Why are latinos so pathetic?
Why do they want so much to be white?
Why are latinos so pathetic?
Because they are white.
Why do weebs want to be Japanese. Japanese is most racist people in the world. Good thing. Yes. -_-
>Because they are white
ah? chicano?
Nah, Criollo from Lima, Peru?
Everyone wants to be white. 95% of anti-white expression is just projected racial anxiety over not being white.
ahahaha chicano
also sice when does peru have whites?
aren't """white"" peruvians actually 50% amerindian?
I don't get it why did the conquistadors and after a while settlers even resorted to fucking smelly brown women?
Their ancestors chose to race mix and now they have no racial identity or future or direction. They cut themselves off from their history and people.
they had no condoms and used them as sex slaves or something, while they also had a white wife
the spaniards went to america for money n fame n sheeit
Yes, but why?
They left their women behind in Spain & Portugal. Then they killed the local men & fucked their women.
>sex slaves or something, while they also had a white wife
Weren't most of them christian? Doesn't this ruin the idea of "marriage"?
-They weren't necessarily bringing European women with them in great numbers
-Mating with the natives confers resistance to both New World AND Old World diseases to your offspring
-muh dik
If you've been fighting and dying for months and some qt3.14 Latina presents her native pussy to you you bet your ass you'd be blowing fat conquistadorial loads inside her every day.
well, they also genocided the natives, that isn't very christian too
Latino just means of latin America, there's many different races there dumbfuck
Because they are smart enough to know to hate niggers.
My cousin is half spic its pretty sad when he tries to convince me that he is white when he has a dirty indian nose and brown skin.
"Hispanic/Latino" is a meme that was invented in the 70s.
They had ALWAYS been white before then. Literally every Mexican, and most other persons of Spanish speaking origin was historically considered to be white in the United States.
another chicano defending their """whiteness"""?
But why what? Because indias are hot, they make your penis hard, and condoms didn't exist back then
> White
Yeah right. Half of them looks like filipinos the other half injuns
Because they made the mistake of thinking that mixing wouldn't mean losing any sense of their history. They thought of it as just combining their histories.
You also just had people that visited, banged some women, then left. Leaving behind mixed children that would be smarter than the indigenous people and wishing they had some connection to a greater history.
Makes me kinda glad for the situation in the US where anyone with the tiniest bit of black blood to them is considered black.
No... you're a stupid American.
Chicanos are Mexican rape babies.
Peruvians are making their own jets and missiles. They're two steps ahead of Chile.
Marinera > Reaggaeton (nigger music)
Because that was the only kind of women available, genius. The male:female ratio of European people was fucked up, since it was mostly men coming here to find adventures.
lmao, you think the average Spaniard back then cared about history?
they were horny and wanted to fuck, and indias were submissive and naked
prove you are white chicanito
We do have white people but we don't think about race that much, niggers are an exception since they're so different and don't adapt to our culture. Here we see money more than everything, and whites happen to be more represented in the upper income classes. That's why people here want to be seen as "white" (whiter skin, blonde hair, blue eyes), it implies you're wealthier.
Example, these people no matter how much money they really have would be thought to be richfags by most at first impression.
typical ameritard
Daily reminder there are no whites in the americas.
We are a proud black continent.
But it is. And it is also very white.
This is what will happen to Europe and North America if white cucks keep the diversity agenda. Next generations are going to be a bunch of mongrels with identity crysis. I speak this with experience, I live in a mongrel shithole. It's hard to be white and polite here in Brazil.
>this is white in chile
They both obviously have indian blood nigger
Those are Mestizo rape babies.
Atleast they whorship us whites though.
Shitty pathetic divide and conquer thread
The memes are real
yet clearly brown shitkins like the guy from the OP claim to be as white as those from your pic
you guys are pathetic
i bet you are an assblasted latino/chicano
I was thinking more about how they wouldn't think about their kids losing a sense of their own history.
Fuck you coons
This Nigger has a clue
White and proud. North Africa is also racist and proud.
>in the US where anyone with the tiniest bit of black blood to them is considered black.
That's what Americans are right about
What kids? You think the white men stuck around to raise their half-breed? top kek
To this day I still can't decide if I should feel proud that our conquistadores fucked an entire continent into mulatolandia, or ashamed.
