Sorry white people, but if you can't say the N-word cause you don't know what it's like to be black.
And you have no idea what its like to be white.
Eventually we are going to fight you in the same way you fight us same as it was in the beginning and you're really gonna hate being alive in an actual wartorn country
Nice b8
Learn English before making another post
Mad whitebois can't even refute dis.
>being this much of a nigger
Go back to africa nigger.
are racists totally incapable of understanding abstract concepts?
I stepped in shit once, it smelled. That's pretty much what I figure being black is like, nigger.
>but niggers are allowed to live outside Africa even though they don't know what it's like not being a monkey
Fuggin Wypipo
U whitebois only feel brave behind ur computer screens. Come to the hood and say it to our faces. Das rite, u can't compete against our BBCs.
Bait, but I want to mention this:
When you say "the n word", all you're doing is making me say nigger in my head. It's the exact same idea, just a politically-correct wrapper. So if I can't say nigger, I also cannot say "the n word", and neither can you.
Don't be such a nigger.
ah, got it, bimbo. i'll try to remember.
LOL Actually, user. It was a black girl- my co-worker and friend, who taught me that it is imperative to call a nigger a nigger. I believe her exact phrase was "jive-ass nigger".
It was a little disconcerting at first, but she was right.
LOL Lord, I can just imagine the fits she's been throwing the last 25 or 30 years. I'd love to see her & wonder what she's up to. This woman was red-pilled in 1976 (probably before).
fuck off
No one wants you to be a nigger harry we do it so you learn not to be.
Negative reinforcement they call it, usually called bullying and can help change people if you shit on them enough.
I've been around black my whole life and know that they hate each other more than anyone else does. Too bad for them that their solution to the nigger problem is to shoot each other. Try to lift each other up out of niggerdom? Nope, just bust a cap in that nigga ass and go get fat on fried chicken sheeeit. They're a lost cause. They don't want us to like them.
Quillo vente al barrio que te rajo con mis colegos con tuh muertoh en vinagre
Nigger should take off that suit - it's a white culture appropriation
Nice pussy knife, fag.
Quillo me voy a comprar un cuchillo de caza y luego te lo enseƱah