why is the communism logo so unaesthetic?
Why is the communism logo so unaesthetic?
because communism was never about aesthetics because it holds no ideals.
just look at communist """architecture""" in the east, it's a fucking joke
It's part of the doctrine.
To destroy society you need to destroy all its standards, one of which is beauty. You destroy beauty by promoting ugliness in its stead.
Because Jews are completely incapable of artistic beauty
It's two murder weapons.
Its actually both aesthethic and symbolic.
To break the spirit of the populace.
Communism is entirely devoid of pride in work or pride is property--because both of those things will place you at a disadvantage in any communist system.
Why the capitalist may indeed exploit your desires. it is the communist who exploits your dignity.
It represents the workers, unlike the mysticism abstract crap that is the nazis flag.
nazis were way more stylish. and i dont even give a crap about nat soc. those boss uniforms give me hard-ons.
>Communism is entirely devoid of pride in work
>t. doesnt know anything about communism
It's anti-capitalist yet has capital objects in logo
but it looks nice
>has capital objects
are you retarded
This everything beautiful associated with communism is all totally goyish
hm?? hammers and sickles have existed for thousands of years
capitalism doesn't have a symbol though so we can't compare
It's cooler than the racist whiteboi logo.
because capitalist semen has backed up into your brain and ruined all aesthetic sensibility
COMMUNISM WILL PREVAIL HUR DUR REVOLUTION!!! I'm goona be a red army uniform designer I'm A RETARD!!!!
Communism should be diagnosed as a mental illness.
>why is the communism logo so unaesthetic?
Because communism objectively has mighty aesthetics and culture. You are just too stupid and narrow-minded to look beyond your preference, stereotypes and group mentality.
Hi commie, enjoying the breadline? OH wait not any more right, inb4 not real coomunism.
>Communism is about pride in work.
>You pretend to pay me and I pretend to work.
Okay Vasili.
>So aesthetic
>Xddd u just dont get it bro Xdd fuc of racist, fascist scum, cheeki breeki
>let me tell you about your country and its history
There's nothing wrong with the hammer and sickle, it's you who are being indoctrinated.
"So long as the bosses pretend to pay us, we will pretend to work"
Geddy Lee and Paul Simon are terrific musicians, but Jews' creativity does tend towards creativity in the financial realm as opposed to the artistic realm.
>implying Communism was only in Russia
The ideas of communism have no basis in reality. Most communists are young people that have read a little bit of socialist literature, thus they develop contempt for everything good in the world. They are too young and closed minded to understand human nature and the mechanism at play in society. People don't want a Utopia!!! Naturally we have self destructive personalities that desire a small bit of suffering. Also communism is dysgenic... genetic trash should not be equal to the "ubermensch" so to say.
I'm not telling you about your country, I'm telling you about Communism.
You wouldn't conflate criticizing Capitalism with telling me the history of my country, so stop being retarded.
Looks bland and depressing
When you're starving 6 days a week all year long you have no use for aesthetics.
It would be pretty funny if an unironic communist bought it huh.
nice anime tiddy girl
The swastika is an ancient symbol that has been used in various cultures all across the world for millenia. The Communist symbol is a couple of shitty farm tools.
but what can you say about a system like capitalism that so closely mimics natural selection and completely ignores man's special place in the natural order? Why not foster a system that stands opposed to reality and strives to shape it into something just?
Capitalism is the true godless system, it teaches to put a price on a man's soul. It is communism that ignores price and focuses on value! Christ would be a communist!
A standout in nature, like man himself
looks like the down syndrome brother of the nike symbol.
>he says, while posting a cartoon that wouldn't exist if Japan became communist
Let me tell you to keep your inhuman """"ideology""""" away from any people and country, it brought nothing but death and dispair yet we have spineless bottomfeeders like you who can't stop masturbating to it.
>Buh ih wuhn't weal gohmoonism, muh uhdeal vehsion.
Never will happen, just like how communism should never have happened anywhere.
Socialist Realism is actually the one good thing to have come from the Soviet Union.
>commie thinks he understands aesthetics
Behold the majesty that is Soviet architecture
You really cannot cherrypick any unsightly Ancap-associated landscapes, because it does not exist in reality, I give you that.
>why not stand against reality
See it's that kind of rhetoric that makes people nervous, considering your history of "correcting" the past.
>into something just
Define the term "just".
Actually, you can. Just post pics of Somalia.
The shitty thing is faggots can walk around with this garbage but i cant walk around with a swastika hat
>one is bad therefore the other must be good
I envision a system with great ecchi collectives! They would toil endlessly and be rewarded for their labor with security while spreading freely their truth and beauty. Some men would drive the tractors, some would lay the cable, and some would draw the ecchi! You must think outside of outmoded paradigms
your mental stagnation is the hardening of the capitalist semen in your mind!
Another cherrypicker. Do you understand that what aesthetics is, and that you can pick photos to make any place look like hell and any African shit-hole like paradise on earth?
It's symbolic. The hammer and sickle together have meaning thats pretty easy to understand. What does the Swastika mean?
>It represents the workers
the fuck are you talking about? it looks great
What's funny is the sickle has nothing to do with the Marxism so many of the people/nations who adopted the symbol claim to adhere to. Marxism clearly states the peasantry are not ready, willing or even capable of transitioning to socialism (as proven absolutely correct following 1917).
Lenin was a hack and should have been shot in the head by the Tsarists when they had the chance. The Bolsheviks are the single most destructive thing to have happened to the socialist movement, because they singlehandedly tainted its name possibly forever.
