Sup Forums pls halp...
I've managed to reach such fucked rock bottom that I'm asking you faggots for help.
So, I've tried almost everything, from getting my shit together (leaving dope, booze and getting money and vagina) to being a fucking NEET with my shit still covered due to investments from before...
My bitch doesn't even count for shit anymore, took her 5 days to ask if I'm ok after one of my best friends died, shes a good fuck but thats it, can't count on her as support in life, I'm making a thread here asking for your support so nuff said...
Family is fucked on their own so they're out of the picture too, I make good money but most of the people in my work environment are fucking dipshits (germanstan/croatia construction managment, don't ask, disgusting folk) so can't even rely on them, friends are all fucked just like me and trying to handle their problems but failing miserably and well, I'm fucking sitting here about to give up and off myself legit not bullshiting you, if I do you'll get pics, no worries...
So please, help a brother out, I want to live and I want to be happy but I haven't had an honest smile in more than 3 years...
Fuck me, I need a decent woman, only thing that would help out properly I guess... Advice?
Sup Forums pls halp
Other urls found in this thread:
Have children. The woman doesn't matter, they are all shit.
actual legit advice but still can't have a bitch of a wife and use kids as an excuse to live, ya know...
>use kids as an excuse to live
This is exactly what I'm saying. To do otherwise is to give Earth to the brown horde.
you need to get your pineal gland running smooth. Once that is working properly, the rest of your brain will sort itself out.
Have yourself an ayahuasca experience. That will get your brain firing on all cylinders.
Well now, can't argue with that, but what I'm asking for is not just a legit reason to be happy because I'm fucking the enemy up, its a reason to feel happy at all...
Idk man, maybe its the loneliness because I haven't connected with a woman in a long time and I have before, maybe its all the experiences I've had from drugs from before, maybe its just the fact that I know life is worth living and enjoying and I cannot even...
Christ, haven't felt like this in a long time mate
>a reason to feel happy at all...
You gotta take what you can get.
>asking Sup Forums for advice
That truly is when you've hit rock bottom. Having been there myself all I can say is things can only get better from there.
Try meditation my man. Not even tripping just give it a go and see if it does it for you.
You don't need hoes in your life to be happy or successful. That's (((their))) programming. Meditate my nigga cleanse yourself of the vermin.
>You gotta take what you can get.
Been doing that my whole life, that's the thing, can't settle for that anymore, don't mean to sound greedy or poor, just saying
ikr, one of the few thoughts giving me hope
Hobbies and projects are what help me. Set small goals... Gradually increase goals and projects... Gives sense of accomplishment. This is coming from someone who is chronically depressed and already has wife and kids with decent career. Good luck.
been there, done that, still doing it 3-4 times a week 30min sessions, not helping anymore, it kind of feels as if I can't do it anymore, so fucking distressed I can't even focus on my breath anymore and I've been doing it for the past 5 years
Listen guys, I didn't come here to bitch, I'm not a faggot, legit asking for advice on what the fuck do I do with myself to stop the suicidal tendencies and the alltogether disappointment with life
Another thing: The only one that can make you happy is you. That's the origin of "money can't buy you happiness". If you want to be sad you will find reasons to be sad. "Life is 10% of What Happens to Me and 90% of How I React to It".
If you truly hit rock bottom there's only moving up. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Keep it up my man.
Another thing that helps when I feel like ending it is watching qt3.14 doing ASMR videos. Have you tried that?
thanks senpai, Godspeed
>qt3.14 doing ASMR videos
are you fucking with me senpai?
Not at all kohai I was 99% close to committing suicide two weeks ago and playing ASMR on the background kinda helped butting me off edge. Sorry if this sounds retarded and I admit I don't know how to help you, it's just I kinda know how you feel and I truly wish no one has to go through this shit ever.
Bump keep it alive
time to go to >>>r9k
Listen to this man from the country to the North.
thanks for the honesty bro, just came back from a brewskie in my favourite neighbourhood bum-bar, solid times...
thanks senpai, great vid
The only boundaries in life are the ones we put up. You're living in a prison but it's a prison of your own making, the rules you created and the obligations you feel.
So tear down those walls. Decide what you love, what's important, and go do it. If your woman is a drag, leave. If your job is hell, leave. Decide what you want your life to be. Life is truly limitless, it's our own boundaries that fuck us up and make us miserable.
So what do you love? What gets you genuinely excited and happy? Go do that.