Why are you racist white crackers so racist? Racism is fucking stupid, yet you stupid white crackers always are racist

Why are you racist white crackers so racist? Racism is fucking stupid, yet you stupid white crackers always are racist

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because society has been trying to treat niggers like human beings, which they're obviously not.

Cause they are poor and uneducated. Poor and uneducated people are highly racist statistically speaking.

Why is u racist tho

Celt DNA


Sage and hide slide threads.

Americans nowadays either looks like pic related or are mutts

huge chance they're mutts

they don't have noble physical characteristics like Argentinians

>says we are racist and that racism is stupid
>calls us crackers

cryptome.org/2017/10/intercept-docs.htm ask the wrong questions, get the rote answers. who benefits from yer fagitry? yes, op, you are a faggot.


You said the "R" word 4 times. Fuck off

You're wrong. They are.

Excuse Mr Nigger. But it’s 2017. The proper nomenclature is Saltine American. Get with the times you fucking cave man. You’re on the wrong side of history.

t. piddino

Nope. White and digusted by ANY political party here. But i probably spotted an eurofascistello.

Let’s see. Libtards are the ones who believe blacks aren’t smart enough to earn a degree so we have “affirmative action”. Libtards are the ones who believe blacks don’t have the ability to earn their own housing so we have “Section 8” housing. Libtards are the ones who believe that if we just took everyone’s guns away blacks would stop killing each other. I could go on and on, but somehow it is libtards that call us racist.



I'm not racist I only hate Jews.

Hmm so rich people who can afford tutors and extracurriculars are really equal with the poor who don't have this resources? Quit being a covert 1488 faggot larper

it cuz i scare of spici food

Ah the "tfw too smart to vote" poster.
Proprio no. I strongly dislike the EU

You realize the poor of today in the West live more securely than kings like 200 years ago?

I remember when I kicked the shit out of my first nigger. I was just 9 years old but I knew I had to put the animal down for the good of society. Die OP you fucking faggot

Why do ALL and I do mean ALL shitpost/low effort threads have a Canadian or Fake flag?

Why are you racist >white crackers
So racist?

How dense are you?