>force a meme about americans being racemixed
>grant one hundred million ISIS members total amnesty
Force a meme about americans being racemixed
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Nice proxy amerigoblin
It's just angry unemployed Brits spamming.
get the fuck off this board already faggot I will kill you
if you care so much about white people maybe you can stop the fucking genocide down here
Also, they gave amnesty to 20 million illegal immigrant who just walked across the border and stayed.
Those refugees dont look happy to have job
theyre butt mad that we're only a little over 200 years old and the main world power. they just cant stop thinking and talking about us. it's funny because most americans don't think of them at all.
They can't even save themselves.
Spot on.
This is now a eurocuck hate thread.
The American media is literally the the main culprit of promoting degeneracy
I can confirm this
Yet we can still defy them entirely and elect somebody like Donald Trump. Europe has done nothing similar, if anything they have gotten worse with time. No wonder you draw shitty goblins on the internet to distract yourself.
The only racemixing going on in the UK is with black men and its's always low status women that do this. Europeans are actually still quite racist in regards to who they get in relationships with. And NOBODY breeds with Pakis. It's Americans who are rootless race mixers.
stop consuming it, you bunch of retards. you bitch about us but continuously devour our media culture.
Remember when they thought it's ok to be white was a good idea then looked in the mirror
thom browne is an american fashion designer.
>He's proud his women prefer pakis over him
its okay to be white is probably why they hired you to post here, apu
>Burger reading comprehension
I know you're probably a burger on vacation but it warms my heart to see non-US flags getting sick of this shit as well.
How to shut down Ameirmuts
Say it with me.........
Mr. President
He's right though, 48%. Pakis are the lowest class and nobody goes near them. In America though even your porn industries advocate white genocide. cough perri piper cough
This is divide and conquer, right you fucking jews?
What’s going on here?
>No u
whenever a south african white genocide threads pop up its always americans volunteering to show up and shoot kaffirs, europeans are mysteriously absent or try to shill for diplomatic solutions as if we havent tried that already
>Pakis are the lowest class and nobody goes near them.
One word
>hired you to post here
It's really not it's Europeans realising they are the only whites left on earth Americans aren't white
>elect someone like Donald trump
He's a civic shill and more of a lolbertarian he would never use his power to actually do anything.
Not to mention he's a fucking moron
>treating fetish industries like some authority
Maybe this is why you're in the mess you're in.
Your 50% now though so it's not really an argument against us
God fucking damn it, pic is fucking Westbahnhof.
Shills. Every fucking thread now has at least 5 id's posting and ((((fighting)))) each other with
Ect Ect posts
He's better than anyone you will elect in 100 years. I guarantee that considering you'll probably have a caliphate sultan within the next 50.
Whiter than you Muhammad.
We got your back home slice!
It's the fucking kikes playing off european insecurity
>whenever a south african white genocide threads pop up its always americans volunteering to show up and shoot kaffirs
They volunteer on an anime image board they dont actually fly to South Africa you daft cunt are you mentally ill
Yeah this is true, there's only one sket I know that prefers blackmen and ironically she's a 2nd gen Kraut
All the other women that I know well prefer whites of some degree
g-G-give w....h...i.....t....n....e...sssssssss
I love this meme so much
How are they going to shoot anything with no guns?
Quiet gayreek.
You elected a nigger,
But you see you're not though
Would you swim in a swimming pool that had a single drop of shit in it
Every little bit helps
Send them some of your attack spoons nigel or are you not allowed to send assault weapons in the mail
Sup Forums has a track record of volunteering for a lot of things and not actually doing much.
I'm not even mad about the amerimutt meme. Pic related is, in the face of the mongrel horde, what nu euros have become.
A black majority country where no shits are given about refugees from big , unstable congo, aka DRC.
Many of them claim to be congolese, but come from Burundi
And they do not even bother going to neighbouring Tanzania, rwanda or said burundi.
Remember me you greasy roach cunt
How've you even got the balls to come on pol pretending to be white Ive seen your arm mate I know what you are
Using an Asian women in Asia to try and call a Swedish guy an Ahmed
Good try though
American Sup Forums meet up
>actually happened
It's how the average nonwhite (european) is born.
I would rather vacation in America.
Probably because you're a passive aggressive bitch boy who finally has an outlet for your insecurity
Your country is worthless because it has been infested by cowards like you
Whoah dude, chill.
This amerimutt meme has proven one thing: America really is bottom of the barrel tier when it comes to banter now.
Bet you wish you'd never taken part in all those /trump/ generals now, huh? Enjoy being the laughing stock of the board for the next while lads, happens to the best of us.
>spam drawings
>"this meme is forced"
>ramble about banter
Translate mate I cant read noodles thrown at a window
The only banter employed by euros is talking about how others can't take the banter.
Don't throw your broccoli out of your highchair babyboy. I've literally never posted the meme before but you're tempting me to start just to keep insecure porkers like you tantruming. Get a sense of humour.
>EU memeflag
Like clockwork
It's not any more forced than anything else here. Where do you think you are? Sup Forums is now:
>something vaguely funny is made or reposted
>it's spammed everywhere
>becomes meme of the month
>everyone moves on afterwards
This is the most accessible and mainstream board of Sup Forums now, I hope you aren't expecting original or quality content.
Not really, although a lot of British people are really shit at taking banter from Ireland/France/Germany because they're autists
Banter is a word just meaning to demand tolerating my rudeness. Please don't pretend to be Australia.
The anti-American sentiment present on this board is getting out of hand, and quite frankly I believe this is a forced meme.
the amerimutt thing is pretty shitty tbqh. Sup Forums cannot meme and instead thinks that forcing something works. they desperately want to make a spurdo tier meme, but they're all too retarded to understand why spurdo gained popularity in the first place. the funny thing is that it's bongistanis that are the ones that most often post it
>Bet you wish you'd never taken part in all those /trump/ generals now, huh?
Literally this. The most sensitive people on this board by far are contained in trumpgen. I stopped going in those threads once I saw what they were doing to people.
I'm kind of getting the feeling that there are a lot more people on this board incapable of taking a jab. When I was younger, my friends and I would talk shit about each other all the damn time, and no one would cry. Times change I guess.
>it doesn't matter if I'm HIV+ because you have AIDS
Got more?
Is as forced as poo in loo, mongolians, roaches, moors or cucks. Grow a spine you fucking faggot, it's banter. Are memes hurting your feelings or something?