The end of the road anons I hope you liked it as much as us the original OP and the anons who saved the final dump! Let's see how it end!
The story continues where the first season left off only months into the future. Yuokai Gakuen has been repaired and the new semester is underway. Tsukune and gang are back, and more powerful then ever. Anti-Thesis's true identity is relieved. With new adversaries looming on the horizon, and something much more sinister then the gang has ever faced before.
Tsukune is battling with the monster inside him. With the help of Moka, Mizore, Kurumu, Ruby, and Yukari. Tsukune trains to get his vampire blood under control and the strength to protect what he holds dear.
The new season focuses more on the girls, their past, and their families. New confrontations await them. New friends and allies will join them by their side. Together they will discover the secrets of Moka's rosary, and her lineage...
Season 2 Volume 1 Season 2 Volume 2 Season 2 Volume 3 Season 2 Volume 4 Season 2 Volume 5 Season 2 Volume 6 Season 2 Volume 7 Season 2 Volume 8 Season 2 Volume 9 Season 2 Volume 10 Season 2 Volume 11 Season 2 Volume 12 Season 2 Volume 13 Season 2 Volume 14
Angel Nelson
Kurumu was the best girl and should have won outright
Dylan Kelly
Caleb Miller
Inner lost?
David Watson
Alright anons. Lets get this party going.
Keep reading and see user.
Lucas Campbell
Sebastian Nguyen
Mom won the MCbowl
Eli Bailey
Julian Murphy
No she will have the pleasure of being cummed inside
Sebastian Baker
I agree.
Juan Sanders
Cucking People: The Series
Joshua Kelly
You misspelled Mizore.
Hudson Morales
Jaxson Smith
While Tsukune imagines he's fucking her mom instead.
Zachary Lee
This guy really stronger than tsukune? rather doubt it.
Austin Smith
Kurumu transcends the best girl spot. Shes just the BEST.
Xavier Morgan
This desu. She's won the best girl award from any manga, ever.
Alexander Sullivan
Eh, she still gets a pretty good end given what the ending is.
Xavier Garcia
>Height >6'3
I never saw that before.
Julian Fisher
Vampire blood made him taller.
Sebastian Adams
Cute. Also season 3 could have totally been about that, the relationship between humans and monsters.
Carter Price
So cute.
Jason Morales
Its kinda weird to see inner act so happy and cheerful.
Isaac Morgan
It's the meds she's taking to cope with being cucked by mom.
Nathan Rivera
Let us not forget that the happiest thing that could happen in her life happened.
Her cunt mother gyokuro died.
Justin Rodriguez
My nigger anyone who was in the ride knows this is an absolute truth
Benjamin Torres
she was just a troubled girl, and now that she's free from all her worries she can finally express her emotions freely
Noah Wright
She kid of was as a kid. Inner being so cool was probably because she espend most of the time sealed so she barely got contact to trust others. But seeing her go to the other side of the expectrum is kind of weird yes.
Wyatt Robinson
Does this count as canibalism now?
You're just not gonna let that go huh?
Carter Hernandez
What? Caucasian?
Easton Evans
Becoming a vampire also changes your race
Justin Edwards
James Long
It was like that in the original too.
Brandon Hernandez
It does. Even the manga agrees.
Lucas Ortiz
Vampire blood does things to you user
Brandon Gray
Well i guess I can see it. Dracula was Romanian after all.
No it doesnt, see last thread.
Gavin Smith
Jack Smith
My sides
Tyler Brooks
Oh hey its this guy.
Henry Wilson
>No it doesnt, see last thread. I think he meant the canibal thing.
Charles Stewart
>sorry I tried to fuck your wife, sir
Carson Torres
Oh shit, i just realized that. Sorry my mistake.
Cameron Long
She was a clone possessing his daughter's body so that makes it OK.
Luke Rogers
But now he's actually trying to fuck his daughter. That is not ok.
Eli Green
Tsukune please leave.
