Most people on this board grew up probably in the 80s or 90s. I've been digging up a lot of nostalgia lately about my hometown that I'm pretty sure others will feel too.
Back then, there was a different feel to your towns. Maybe there were more whites and it wasn't as infested with niggers/refugees. People acted nicer back then. See:
Not just the people, but something I've been really digging at in my mind is the architecture around us was different. Buildings have changed businesses, torn down completely, or maybe they've stayed the same. The town you know 20 years ago is not only different by the people, but your surroundings too.
Even something simple like this old Taco Bell, pic related gives me those old feels. There used to be a building in my town just like this, but they tore it down and built a brand new Taco Bell across the street in the early 00's. I can't find any photos of the old one online because it was so long ago, other than ones that looked similar to it in other towns across America.
Everyone was out on the streets helping each other dig out their cars and front doors. Best winter ever, you'll never see the gigantic goddamn snowcastles made at my school. Also we weren't run down by natives or Chang yet so everyone was happy and helpful
Henry Brooks
I do prefer the old Pizza Hut logo. Looks more classy.
Isaac Powell
>From a shit 60% black town in south carolina
yeah fuck off with your "home town feels" bullshit. when I think of where I grew up it feels like gonorrhea of the mind.
Jaxson Thompson
Read the rest of my posts, it's not just about the people.
Surely where you're from there's been a few dozen businesses/parks that you can never visit again because they're either been torn down, remodeled, or replaced with something else.
Sounds super comfy ;u;
Ethan Diaz
>a few hundred refugees cant noticeably change your home town kid
Bullshit, that's all it takes to ruin a town. If there is "just one more" minority in your town, it gives you great reason for alarm. If you have a spic family one year on your block, there will 3 more next year. They are calling down to their buddies in the third world shit hole they came from to feed off white culture. Spics will take over entire blocks, ruining your house value and forcing you to sell at a loss to the oncoming tide of spics.
This is why they coined the term "White Flight". If there is even so much as "one more" minority than the token negro family that runs around in your otherwise white town, you get ready to pull the plug and get the fuck out. Minorities literally FLOOD areas where they think they have a shot. They infest like roaches would.
Smart whites have a tolerance level. Many are quietly saying internally, "If I see one more nigger in this town, I'm out of here." I've seen many conservative towns in the South get taken over by liberal women who pave the way for minority floods and the subsequent downfall of the area.
Jack Perez
Detroit is one of the biggest examples of that.
My hometown is also in Michigan, and has still stayed at 90% white. However, it used to be 95% in 2000 according to the census. The towns been doing "renovating" over the past 10 years to try and attract bigger businesses and expand, and I'm afraid it'll take away from the comfy feeling the town's had while I was growing up.
Cooper Perry
Back then fast food actually tasted good and was cheap. Now it's overpriced garbage where the quality and service has gone to shit. This is apparently normal for younger people.
Justin Lopez
True, true. Once your town starts to be "more attractive" to business, etc it will start pulling in Leftists.
Leftists ruin all that they touch. We see this in the Southern US. The rural south was at one time very racist and white. Little by little, a dynamic came into play. Pussy Liberals from Boston, New York, etc went to Florida in the 1980s and spread their liberal ideology. Florida was once a very hostile place before air conditioning. The pioneers that went there in the 70s made it into a paradise. After the liberal faggots went to Florida, it became infested with Niggers.
Now the Florida "Half backs" are moving up to North Georgia and North Carolina and moving into sleepy, all white southern towns. They can live like Kings and Queens because they come from stronger economies.
What they effectively do is skyrocket real estate, forcing working class whites to live in poverty. Then comes higher and higher tides of niggers and spics to do landscaping and cashiering for the newly planted Leftists. Spics love these areas because of the construction and landscaping jobs.
And the Leftists vote in lots of GIBs programs because, after all, They're fucking stupid and have no foresight. Soon, your town will have a brand new welfare office and vans running niggers around to their fast food jobs. That is the beginning of the end.
Then comes a Super Wal-Mart, and right around that time, your town is fucked. It is now a degenerate shit hole.
This dynamic forces out working class whites from a harmonious town. You have to go to places that have a natural barrier like cold weather or a rugged location. If your town is "too easy", then it will be on a Top Ten list of "Greatest towns to live in the US!" and then there will be a flood of liberals and minorities who will fuck up everything you hold dear.