Ashamed. You should have killed them all, and Spain would still have an Empire.
kek is that you?
you are clearly a mestizo
Well, in that case it weren't your ancestors. Mine were the genocidal rapists
Memes aside, Santiago is subjectively the best (big) city in all of south america.
Be proud. Be horny. Go rape some putas.
Black men are proof that you don't have to have a father stick around in order for a child to be born.
Surely you should be ashamed. You had rich and beautiful continent and turned it into shithole full of stupid shitskinned violent subhuman apes
Ashamed, you dumbfuck. Iberians are terrible colinizers, only in Argentina and Uruguay the Spaniards did a good job and didn't mixed too much with the locals.
> Santniggo
Then the Mestizé is white.
>le rapists
Indias wanted it, no rape was needed.
If they want to act white then let them.
White = Good
lolno, Argentina and Uruguay are somewhat white thanks to early 1900's national governments promoting mass European immigration.
Most white Argentinians don't have any colonial past. Literally every one of my ancestors was still in Europe in the early 1900s. They came here during the First World War, the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War.
Argentina was a mestizo shithole until the early 1900, the whiteness only lasted about 80 years, by the 90s Argentina was a mestizo shithole again
Not for long.
c'mon let's see your true flag cuck
don't hide behind a socialist flag
what's wrong with what he said?
>Literally every one of my ancestors was still in Europe in the early 1900s
Locals were exterminated here tho. But after independance
>They're two steps ahead of Chile
Objectively wrong. Most of our consumer industry is from Chile (except pisco).
People should be encouraged to feel white so they may actually "behave white" and improve themselves and their countries.
Chile is a very good country, there is nothing pathetic about them.
They're honorable whites. Gtfo
Russian in Argentina is synonymous with Jew
(((makes you think)))
How many whites are remaining in Argentina? I've seen in the national census something about 97% of the population beign white. Brazil also had European immigrantion in the XIX-XX centuries, 5.4 million of European arrived here.
Hey if you guys need help in being white you can have my sperm any time.
>How many whites are remaining in Argentina?
~17 million
Colonial mentality. The spanish really, really instilled the hatred of indio blood into them.
Our country is white!
Why do Nazi larpers push Jewish melanin memes? Why do larper Nazi's not bother to do a little research? It's pathetic.
White people come in many shapes, get over it
One of our biggest flaws is that we have almost no identity, being a nation of rape babies left us with little to build upon, the one thing keeping us afloat in my opinion is to be huge money whores, but that won't last forever, sooner or later we'll need some semblance of identity and direction or we're doomed to follow american trends forever.
Chileans are people with inferiority complexes,
you have a good economy, be happy about that, we Argentines pay almost 50% of taxes and we are worse than Sub-Saharan Africa being "whites"
We won't be paying such high taxes for too long
>hurr durr latinos are our allies
why did you post that mongrel?
Unlike Colombia, of course
Both ashamed and proud. Ashamed for genociding, slavery and stealing all the valuable things from America. Proud for creating a new race with your blood, succesful countries,making contact with the people and get rich thanks by them
Global communication and travel are the worst things in the world. They allow the less well off to know how shit they are and makes them want to move and / or be something they're not.
>La Reconquista nunca paso sucio moro de mierda
>meme flag
You're probably a burger yourself.
Atleast China and Russia are helping us.
Both nations are pro-white.
Mestizos. That's the race that you are. Be proud of it.
Shes white
Some of us are white
at least not a CHI
Por dios, esos putos labios de india.
that thing is clearly a mongrel
holy shit you latinos truly are pathetic
>People should be encouraged to feel white so they may actually "behave white" and improve themselves and their countries
That's possibly the most retarded shit I have ever read
> The concept of envy — the hatred of the superior — has dropped out of our moral vocabulary …
> The idea that white Christian civilization is hated more for its virtues than its sins doesn’t occur to us, because it’s not a nice idea. …
> Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible.
> It is Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself.
> Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared.
> The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation.
> The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy.
> Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities. …
~ Joseph Sobran (Sobran’s — April 1997)
estas en lo correcto,negro
>JIDF pushing their divide and conquer tactics
Get gassed
the only whites in latin america are chilenos and cubanos