The absolute state of our country

The absolute state of our country.

When will somebody end us for good.

Other urls found in this thread:ür_Sexualwissenschaft

Holy shit that's bad.

This is actually an American program. We've had it in my state since last year.

Jews are indoctrinating the young.

There was another piece that i can’t find that said they were going to give transgender pupils priority over straight kids in changing rooms and that straight kids would have to wait ouside untill little tranny jimbob is finished dressing to avoid making him/her/it uncomftable.

"How will what two people do in the privacy of their own bedroom affect you?"

-remember that line from shitlibs about 20 years ago?
The slippery slope is real, but I'm sure you all know that by now.
There is no way in hell I would permit psychotic diseased faggots anywhere near my young children.

Oi darlings, you're nicked. You're going down for 25 years no parole.

(((They))) have worked out they need to indocrinate kids young.

The same thing is happening with all the migrants, let in all the refugees, prop them up on state hand outs, they will have kids and then those kids will mix with white kids in schools and thus those white kids will grow up thinking immigration and multiculturalism is A-okay. Now they are doing the same thing with trannys and shit. Its fucking disgusting.

I am not suicidal (yet) but i am beginning to understand why some people kill themselves

Bin that Sup Forums habit!

That can't be real, they're only child, children don't care about sex or sexuality or gender or whatever, what kind of scam is this?

fuck lff with this. I dont see how what two persons regardless of age or gender do in a public bathroom. It hurts no one

I want to fill a folder on stuff like this please dump all you have.


We have conservatives in power that act like liberals and we have liberals that want to be in power that act like even worse liberals.

Is that bigotry I smell?

Don't worry, your liberation in the form of Islam is on it's way

The other day someone said they teach tranny trash to two year olds and I didn't believe them.

One problem they haven't figured out is how to stop the muslims from killing all the faggots.


What a pleasant goy, we're proud of you.

what goes through the mind of the average UK policeman?

Anyone know how to respond to this?

Tired of my sisters using the whole "ITLL NEVER HAPPEN!!!1" argument when I say it let's pedophiles into bathrooms.

Are there any cases of this happening yet?

It's almost like public policy is being formulated by a committee consisting of Liberace and Orwell.

when your countrymen take up arms to overthrow the shackles of tyranny

Why haven't they been killed yet?

what the fuck?
if this isn't fake i'm killing myself tonight.

Converting to Islam is the only way we can save our future as the white race.

Parents go with their kids into the bathroom. If parents are letting their children use the washroom by thenselves

Take up what arms?

>Are there any cases of this happening yet?

Of course. Sup Forums is never wrong:

faggot thinks his opinion matters

>drag queens
Why not actual Transexuals?
Trannies have been neutered by hormones so there's less of a chance for them to rape little Billy or Stacey plus there's nobody better to talk about trans issues.
Some depressed ones might even redpill em and go "Yes kids I cut my wiener off and got a doctor to turn my insides in to form a girl's privates because I was dumb enough to believe Mr.Shekelberg"


You know what mate, I think you're right.

>catholic university
>catholics believe there are only 2 genders
>catholic woman says she believes there are only 2 genders
>gets suspended

At first all I could think was wtf, then I realized it's a school in commiefornia.

Its not fake. Also, please don't kill yourself. We need to fight demographics.

it is real unfortunately.

>the things I do have no effect on other people or society at large

This one doesn't seem too bad though? 16 seems like an okay age of consent.

We deserve to burn.

It's only a matter of time before objecting to two faggots anally fisting themselves on a Catholic church altar is declared a hate crime.

God imagine how embarrassing it must be to be chased by cops like that.
Might even turn myself in to spare me the shame of having some fags in heels chase me for stealing dangerous toilet cleaning utensils.

They tried integrating retarded kids on me in elementary school and they made me so uncomfortable and angry (by being treated differently while I had to follow certain rules) that I ended up resenting them until I became an adult. Forcing kids around things that make them confused or uncomfortable just reinforces their negative experiences with them and double down their negative prejudices.

Whites need to make babies younger and not wait til they're 38

Neo-Weimar is here.
The degeneracy of Weimar had huge part in the rise of the Nazis.
Now is the time for us to don the mantle of the Nazis, and restore our nations to what amounts to sanity. Do not wait for a savior that might now come. Become that savior yourself. Read Mein Kamfp, and seek to mantle Him.

Hail Hitler.

worry not,bro. I won't kms just now. :)


I call dibs on your organs

When I first started browsing Sup Forums in 2011, I never expected them to push this extreme stuff on the population(in this case children) so quickly. I thought they would be trying to do it in like 20 years. How wrong I was. The 'fearmongers' were right all along.


oldfag btw guys

Read Nietszche instead desu.

Dorner where are you now
We need you

In Berlin in 1931, Dora Richter, became the first known transgender woman to undergo the vaginoplasty[45] surgical approach.

This was followed by Lili Elbe in Dresden during 1930–1931. She started with the removal of her original sex organs, the operation supervised by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld. Lili went on to have four more subsequent operations that included an unsuccessful uterine transplant, the rejection of which resulted in death. An earlier known recipient of this was Magnus Hirschfeld's housekeeper,[46] but their identity is unclear at this time.