Chase Allen
>tfw ywn eat McDonalds McDLT ever again ;_;
Something like this happened with Saginaw. Niggers & spics moved in after the manufacturing boom and the town was growing, but now it's an absolute shithole (at least on the East Side). You would think because it gets so fucking cold up in Michigan it'd drive them away, but nope. Niggers too poor to move out, and rely on dem gibs now.
Caleb Morgan
This is how it starts, with faggots like you.
Next thing you know you're a minority. Happened to me. We've got another 19k refugees coming to my county to seal the deal.
Jeremiah Gray
I feel like its moved to fancier chains, now In N Out, Five Guys, Chipotle etc. make the money and hire the talent and the fast food of yesteryear has gotten sad. McDonalds is where you go to indiscriminately fill up, you won't remember it in 10 min but you usually won't get screwed.
Del Taco for instance had the worst fall of my lifetime, when I discovered it in say 2006 I want to say, felt like I got into some secret gem, big delicious burritos and macho tacos were the bomb and tasty cherry cokes with some lemon.
Lemons all old and wilted, cokes suck, need to spend 6 bucks just to get a sub-Chipotle burrito. Taco Bell has become the place where you go to either be frugal or try something stupid or wacky. Got sick the last time I went there though, really beginning to hate it.
I could go on but thats my little food story.
Jaxon Smith
Businesses like Panera Bread and Culvers which are a little step-up, but not full on Olive-Garden-diner-style are really popular for sure. I appreciate your little story. ;u;
Pic related is one of the Arby's from my hometown. Still pretty nice, I hope they never tear down that classic sign.
Charles Jackson
What's he doing?
Isaiah Barnes
These modern logos always have the text/image swerving up and to the right, like a great swoosh of speed. What sort of in-depth psychological analysis prompted these aesthetic changes?
Jeremiah Cruz
>goes on Sup Forums >finds some random amerifat posting about tacobell
Dylan Evans
>You would think because it gets so fucking cold up in Michigan it'd drive them away
Cold alone will not drive niggers away. If there is critical mass of Niggers, they will form a Nigger Infestation like bees will. After all, government GIBS are now on the federal level in many cases.
Nigger Infestations are less common in places like Montana, Maine and Alaska as you have a harsh environment that is also rural. Thus the Shame factor is much higher. You can't simply walk into town and receive GIBS as you will be shunned. Small towns of whites take great pride in "work" and everybody doing their part. Everybody has their eyes on everybody else. It's much harder to be a degenerate.
You have to be careful to remove Nigger/Spic culture from a town. Strongly discourage it. When I was a kid in New England, McDonalds came to town and you wouldn't believe the rage and uproar at the time. They would run ads in the newspaper of trash along the road in other towns that got McDonalds. There were hundreds of editorials on "New England Life" and how we couldn't allow this. Most of us young kids in the 80s thought the adults were overreacting. We thought McDonalds would be cool. Now I am wise and realize that when McDonalds and Wal-Mart comes to your small town, you're fucked.
You can hate upper New England for having a shitty economy and cold weather but it does keep nigger infestations down. They need that degenerate culture to survive. Dey need dair MacDubbles and Walbmats. Take that away and they have little incentive. They don't want to eat at "Some Mom and Pop Dinner Owned by Whites" as they have to risk racism. They can't easily shame the owners for a Nigger Chimp Out on social media. Often a town will rally around the white dinner owners if nigs do try to chimp out.
If a town is full of corporate logos, all a Nog has to do is Chimp Out on Social media and the corporation will bow down to Leftist demands.
Robert Morgan
My guess it's part of "dynamic logo design" and by adding a bit of an angle, it makes it more interesting to look at. It makes them look like they're moving. The old logos were more horizontal, and static.
I don't always think angled logos are the best solution, in my opinion. There's some sort of feel you get from the old ones that I just can't place with the new ones. Maybe has to do with color scheme too.
Nicholas Ramirez
My hometown is basically the shire; it's almost completely insulated from the inane bullshit of the modern world. Not a single chain store except a dollar general that was put in literally just now; no fucking mickey dees or burger king. Town is pretty much 99% white. Nothing ever happens unless some faggot from another town shows up. It's god damn comfy but I know that with my generation out the door and the previous generation getting old with nothing to replace it it's pretty much doomed.
Landon Robinson
Sounds like the tiny town my dad's from. All there is is a dollar general and some mom n' pop restaurants. I'm afraid that place is too small, with millennials wanting to move out to something bigger, for it to continue on for much longer.
