Should We Bring Back Prohibition?

Alcohol is the most degenerate thing ever. People have parties, they get drunk and that weakens their judgement and they do degenerate things like sex. Prohibition would send a clear message from the federal government that that that is NOT tolerated. It should be illegal and criminalized behaviour, not something that can be glorified by the media.

>b-but people will do it anyways!!
Yes, some will. However it won't be allowed to be publicly promoted, advertised, and must be done in secret. Also doing it will have a risk associated with it. For example marijuana is illegal and people still get busted for it. For example my neighbors were away and their son who was like 16 through a party, I could smell marijuana. I called the police and they came and shut the thing down, took a kid out in handcuffs (probably for a different reason) and the thanked me for it. So prohibition DOES work, it just needs enforcement

Other urls found in this thread:

I think a 'bottom-up' approach is also necessary, where people are informed of how bad alcohol actually is.

This study just came out a few days ago further linking even moderate drinking to a variety of cancers:

>For example my neighbors were away and their son who was like 16 through a party, I could smell marijuana. I called the police and they came and shut the thing down

you sound like a troll though

>you sound like a troll though
What's so unreasonable about that? I could smell tons of weed and heard blasting music from the house beside mine so I phoned up the police and told them to come.

What if I enjoy a couple of beers in the evening with my only friend?

What if I enjoy Whisky on a cold winter's eve?

What if I enjoy wine with my dinner?

People, men, have enjoyed alcohol through the ages and been far greater than some (((kekistani))) manlet.

>What if I enjoy a couple of beers in the evening with my only friend?
Then you'd have to stop or go to jail

>What if I enjoy Whisky on a cold winter's eve?
Stop or jail

>What if I enjoy wine with my dinner?

>People, men, have enjoyed alcohol through the ages and been far greater than some (((kekistani))) manlet.
They were degenerates. And I'm short as hell but I bet I was taller than even the tall guys back in the "ages".

You sound like a real nerd

I don't think neighbours snitching on each other is the optimal solution to this.

I get it if it's a loud, annoying party, but who cares if someone is smoking weed? Similarly, if alcohol were to become prohibited again, are we going to call the police if we see our neighbour drinking in his living room?

The problem is legal as well as cultural. We need to get young people to stop wanting to binge drink, we need people to stop wanting to go to bars to get blackout every weekend. Laws can help enforce that, but education is key.

>They were degenerates

How so? Even Jesus didn't condemn a man for enjoying his liquor, in moderation of course.

Seeing your flag and you confessing your short stature leads me to believe you have embarrassed yourself by vomiting last Saturday.

Kill yourself nigger

>blaming the tool instead of the prep

Bet you're a gun grabber too

I suck at piano, math, science, and computer related stuff. I'm far from a nerd

I didn't care about the noise. I just hated seeing someone 16 having so much fun doing illegal things with his friends.

Back then liquor had a hell of a lot less alcohol in it then today. People back then drank beer instead of water because it actually purified the water easier than boiling it. Alcoholic drinks back then were also for survival not for getting wasted. I'm a Puritan and we consider anyone who drinks even moderately to be sinful.

>gun grabber
I guess so but not for the reason you think. I agree with Liberals for the wrong reason.

>I didn't care about the noise. I just hated seeing someone 16 having so much fun doing illegal things with his friends.

So you're a bitter manlet. Gotcha.

"some" will.
People consumed more alcohol during prohibition than before or after you underage faggot.

it was literally feminists who pushed for prohibition solely to spite men for having fun without them

read a fucking book

Honestly I just hate seeing people drink and have fun but that argument won't work with 99% of people.

Which led to more arrests, more prison sentences, and therefor more jobs for prison industry. Guess anything can be turned into something good eh?

It was also Puritans who pushed it to prevent the masses from falling to hedonism and experiencing too much pleasure/fun. Read a book for once in your life.

So you're not a real teetotaler or prohibitionist. Go sort yourself out and come back when you realize alcohol is the problem, not social gatherings and fun.

Yeah just kill yourself you bitter virgin loser.


t. literally every single virgin "alt-right" loser complaining about muh degeneracy


Keep drinking goy, don't your women take your fun away!

Overusing alcohol is syndrome of degeneracy, not the cause. Combat causes not effects.

Calling me a loser and a virgin just makes me hate you degenerates more. I might just look for house parties so I can call the police on them if there is underage drinking/weed.

I am a real prohibitionist.

Maybe you'll just get shot in the head instead.

you don't hate degenerates, you hate others happiness, sort yourself out. no reason to be embittered to the point that your only outlet is filipino egg recipe board

>"Alcohol is the most degenerate thing ever."

No, single moms are. We should force marriage.

Because prohibition worked so well last time...

>No, single moms are.

If nobody's rights are being infringed as a direct consequence of what I'm taking, then the government has no right to dictate what I eat or drink 'for my own good'.

I mean shit, do we wanna ban pizzas over a certain size? Should we arrest kids who get too much candy on halloween?