On 12 June 2003, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in favor of Van Kück, a German trans woman whose insurance company denied her reimbursement for sex reassignment surgery as well as hormone replacement therapy. The legal arguments related to the Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights as well as the Article 8. This affair is referred to as Van Kück vs Germany.[47]

In 2011, Christiane Völling won the first successful case brought by an intersex person against a surgeon for non-consensual surgical intervention described by the International Commission of Jurists as "an example of an individual who was subjected to sex reassignment surgery without full knowledge or consent".[48]

As of 2017 some European countries, mostly eastern, require forced sterilisation for the legal recognition of sex reassignment.[49]"

Most of the degeneracy of this day and age, was first being pushed in Weimar.ür_Sexualwissenschaft

Hitler rose to power for a reason.

Your countrymen are spamming countless threads with Amerigoblins and Ameriorcs and defacing our national leaders and symbols with that 56% face, constantly trying to put us down and make us believe we're not white enough to matter. But I won't do the same for you, because I believe you're a European and you deserve freedom from degeneracy.

Remember this post bongs. I was going to laugh at you and post Paki rape gangs and how your cops are being cucked but I'm not going to. Nobody deserves getting kicked when they're down. It's not the Anglo way.

we need to form a new database of amazing british headlines.

They will use "19 and 16" to get their foot in the door. Give in to them and in a few years it will be "52 and 6."

I still consider myself a newfag. oldfags are pre 2009.

>I won't kms just now. :)
Daww I wanted to suck the juices out of your lifeless corpse while I get to play doctor or puppeteer with it

Wut? Did you even read past the headline, simpleton?

It was family friend inside a home. Very different than a public women's bathroom and stranger trannies.

I'd have an easier time believing it if something other than Breitbart and blogs were posting about it.

Those sources do nothing when you confront a liberal with them. Any local news sources from where it happened?


They want to push it as quickly as possible for whatever there end goal is. the quickest way to do that is with kids, who are oblivious, naive and will believe what anyone in a position of power over them tells them, I.E. teachers.

>implying Islam even supports the refugees
These faggits are a breed of their own, not to mention they literally just went to Europe because some kike told them to

Nobody can learn a thing in a classroom with retards or niggers in it.

No no no no no no no

This cannot be real


I'm really getting tired of being right these days.


preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

My opinions are based on reason and experience therefore isn't prejudice.

Did that child trip over and the parent helps it get up?

>go to Catholic university
>teacher on Ethics and Jurisprudence courses talks about degeneracy, cultural Marxism and Muslim invasion
>take EU English course
>we are watching Nigel Farage videos
>legal English course
>reading about male privilege as a form of domestic abouse
>visibly facapalming
>50 something years old female teacher asks me why
>tell her it's bullshit, feminism is harmful and gender roles are good
>she totally agrees

I love living in poor and uncivilized Eastern-Europe.

Nietszche cannot answer the troubles of our age. 99 percent of us cannot become the overman in the face of the death of god. We must restore the tribal unit and trough that, regain a healthy community and moral set of values in our nations. This is what National Socialists sought to do and reading Mein Kampf has many solid guidelines how to restore the necessary cohesion of our societies.
It is must read material for all of us in this day and age.

So a 19 yo and a 16 yo shouldn't be able to have sex? You realize most advanced countries have the AOC around 15-17 right?

I think the swing to the right has forced their hand, they couldn't envisage pushing their social engineering abominations after a societal shift away from 'progressivism'.

oh yea I forgot


who are you and where do you live

>They want to target two and three-year olds to influence them early
aiem fråm buenios ajres aend eye seigh vee fysicalee remove dem, så to spic

The parents and sympathizers that say kids are intelligent enough to “know what gender they are” and can make that decision for themselves say in so many words their child is old enough for critical thinking and behavior, aka consent. So it’s inevitable and we just have to be ready.

It is. It honest to god is.

>who are you
xxXThe Destroyer of WorldsXxx
>where do you live
Jita trade hub + Stormwind

Das rite white boy kill yourself. Just leave all de white womin to us

Holding out hope until I see an actual source because that's borderline comical

You're attacking your own Tyrone

You think you want them, but you don’t.

link to article?

Cultural Marxist deserve the rope


Time to home school the kids

you deserve this westerncucks

Seems their YT campaign made an impact.

I miss my EVE days :(

Isn't this satire/fake tabloid news?

Why does it say "cathloic" is it not?

The hard part is that they don't seem to have a Hitler to unite the British people, and despite losing a major war and being buried in debt and degeneracy, Weimar republic suffering Germans seem to have been less demoralised than present day British.

Can't wake up

Reminded me or when I was in engineering ethics in college
>Okay class today we brought some accomplished engineers to speak with you about the engineering work force
>Very diverse, some just have their BS, some have masters, some have doctorates
>Some are White, Asian, Indian, about a third are women
>Not a single black person
I find it funny how they literally couldn't find a single black engineer.

It's free now

>Transgendered man
>friend of the family

Well, at least you're tolerant, eh Mom?

Source? it's for homework