I see what you mean, for sure. Though every town's story is a little different. Where I'm from, fast food & a large grocery store (Meijer) seemed to always be there for me so it wasn't necessarily that. The town's wanting to expand more with adding hotels and bigger buildings to downtown. I just saw on the daily news how there's plans for YET ANOTHER hotel...
Dylan Perry
I personally think there will be massive White Flight into ultra rural areas in America. By that I mean "not even Wal-Mart or McD's".
Firstly, many whites can make money on the internet. Secondly many whites are resourceful for doing semi-homesteading. They are more inclined to grow their own food; fix their own house and maybe raise chickens, etc. It's that Pioneer Spirit that won America.
Secondly, Niggers rely on corporations to spread Leftist Ideology. Once a corporation (eg: McDs, Wal-Mart) comes to your town and displaces white businesses, it's prone to affirmative action and social media on the national level. Whites are going to soon figure out that their last stand will be from rural, untouched pockets of this great land. Let Leftist Racer Traitor Whores and Nig Nogs infest the cities and let the cities fall.
I predict Gen Y and Z will eventually move towards the rural lands and embrace minimalism. It's already happening. San Francisco is a SHIT HOLE full of homeless people and nobody who works for Silicon Valley will admit it anymore.
It order to take back our country from (((their grip))) we must crush the banking system; Hollywood and Silicon Valley. We do this by going back to our white routes and shunning degeneracy.
Heil Hitler.
Levi Brown
Live Free or Die
Thomas Morris
>Came here to post this.
Nigger loving shill faggot.
Luke Stewart
You are already missing what’s happening.
Urban centers are rapidly gentrifying, older whites and whites that prefer rural living live way out on the outer edge of metropolitan areas
What is forming now is a donut of shit that you find in Europe. City centers will be very desirable and wealthy and so will far out suburbs
But the inner ring of suburbs where the working poor will be stuck living will decline. Suburban areas from the 1940’s -1980’s will become the new ghettos as the city poor continually get displace but still have to live close enough to the center for work and public transport
Newer fat pit buRBs built in the last 25-30 years will stay nice as they are too far for the poor to live in and make money
Joshua Moore
we have lost the inocense ,the right to be ignorant of the evil of the world
Its all about money these days. Its cheaper to just to build soulless structures. When I was a kid I lived in a town that had a major building boom in the early 1900s. The buildings are all brick and have arches in the doorways and the bridges have actual designs to them. After I left they removed all the perfectly functioning steel lamp posts and replaced them with fiberglass poles that rattle and squeak in light winds. You can tell exactly where the old town stops and the new town began. Its just easier and cheaper to build a dull ass box with shitty vinyl siding.
The worst thing is when they try to go for the look of the old'n days and they use shitty plastics materials that try to look like brick and wood. Disgusting.
Asher Hernandez
I remember op, I remember.
Oliver Scott
Those dynamics are credible. There is gentrification and a push to move whites to the city center as blacks infest the suburbs.
Still, having lived in Atlanta, I saw first hand what happens when the city decides to put a MARTA station in a previous white neighborhood. It doesn't matter if "Only Whites can Afford to Live There." Blacks will still be shipped in daily to work there. In less than a decade, blacks will infest the area. A subway station built in your town is like sticking a dirty needle in your arm.
You act as if there is some magical barrier in the city to keep out niggers. That is only in the very tip-top white neighborhoods where politicians and celebrities live.
Take the rural model and now the niggers have to own and operate a vehicle. That is a huge burden for them now since they can't chimp out on public transport. Any city that offers public transport may as well but up a huge banner that reads "Niggers Now Welcome!"
Whites can't afford to risk living any place there is public transport. It's a form of socialism. The rich paying low IQ niggers to infest their city. That is why I have a list of "Nigger Repellent" options for where I'll raise my white family.
>No Walmart, Taco Bell or McDonalds >No public transport >Welfare office is really shitty, run down and poorly staffed with racists >No public housing projects on the books >Strong community atmosphere where whites openly gather without fear of shame >Cold area with little "tourist appeal" that repels Baby Boomers and retirees (who themselves drug niggers along with them to support their lavish lifestyle) >Fertile land to grow my white family from my white wife's large warm breasts. >Gates of the town read "arbeit macht frei" and residents freely fly Nazi Flag without fear of repudiation.
PS: Gas all Kikes. Race War Now.
Jeremiah Campbell
Those are beautiful. ;u; There's something similar with my hometown: However, this is all from a time I've never lived in. I've never seen some of these businesses before because they were all replaced by the time I was born.
I feel ya man. My towns just a big mish-mash of mostly new, but some random spots of old architecture. Oldstyle architectural revival when?
