Only reporter is dead and the coffee was bought by Myu
Maybe you should consider the fact the coffee doesn't project a shadow on her
That coffee is DEAD
mind = blown
>Ghost coffee