>waaa stop pointing out what a bitter pathetic loser i am waaaaaaaaaa

Fucking kill yourself.

What about advertisers and media using psychology to manipulate young people into excessive drinking? Are they free from any blame?

I hate the smell of pizza so I wouldn't mind banning it. I also would not mind if haloween was banned. I hate having people come to my door excepting free shit

>wahhh wahhh stop calling the police and having our degenerate parties shut down even though under state law you have legal permission to do soo wahhh

You can't regulate morality.

Plus only fags can't handle a few shots

Yeah sure it was a TOTAL failure even though every major mobster was caught and parties where alcohol was consumed got busted with long prison sentences given to the people involved.

Sweet. Now Italians and Irish can go back to being the dominant ethnic crime gangs that get romanticized by the media instead of niggers.

>It should be illegal and criminalized behaviour, not something that can be glorified by the media.
Unless you are prepared to deal against them with extreme indiscriminate ruthlessness then you would end up with another Al Capone.

You're a real pathetic loser. You aren't even opposed to alcohol out of concern for the good of your community. You're just jealous that other people use it to have a good time. As others have said you really do need to sort yourself out.

Shut the fuck up retard

you think that's a victory?
bogging down our prisons, ruining lives, putting even more professors and students in con collage?

Considering how the average advertisement is basically:
>Drink our beer, it's tasty! (DRINK RESPONSIBLY)
I fail to see how they should be held responsible for someone else's lack of self control. You don't blame the hotdog stand for the fatty having a heart-attack in the street, y'know?

OP is either underage or has learned NOTHING from history, during prohibition we had some of the most violent gangs around and they weren't fucking niggers

You keep using parties as example. Civilized people can have a drink or several without it being a degenerate gathering of hedonists.

A few strong drinks is a wonderful lubricant for philosophical chats.

>degenerate things like sex

Prohibition has never worked, a quick google will have shown you this

lol this why nobody take kekisfags seriously

Have fun with even more gangland style killings.
I DONT LIKE IT LETS BAN IT is why MS13 can own machine guns and grenades.
Dont be a stupid cunt.

You are a fucking idiot.
Every time you take down one another will take his place and prohibition wasn't some major success like you're painting it, it was an absolute fucking failure just like the modern day drug war

>autistic fucks who never got laid and don't go out want to ban alcohol
>muslims want to ban alcohol because no fun allowed
Can you cunts fuck off already?
>but muh le degenerancy
Neck yourself.

Short answer: yes.
Long answer: yes.

Well did you except me to be a Chad, I wouldn't be on Sup Forums

Prisons weren't a liability back then, they forced prisoners to work and generate money for the states.

With the NSA it wouldn't be hard to track him down.

You clearly never read history. During prohibition there was a MASS incarceration which means so many degenerates were imprisoned.

I really don't care, I still want it banned.

sex before marriage is degenerate.

Advertisers don't spend billions and billions of dollars just to put "Drink our beer, it's tasty!" on a billboard.

They have people very skilled in psychology and manipulation working on these things, so they're not as innocuous as you assume.

LOL look at this meme flag retard and laugh.

Actually it has worked, do some research

Well then if another takes his place that means you keep arresting them and keep putting more and more and more in prison. More prisoners = more jobs

Based post

Sorry not everyone is a smooth-talking James Bond figure like you.

>I really don't care, I still want it banned.

Yet you bothered naming this thread with a question, obviously inviting to discussion.

We all know you're just fucking around here and your real flag is probably Australia.

>Prisons weren't a liability back then, they forced prisoners to work and generate money for the states.
you think this stopped the concollage effect?
what about back home where another took over their reigns and the problem only makes itself worse as all those men learn to be violent

>You clearly never read history. During prohibition there was a MASS incarceration which means so many degenerates were imprisoned.
That must be why people like nucky johnson And Al Capone operated with ease.
You realize they never got Capone for actual crime they got him for tax evasion.
You are a special kind of fucking stupid.
here's something to keep in mind about all the races that aren't degenerate fucking niggers, when we kill as a crime family we're rarely caught. Prohibition brought about one of the most violent times in American history, kill yourself ASAP

It is only a failure because we keep the scum alive.
Are you willing to create an organization with the explicit goal of disposing of drug users/ drug growers/ drug vendors? if the answer is yes then the prohibition campaign might yield success, the nature of this kind of operations forces you to take a no compromise stance.

This was 100 years before. Today everything changed. With development of law enforcement and surveillance technology we can demolish degenerates into dust.

Opinion discarded

>This was 100 years before. Today everything changed. With development of law enforcement and surveillance technology we can demolish degenerates into dust.

Should we resume the Vietnam war?

It's a free country. Fuck outta here if you don't like it.

no they can't, because they don't. and they will never, they make too much money off of it.

Die drug supporting shitstain.

Get gassed

Culture should shun drinkers.
>> drunk abusive dad
>> ugly mom drunk
>> retard kids who are born drunks
>> low standard for everything
>> accident risk
>> medical cost increases

Im from a family of drunks. Im ugly. But at least I dont drink at all.