That looks so cool ;_;
Juan Reyes
I take it you have never been to Anchorage. There are niggers and wetbacks everywhere. Also huge number of philipino gangs and some fat Pacific islanders. If you think you can get away from brown by going in the woods there remember your on native land competing for resources with a people that are not you and we're there first.
Asher Collins
Architectural design today mimics design on the internet. Research Skeuomorphism vs Flat Design.
Apple caught hell for making MacOS flat and utterly soulless. But guys like Johnathon Ives are going for more flat design arguing that skeuomorphism is "getting in the way of information". In other words, you don't need a 3D trashcan icon on your computer desktop, just a dull gray silhouette of one since you've understood this concept of "trashing files" from birth (Gen Z, I'm looking at you.)
Steve Jobs argued for Skeuomorphism back in the dawn of the Mac because there had to be a way to convert Normies from the real world to operating inside a computer screen.
Now come back and relate to that to architecture. Everything is cheap and boring as Price is King. People want their Services; their Information and their Experiences. And any artistic element is thrown out for that quest.
The old society designed buildings of beauty because "art" was a huge part of living. In the modern day, "knowing" or "experiencing" (aka: eating cheap food with friends) is given more weight. Thus everything around us is cheap in that quest for more Quantity, rather than Quality.
Human Greed at its worst.
Aaron Gomez
>There are niggers and wetbacks everywhere. Nope, you are erecting a straw man argument and ignoring what I said.
Niggers infest large cities because cities are liberal by nature. That means Anchorage, Portland and Boise. I doubt seriously that Niggers go up to the northern lands where survival is much more difficult.
You need cold AND rural areas to fully repel niggers. they work in numbers gain footing in an area. Cities naturally support this kind of infestation. That is why it's now critical for whites to move to small rural areas and regroup; raise white families and prepare for the day of rope.
Noah Evans
Is that a casino now?
Isaiah Ross
That is something I've noticed a lot with OS and website design.
It's strange, sometimes I like the rather flat designs, but that's when it comes to logos and packaging design (reminiscent of the 60's and 70's I would say). More dynamic designs should be part of architecture like you said.
Jeremiah Thomas
Reminds me that McDonalds hasnt changed their logo in decades. Also Subway brought back their old logo.
James Davis
Guessing Midland. I have definitely noticed more black and middle eastern people.
Anthony Nelson
Very cool! I love old pictures and the stories behind them. A lot of the buildings pictured on the Vintage Portland site were torn down, including pic related which is now an industrial wasteland.
Hunter Ward
yeah, shame when it closed, too old, not worth paying to fix it up. nah, they just closed it down, it's not the casino, I think it is just sitting there vacant now unless it was scrapped, idunno.
Wyatt Cooper
The real joke is that they tabledance during school and will do so after school as well. Such is life.
Wyatt Reyes
your missing the point the white man is a hated minority in Alaska there is a very small population center conmected to a few small towns. The only way to get to rual Alaska is by plane or to walk. there are many native vilages all surviving on welfare and would collapse instantly if I stopped flying in frozen pizzas, soda pop and 5 gal buckets with lots of tomato paste so they can make home brew jug. You have no idea what your talking about.
Ryan Ramirez
I saw one like this in DE recently was pretty cool and old school
Christopher Bennett
I think this is why I like the Manjaro desktop. It just feels cozy.
Isaac Ward
can any designfags/architectfags let me know why there was a change from cool building designs to basically just boxes these days? it's something that always made me think whenever i'd see an old place get tore down and a new "box" erected in it's place. is there a lack of imagination? or just economics at work? thanks bros.
Caleb Gray
Technically it has changed, just very slightly. Pic related you may see this logo with the text on old signs and such, but it hasn't been used officially since 2006.
>Something that beautiful is no longer there The feels ;_;
Yup, I mentioned Midland in another one of my posts. Fuckin' Dow, man.
There's still few of those signs, but just not many throughout the country anymore. They're pretty rare. Same with the old Taco Bell building design I posted in the OP.
Lincoln Sanchez
It's almost as if you were young and naive and that the world was always shit
Cameron Jones
45000 refugees are admitted every year in the US
Cameron Peterson
No there were less Mexicans growing up. go to any primary school now and you will not find one white male.
Liam Diaz
that fat subway guy lost weight chasing little kids
Josiah Gonzalez
Sounds like you need to move out the city breh
Jaxson Rodriguez
I know 20k people in my town are just too many.
