Why can't modern anime make romance as captivating as this was?
Video Girl Ai
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I always thought Ai was a blondie.
>nostalgiagoggles thread
No nostalgiagoggles required, it's genuinely a far better romance than 99% of the romance anime released in the last 10 or so years.
Monogatari was the pinnacle of any romance ever made, animated or otherwise.
All other animators realise they cannot beat it, so they don't even try.
>obvious bait
this thread again...
Katsura is so shit in romance that he has to use the 'memory loss' card and then the bad/maniac/crazy guy to make the mc looks like a hero.
Wasting your time with this guy, this was his first romance drama series so he doesnt know better.
Thanks for the (You).
I see you're the moron from the last thread. Sorry, but you're completely incapable of forming a proper critique; sorry, but you'll need to go further than highlighting "cards" if you're going to persuade anyone.
You're just too stupid.
You have to read manga to find captivating romance. There are many great ones out there.
Nice post, senpai!
>Why can't modern anime make romance as captivating as this was?
because DNA^2 was better and that model was copied instead of this inferior piece of dogshit
For morons like yourself, sure.
Liked the show's fashion sense.
>trying anime-is-dead over Video Girl Ai of all things
It's nothing special on any front, nigger.
i S was better
It's a far better romance than anything released these days. It's further proven by your inability to post anything other than pure idiocy.
If you think this is better than S&W your taste is fucking terrible.
What a persuasive argument.
I guess it's all idiots like yourself are capable of; baseless claims, no brain to back them up.
Great OVA.
what's your argument? that it's just 'better?' solid point. fuck off
What argument? It's an expression of opinion; one you're trying to dispute, but clearly too stupid to do so.
All you can say is "n-no u". You're the definition of a retard.
Because it won't suit your tastes and sensibilities as well
romance mangos are shit. all the good animes are adaptations of eroge.
You just don't get it.