I can understand how an advertiser can push the message of 'our beer is the absolute BEST', but directly causing alcoholism is a pretty bold claim, leaf senpai. You'll need to back that up with some facts.

>meme flags
>both posters are dumb af
I can't even be surprised anymore.

You're providing it to me, why don't you start with yourself you degenerate spic fuck

Troll flag

Mad other people have sex

Prohibition paved the way to Jewish organized crime in america

Oh your just a Muslim I get it

You realize that anyone can pay anyone to say anything...right? Or do you still believe "the news"
Maybe we should change it to "the newzzz"

>should we not learn a thing from our past and do the same fucking thing so that more die from bootleg booze

This is really funny, holding a conversation with people who know ZERO about history. If you're advocating for prohibition I question if you're IQ is over 20.
Sage this shit slide thread

>Ted Cruz walks by her cubicle
>she sees him in his old man khakis
>she finds him utterly repulsive, but her career can only go up if she goes down
>Ted Cruz walks up behind her as he rests his hand on her shoulder
>It’s time for a Ted talk as he points towards a empty closet
>she looks a the photo of her husband and kids
>she brushes a lone tear from her cheek as she stands up
>I-I truly believe in his principles this is only for my career she thought to herself
>she follows Ted Cruz to the empty closet as he shuts the doo behind them
>Ted Cruz’s bald spot could barely be concealed by his combover
>Ted Cruz fumbled with her bra before uttering these frightful words
>I-I’m gonna eat you’re pussy like a booger

Kill yourself, you're a unreliable prick unworthy of friends. Even being this worthless you feel like you're good enough to snitch other people who don't hurt other people. Using memeflags only enforces that fact, in fact what you're personally standing for isn't even what that flag is standing for. Your life is fucked up, and to be honest I hope it will never get better for you.

>check flag
OP is a beta cuck who don't get invited to partys

Ya we no you no friends faggot.
OP admitting this is a slide thread, sage this shit

I'm ok with this
Less IPAs for the soyboys while we're at it let's ban vape too

>that that that
What did he mean by this?


I know you're trolling but at least put effort.

The article links to the scientific study. Yes, I understand you might not like what the truth is, but that doesn't make the study 'fake news'.

This finding is also not new:
>No Amount of Alcohol is Safe

It's pretty well documented if you don't have blinders on:


>Longitudinal studies consistently suggest that exposure to media and commercial communications on alcohol is associated with the likelihood that adolescents will start to drink alcohol, and with increased drinking amongst baseline drinkers

>turned into something good eh
As long as you will be detained for something very trivial some day, I can accept the fact your backward third-world country has private prisons.

Would someone really be this dedicated to a troll like this?
I reckon it is just someone with extreme autism having a fit

You drug addled retards never learn, even if by some reason SA ceased to be the main drug export zone you would just end up searching some other provider as long as you stay alive.

>>degenerate things like premarital sex

Nobody who drinks gives a fuck if Alcohol is good for you or not.
God damnit, if this isn't a troll thread I don't know what is.

This is why new prohibition should come from the other end. Consumption should be banned first. 10 years minimum sentence of labor camp. Also change laws so nation wide surveillance can be used to track degenerates and used in courts (but methods pf surveillance should remain unmasked because national security). Basically including degenerates into Patriot act.


Die, snitch.

>not recognizing that you're a complete piece of shit
At least you're not the only one in your country that is going to bring their country down by their own stupidity.


yeah fuck you buddy

I don't know what is wrong with you anglos and your binge drinking, but around here we don't do that, and we have a shitload of really good and cheap beer

Sure skippy, I'll do my best.

*sips beer*

I don't know how far you Australians will go.

The Federal government could create a treasury organization like they did in the 20s.

>You realize they never got Capone for actual crime they got him for tax evasion.
>Never got Alcapine for an actual crime

It's free for wealthy land-owning well-educated people over 35. Not for anyone who wants to get drunk. Don't like it? Move to France

>Jewish organized crime
>Doesn't realize they were Italian
Nice bait.

>degenerate things like sex

Sex should be forbidden, i agree.

If you think you can compare 1920 with 2020 you know ZERO about history. I

>Alcohol is the most degenerate thing ever. People have parties, they get drunk and that weakens their judgement and they do degenerate things like sex. Prohibition would send a clear message from the federal government that that that is NOT tolerated. It should be illegal and criminalized behaviour, not something that can be glorified by the media.
>>b-but people will do it anyways!!
>Yes, some will. However it won't be allowed to be publicly promoted, advertised, and must be done in secret. Also doing it will have a risk associated with it. For example marijuana is illegal and people still get busted for it. For example my neighbors were away and their son who was like 16 through a party, I could smell marijuana. I called the police and they came and shut the thing down, took a kid out in handcuffs (probably for a different reason) and the thanked me for it. So prohibition DOES work, it just needs enforcement

>When you don't get hugged as a child so you whine and bitch about other folks drinkin'