David Gonzalez
Downtown Toronto was a lot cooler in the 80s and 90s. Before it got really expensive, it was a lot sleazier, full of dive bars and neon. Fucking great party town.
Luke Walker
>a few hundred refugees cant noticeably change your home town kid being this naive is the reason we have the problem that we do in this country. these fuckin mexis do not come in twos, threes, and fours. they come in 20s and 40s, they do not believe in birth control and they multiply like fucking cock roaches.
also, anyone who would say that a few hundred migrants cannot ruin a town has never sold a house for a loss due to the demographics of a neighborhood changing. takes one family of fuckers to mess the whole thing up.
Matthew Johnson
The logo's slightly different, but I do appreciate reverting back to the old style. It makes me happy. ;u;
Isaac Roberts
the propaganda to get young people out of their towns and into large cities is insanity. i was born and raised in one of the largest cities in the country, and i constantly meet people who just moved "a month ago" to pursue their "dreams" here and its really fucking depressing, because this city has nothing to offer you except depression and working a bullshit service job because everyone else has the same fucking dream as you.
Xavier Green
I'll give it to you since you appear to live there and I don't. But hopefully there are some whites making their own way outside the welfare villages.
Alaska is a bad example perhaps because all the people are on Petroleum Welfare. Still, I maintain that whites should find pockets of rural seclusion before The Big War starts. Maybe holed up in the Canadian territories.
That's why all these zombie shows are popular. We will have a Zombie Apocalypse. It's just that the symbolic zombie on TV is meant to prepare you for what happens when Leftists gain ultimate control. They will simply eat and kill each other until the plague is over. You have to wait it out. What does every zombie movie tell you to do? Go out to the country and wait it out until the zombies kill each other. That's how we save the white race. Let their own violence work in our favor.
Aiden Carter
The OP video is so pure
Daniel Harris
>A subway station built in your town is like sticking a dirty needle in your arm. B A S E D A S E D
Parker Young
This guy's post is more about web/OS design, but I feel like maybe it'll help.
Millennials are more thinking about their own career dreams rather that finding a good place to raise a family. It's a shame, really.
Easton Robinson
its not there anymore.
Hunter Jones
Like this old logo? Oregon used to be an ethnostate
Anthony Taylor
I feel like no one's talking about your video. It's exactly what I remember interactions were like, extremely happy, everyone doing well, in a good mood, jobs available. God damn America used to be the best.
Bentley Turner
Just shack up in rural Kansas. Leftists won't win here if you're outside and major city. You're safe.
Bentley Ortiz
What we need to do is fight to save our home towns before they are destroyed. Anytime you get an influx of new population they want to remake your town into what ruined theirs as soon as the new people are the majority. But what made them leave their towns to begin with. Alaska is full there is huge competition for remaining resources if you wanted to live off the land and someone before you allreday has bunting fishing mining right with the family structure to back up their claim. best way in that I see white men doing is knocking up native girls.
Colton Johnson
Probably one of my favorite videos on the internet. Funny thing, the guy did a follow-up video in the same place in 2014. Things are
All this was the boomers world. So can we stop hating on boomers? They did their best, not their fault millenials chose a different route.
Jace Martinez
Ayeyo Gibsmedat
Elijah Bell
>grow up in small New England jewish town in the 70s >come back in the 00s >not much has changed, actually, except there's a fucking mosque there now
At least I convinced my old man to start carrying again. Fuck.
Gavin Morales
No it wasn't they grew up in it sure but they are the ones who helped push the civil rights movement and rebelled against the nice small towns they grew up in then became cooperate leaders after their hippie phase.
Ryan Brooks
Charles Sullivan
Lincoln Perez
There's a fucking Islamic Center in Midland now too. I don't remember that shit growing up. ;_;
Bentley Hill
My folks were like, "I work with somebody that goes there, and she invited us to come for services!"
>mfw, "Uh, sounds great."
Ryan Brown
Saving this thread so I can read it later.
Thanks for the memories op. It was fun while it lasted.
Jace Young
tfw you'll never be in a Mortal Kombat Tournament anymore. We'd have a tournament at our Arcade every Friday and it was like pic related, winner would get $50 in tokens, basically freeplay. As the years went on they'd change it to whatever fighting game was hot at the time until the nigs and spics came in and started fistfights. They closed down a few years after that, then it turned into a deadmall a few more years after that.
Luke Flores
I remember when Pizza Hut was actually good. The pizza in a pan at your table...dim, candlelit dining rooms. The big red cups of soda. It is so disgusting now, I cannot even eat it.