Security is the enemy of creation.
To create, you need fear and the power to change that fear into something.
In communism power is diluted equaly into everyone while being only produced by males of working age.
Communism failed like socialism failed, thanks to women, old fucks and non productive proffessions(jews).
forst of it looks unaesthic for you because you are some lazy amerimutt and the hammer and sicle stands for work(working people)
second, baseball caps are gay and homosexual, literally an Accessoire for faggots
pic related is soviet kazakh city temirtau......(dont look what is looks like today)
I lived close to that city
>Communism failed like socialism failed
I keep forgetting Sup Forums has a 10 year old's understanding of "communism"/"socialism"
Its a work symbol, wich doesnt fit because most libtards doesnt have a job
and it is "the other" that the semen drowned capitalist mind fears the most! He would rather hide under his blanket of perceived abundance and the illusion of ownership until the game of Monopoly is finished and his thimble is unceremoniously wiped from the board. I am advocating we all put the board games away and work on a large puzzle. It will be difficult, and not everyone will survive, but at the end we will all enjoy the fruits of our labor in admiring the grand image, now whole!
you would sooner complete the puzzle and give it to the fattest man in the room to spread crumbs and excrement on; Well, not me!
>I envision a system with great ecchi collectives!
Good luck in communisn you fucking virgin hahaha
Anime only exists because a commie was killed, meaning anime will always be inherently right wing
needs a bulge
>be communist
>be so fucking gay you can't stop talking about semen
bulgaria? more like... BULGE-ARIA HAHAHAHA
what is the means of production for more human beings
Communism has it's roots in the saturnian occult/Jewish Kabbalah
The Sickle represents Saturn itself
The Hammer represents Hirim Abiff
>Its the same old story desu
Also decades of propaganda
damn you out-did me there ...
Both are basing themselves on an idealization of what a man is.
That is their fatal flaw, because not only only few men can accomplish it, they will not be constant in that endeavor.
Capitalism in not really an ideological system and mostly an organization of our shitty natural instincts.
Nothing will work for a long time with stupid women and conniving jews around.
human beings are brought into this world with an effort of tremendous LABOR, and it is the same word masquerading behind a variant of the definition that is the song that removes man from animal and causes mother nature to drop her panties of absolute brutality and reward her favorite creation with prosperity through that blinding sense of fairness, absent from the capitalist model which advocates sucking the dick of the wealthy, the only reward being on the receiving end, and the capitalist left with nothing but a sore jaw for his troubles!
It's generally impossible to make Americans see reason. They've been conditioned by bourgeois propaganda all throughout childhood.
Actually the Sickle represent's a part of Saturn's power not Saturn itself. Saturnalia is about "reaping" what was sown. Harvest in general, could be any kind
The hammer represents masonry. It's in a sense a stick(nature) with a stone cube-like object on top of it. Imbuing it with time's ability of "technological progress". As the hammer strikes it shapes the wood(nature) and eventually metal(the future or past for some).
The cogwheel > Hammer + Sickle IMO because it's better to be aware of the cyclical nature of time than to bang against it with the delusions of "uniqueness".
In truth nothing is "unique", everything is the same. As above so as below, you get the idea
I'm far from a commie but we have the same fucking commieblocks everywhere
According to a weirdo who believes in reptaliens.
It's just that most of Sup Forums lives in diverse, low trust societies where socialism cannot possibly work.
But perhaps you have had a different experience.
They had to make due with what was available.
Not symmetrical
It's why the cross always looks cooler than the crescent moon and the British flag is the best flag
robo/AI communism > anything else
Life and power. How do you even compete?
You guys are all mouth breathing retards who should do some research before you even utter the word "aesthetic"
Marxist jews entrepreneur are everywhere.
you need to go out of your moms basement and get some pussy
The capitalism logo is much better indeed.
Historically, communism has rejected all forms of what we usually consider beauty. An ugly aesthetic for an ugly ideology. Fits quite well.
It's a play on the Lilith symbol. So is islam. Both ideologies are based in witchcraft asshattery.
I kinda meant how he separated "communism" and "soclialism" and and claims both "failed". It betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of the terms.
It'd be like saying "Anarchism failed like Liberalism failed". Or "Absolute Reactionism failed like Conservatism failed". like what the fuck?
I'm lovin' it.
Dumb lazy people like being fat, why not profit?
Why bother? I can just lose weight and stuff my dick inside my bum or mouth if I was desperate for sex.
at least it's original unlike the nazis that just copy pasted buddhist and old roman symbols
and i think it looks great btw, especially when flown at the Reichstag over a ruined Berlin 1945
Swastika means change in hinduism and in the early 20th european mysticism.
It was popular with the wealthy libtard of the time.
Every shape has a meaning in alchemy/mysticism/hermetics. This, basically, allows a conspiritard to say "Nooo, your stuff was used by those guys, so that means you are an evil luminati reptilians" about anything he dislikes because people thought geometry was magic in the past.
>enjoy the fruits of our labor
What do you do for work, Gomrade? Why aren't you enjoying the fruits of your labor right now?
You are the idiot with the specious opinion.
The source of faile is the same.
(If you don't get it, mind that I use the etymological meaning of the words)
t. mohammed
masonic symbolism
red army was the soldiers of uranos or something
also look at the flag of east-germany
Interesting straw-man you built there. What's the matter, Hiram, too close to spilling the beans on your little secret?