Juan Long
But in the end his wife died loving him from the bottom of her heart.
Jason Foster
Of all the things from the old style, I'm gonna miss that shitty tuft of hair the most. It just seemed like he wasn't Tsukune without it.
Jacob Sanchez
Because she was infused with the memories of outer Moka.
Daniel Jenkins
In the end they never got in the Huang Family did they?
Hunter Cooper
Wich of his wives
Mason Davis
he's still got it. Just much sharper and less noticeable.
Ethan Ortiz
But still, he is trying to get in his daughters pants and he stole his favourite woman's heart.
Eli Williams
>Issa's faces
Im dying of laughter, send help.
Jace Fisher
>The human world's fucked >I think I had family there, I can't remember >but hey, at least we're okay
Joshua Baker
Hloyshit he's staring Tsukune down big time.
Camden Russell
His favourite one. Akasha.
Gabriel Lee
>But its k, I get to bang 12 different types of monsterpussy each day.
Chase Gonzalez
Go to the grave gyokuro
Landon Morris
He's so dead right now.
Adam Ross
O.Moka alone is equivalent to 10 of rito's bitches
Thomas Phillips
>>I get to bang 12 different types of monsterpussy each day. >implying
Nathaniel Smith
Jordan Rodriguez
>the only thing that would make this perfect is if Hokuto was here
Hunter Bailey
is this fucking death note? must get a crop as a reaction image
Carter Hughes
Poor man doesn't want Tsukune to go through the shit he did with his harem.
Andrew Hughes
Sir i love your daughter and i will take care of her as if she was her mom.
Parker Morales
That fucking face holy shit
>Implying I didnt include Hokuto in the 12 types of monsterpussy Tsukune gets
Come on now.
Kayden Gomez
>He still remembers inner
Wyatt Ross
Moka's dad was such a fun character given his short appearance. It's nice how all the parent's but Moka's mom were such great characters.
Ryder Anderson
Hokuto is dead, no mater how much you miss him.
Wyatt Miller
No Kurumu! This isn't the time.
Christopher Rogers
Now its all tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down.
Kevin Williams
Underated post
Owen Phillips
But it's not []MY[] shitty tuft of hair anymore.
Bentley Gutierrez
The one he never married.
Ethan Anderson
Tsukune's face is priceless.
Jacob Williams
My fucking sides.
Connor Howard
PLEASE for the love of god someone crop Tsukune's face there
Oliver Morales
Jaxon Adams
>you are dead,dead,deaaaaaaaad
Leo Robinson
And of course who could forget the best of girls.
John Phillips
Looking good there kurumu
Leo Garcia
Even FangFang is getting on board with this. This is perfect.
Mason Evans
Why Fangfang goes along with this shit?
Luis Hall
Fang Fang for fuck sake, how did they convinced him? Too bad he will never take Hokuto's place.
Liam Wilson
Andrew Powell
FangFang was in Tsukune's harem all along remember? The first thing he wanted to do was marry him into the Huang Family.
Luke Jackson
>tfw your heart says Kurumu but your dick says Ruby
Dylan White
Goddammit Ruby.
Cooper Robinson
I love how she did this without knowing about the plan.
Kayden Taylor
Holy crap, this is almost too much for my dick.
Henry Anderson
>Fucking Fang-Fang My boy remains best to the end.
Jason Brooks
The author really went all out with Ruby huh. Fucking hell my dick's about to explode here.
Isaac Robinson
how does one even become an assassin? Is there some assassin college somewhere?
Owen Perez
I know that feel quite well.
Nathaniel Lopez
Yes but Fang Fang hasn't done anything this gay untill now.
William Moore
Tsukune is ready to protect his harem with his life.
He's basically a hitman.
Christian Cooper
That's how you gets your harem on check
Noah Adams
Idk senpai, a boy marrying another boy is pretty gay.
Gavin Adams
I always thought that he wanted to be his friend. Also these Issa faces. I already like him.