Adam Ortiz
I grew up in Midtown Kansas City. It was already a diverse neighborhood with working class Italians, Irish, Germans, Latinos and even some Blacks. Then in the early 2000's the city put in some section-8 housing and the crime increased and most of the White people moved away. It's now a mostly Latino and Black neighborhood. Which is a shame, because there were a lot of Latinos there when I was growing up, and they were all hardworking people. Now when I drive by the house where I use to live the Blacks stare at me and give me dirty looks.
Ian Ross
I understand, I had family in the grosse pointe woods and st clair shores area. Now they have almost all moved out, and the negro is even moving in there. Probably 15-20% black now. So sad. And they always use the term "changing neighborhood"
Ayden Moore
Sure thing, leafbro.
There's something special about playing video games with people actually present rather than online.
Some of those buildings still exist. There's an old-style one here, but I can't imagine eating inside cause anytime I've gotten carry-out pizza there, there's always a bunch of niggers having birthday parties.
Ryan Lopez
I grew up in what was basically a wellfare ghetto that spawned several known immigrant gangs a few years after we moved otherwhere
Landon Kelly
That is the one that was in STL, right? I remember going there on field trips.
Henry Bailey
Suburban New Englander here. Can confirm that most of this is spot on, especially this My town is expanding at an alarming rate as a result of touting itself as "business friendly," in addition to the cost of nearby-city-living going through the roof, so minorities are fleeing to the suburbs where living is much cheaper. While the rate of business/economic growth is minimal at best, the population, esp. as it pertains to immigrants/minorities, is seemingly skyrocketing, at least that's what is reflected by the demographics of the local school system (I graduated in 2010). The local council has been taken over by leftists who are bending over backwards to appease new citizens rather than those who have lived here for decades, if not their whole lives, and simultaneously leaving zero opportunities for the youth, thus driving the youth away. Really sad to see what's happening in this once-community-oriented town.
Sebastian Martin
That is funny you mention niggers being in Pizza Huts...because the last time I was in one, there was a group of about 7 of them. They were arguing with the manager, screaming at the top of their lungs because they were being asked to leave. All of them were eating off of the buffet and only 2 of them actually paid. They were just going up, grabbing like 9 pieces of pizza and handing them out.
Jaxon Perez
I grew up in Midtown Kansas City. Where I lived was already a diverse neighborhood with working class Italians, Irish, Germans, Latinos and even some Blacks. Then in the early 2000's the city put in some section-8 housing and the crime increased and most of the White people moved away. It's now a mostly Latino and Black neighborhood.
Samuel Baker
Same thing happening with where I am right now. It's only going to get worse if things aren't changed around.
What is it with niggers thinking that "Can I Speak to a manager" and acting as obnoxiously as possible will make anyone respect them?
Henry Collins
Because it works with most White people who have built-in White guilt. There's always an excuse, and the excuse is usually something like, 'Your people oppressed my people for over 400 years!'
Eli Adams
>Everything is cheap and boring as Price is King. People want their Services; their Information and their Experiences. And any artistic element is thrown out for that quest.
I'll add another aspect to that. Architecture changed worldwide starting between 68-71. Those dates are not by accident, it was Bretton Woods - closing of the gold standard and moving to pure debt-money scenario. One of the aspects of 'inflationary money' is that long-term projects can no longer be completed at a nation-wide scale. Its too difficult to forecast and budgets are too difficult to maintain. Hence, modern architecture is all stamped out of same mold: particle board slapped together using same plans no matter if KFC, Bank, Dr's Office, Church, etc. Rome to 1971 was built with gold. 71 onwards has been built with paper. The results are plain to see.
Chase Watson
My hometown was once a beautiful place, the pride of the North of England...
Carson Foster
recently some atheist thugs vandalised Christian statues in my hometown. im not christian nor are most people, but unlike in america and western europe, pretty much everyone respected christianity and christian architecture/symbolism as part of our bloody history.
those times are changing. why the fuck would people destroy these places? even black gangsters respect christianity, even if just a little
Aaron Cook
When I was growing up, Van Nuys Blvd. In Los Angeles was where white kids and groups cruised in their cars and hung out. No crime. No problems. All fun.
Now it's one of the worst Mexican filled and crime riddled pissholes in all of L.A.
So fucking sad.
Dominic Nelson
Mono no aware.
Jeremiah Martinez
>They did their best No they didn't They fucked up everything their parents, "the greatest generation" left them