This show is gay as fuck.
This show is gay as fuck
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so is everything this season, get over it
Not as gay as this.
It's only gay if you pretend the Saniwa is male.
>not watching prison faggots
A dude painting his nails is nothing compared to some of the shit airing this season, m8.
He's jealous Kashuu will never paint his nails. Tbh i want him to paint my nails for me.
Why does Touken Ranbu have so many cute boys?
what are you saying the most popular fujo franchise is gay
extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof user
>not wanting to paint his nails instead
B-But i don't want to ruin his gorgeous nails... i suck at painting nails user, he'd get super mad at me for getting paint outside the nail.
Is it the most popular fujo franchise tho? I mean, that seems to be Seraph right now.
Not sure if Tourabu really stands at the top but it's definitely miles more popular then Seraph.
Show proof faget
Just look at the pixiv tags. They're not even remotely in the same league.
OnS: 9847 results
Tourabu: 203469 results
Is there anything else to go by? Something more tangible, like sales numbers?
Not yet. Tourabu BDs are only up for preorder right now. How about you post something that proves OnS is as huge as you claim?
Touken Ranbu is the second most booked franchise on Comiket, after KanColle.
It's fucking HUGE.
How likely is it that Touken Ranbu game will get localized?
Here you go faggot. Touken Ranbu was 3rd at the latest comiket and 2nd in the one before that.
I actually thought HQ might've been bigger but I guess not.
It's localized in China. They said they'd be willing to expand to other places if someone made an offer.
Really? Jesus Christ. How is it that popular?
I never claimed Seraph was huge.
>I never claimed Seraph was huge.
>Is it the most popular fujo franchise tho? I mean, that seems to be Seraph right now.
Shit game with pretty boys, that's it.
ah, thanks senpai. Figures they have it localized in china, aren't they loosing out on some cash by not localizing to us in the west? Or are games like that simply not that popular here?
How is Kancolle so popular? They're pretty much the same thing.
Husbandos, gjinka faggotry, super easy shipping, original swords do not steal.
Because japanese girls love history and the huge cast has all sorts of boys that pander to all tastes.
Plus the chance to drown in extreme suffering if you want.
I don't know any games of that type that are actually localized. Not even Fate/GO is. The closest is probably Love Live SIF, but that's a rhythm game not RPG grind, and Love Live as a whole is also fairly western orientated.
Plus, Touken Ranbu is possibly the most specifically Japanese thing ever.
I can't imagine this shitty game being much of a hit. Westerners are clueless about jap history so that takes out a whole lot of enjoyment. Plus all the extra shit that would get lost in translation. I can't see it being all that popular.
We're not as autistic as the nips either so they'd probably get tired of the endless grinding pretty quickly.
I never said any fujo franchise was big tho.
Kashuu is the absolute best and OP is a homosexual for not appreciating this.
Then I guess you're just an idiot.
You expect me to know these numbers like I give a shit? Fuck you, twat.
I'm not even gay and I would smash that boipucci like no tomorrow.
Most just care about if the boys are pretty to look at or not, only a few get off to the whole history aspect of it, like myself.
Is there one ugly person in this entire show?
I want to protect his smile and make him feel loved. But i also want him for fucking.
As many as there are ugly idols in Idolmaster.
what do you think, genius
No, why would there be
But that way the interest would inevitably fade sooner. The more enjoyment you get out of it the more the love lasts and the fixation on the franchise gets stronger.
EOPs missing on things like Kogi and Zuo's way of speaking would be a minus, for example.
Iwatooshi isn't all that pretty desu.
I dunno, I think some Idolmaster cats got hit with the ugly stick.
Fucking fight me m8.
Tastes aside, the point is that nobody's SUPPOSED to be ugly.
I agree on that. I personally love the whole history aspect of it.
Wow, I didn't think "I was just pretending to be retarded" actually happened.
Not using him for sex would be contradictory to his character.
What are you saying? Is he impure?
He doesn't look very pure to me, not that its a bad thing.
He's one of the few swords that would be all over your dick if you let him.
Literally sluts himself up just to be pretty for you.
>Kashii will never slut himself up for you
Why live?
But dressing up and painting your nails is fun I wish I could do it without being called a fag
I wouldn't call you a fag. I would, however, call you autistic.
I left the corner, fuck
He will if I can delude myself hard enough. Thankfully the anime and game make it pretty easy.
I want to use Kashuu then throw him away
I, too, wish to pump and dump him like the used up whore he is.
Hanamaru made canon that Kashuu is a overused slut. They know what we desire.
D-Don't say that ;_;
Meh. Kashuu is better.
>Implying you can't like both.
No wonder Japan's birth rates are declining so rapidly, if gay shit like this is popular.
Cute boys are a miracles of the universe
Kashuu's girl friend is pretty cute too.
Yasu is cute but far less slutty
It should be a crime to be that cute.
Why can't girls be this cute?
How does it feel to never be able to pat Kashuu on the head?
Western fans are not profitable compared to Asian fans user Yume100 got Indonesian and Thai version to be released.
I heard this thing is getting an anime by the same guys who did the Fate series. Is that true?
Hurts erry day.
I actually set my computer's startup sound to Yasusada's "okaerinasai". Would be nice if he welcomed me home too.
Maybe one day VR will put me out of my misery.
Yes, there is going to be a Ufotable anime series coming out next year. The current airing anime is a SoL comedy series with the characters, the Ufotable one is probably going to be more setting and history based.
When next year? or is there no release date set yet other then 2017.
Because boys are better
No release date yet, I believe.
I like the boss lady, I hope the bald dude sticks it in her and makes her happy.
>Maybe one day VR will put me out of my misery.
Maybe for waifufags. Husbando-oriented VR, I'm not so sure.
There was a Touken Ranbu VR event at TGS this year. It wasn't full husbando-simulator but the possibility isn't as unlikely as one might think.
>No husbando-oriented VR
The suffering never ends does it?
>Those luscious red eyes
>That shiny, groomed brunette hair
>Those elegant earrings
>That cute mole near his bottom lip
>That adorable little smile
Why is Japan trying so hard to make me gay?
Used goods isn't bad, Senpai. But thanks for showing me his smile.
Here's hoping something comes out of that. Just being able to pretend you're speaking with them is enough. ;_;
>Maybe for waifufags. Husbando-oriented VR, I'm not so sure.
>There was a Touken Ranbu VR event at TGS this year
Pic related.
Interesting that they went through the trouble of offering a makeup room for the ladies afterwards, as the VR headsets tend to mess up their faces.
Only otaku cucks deserve to stay ugly for their waifus
It's their long-term plan for world domination.
There will be a Ufo event 11/6 for Fate, Tales and TouRabu.
Don't fight it, listen to your dick.
Maybe they'll release more details and a new trailer?
>Honebami hidden in the Jiji ED
Does this series have any decent doujins?
There's a fuckton on sadpanda
>Not painting your nails so that your master will love you
Do I need to sign up for that?
But are the characters explicitly gay is the question
How are you on Sup Forums without knowing sadpanda?