What is thing about blacks and Hispanics not getting along in the U.S.? Is it true? I would have sworn that they saw each other as allies under oppression or something like that. Can I get some insight on this?
What is thing about blacks and Hispanics not getting along in the U.S.? Is it true...
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You'd be dumb. Spics have to actually live around that nigger trash. It's an instant redpill suppository.
Latina women crave BBC.
No one gets along in this shitty country
It depends, in NYC the puerto ricans fall in with the nigs but not so much in philadelphia and def not in Miami.
they're working together to get paid back for their emotional labor
Different y-chromosomes.
Most Hispanics are R1b, R1a, or Q y-dna men... belong to Central Asian Haplogroup P.
A Mexican is more likely to get along with a white than black. Might be pheromones.
Most blacks are E1b1a, A, B... African y-chromosomes. Only like 1/5 of all black men are the product of bleachings.
Their common interest is welfare. They ally in places that provide gigs to illegals and resent one another in places that do not.
This is how commies work.
Spicks want to turn the USA in to Mexico.
Niggers want to turn the USA in to Africa.
Why would they get along?
Depends on the area. In los angeles California they are pretty much enemies. Compton used to be a majority Black, now it is a majority mexican, like85-90% mexican.
thats what i don't get with the jews global communism endgame. jews religion literally makes them believe that if they mix all of worlds populations together it will eliminate people's differences creating world peace. they being at the top, and the brown satanic mixture of mud people at the bottom. and once this is achieved their messiah will come to earth. how can they not see that none of the brown people get along and will be fighting no matter if whitey is race-mixed into extinction or not?
Hispanics of the non-gangster variety hate black people; they come here and work hard to pay the bills, doing dangerous jobs for little pay, supporting ther families as best they can, but they live in neighborhoods with black welfare recipients and a lot of crime and loud music etc. Hispanics are pretty conservative actually.
Try living in Compton for a week.
Blacks think they will be better off in a Hispanic majority America. Hispanics are more racist than whites and blacks will never be more than 13% of the population until they stop killing themselves.
They hate each other because prison gangs are racially divided.
Thanks for the interesting info anons.
Now, if I might ask another question, given your replies, do you think that from a conservative white point of view, the replacement of blacks by Hispanics, and/or conflicts among them, are positive developments?
>would have sworn that they saw each other as allies under oppression or something like that.
lol no
blacks are hated by everyone except white liberals
Hispanic Guilt is not a thing, they see that niggers ruin everything and respond accordingly.
Wetbacks get zero coverage in movies and TV shows. They always include black mc black face but never the Mexicans.
the only thing that unite the black latins,jews and asian is the disempowerment of whites,when the whites became a minority they weill kill each other
Spic here.
White/Black/Red/Yellow aren't genetic categories - they're holdovers from Biblical literalism trying to break-down all races into sons of Noah.
White isn't a race - but Celtic, Nordic, Mediterranean/Latin, Slavic are. Yellow
isn't a race - but Japanese, Han, etc are.
Take a DNA test and your results are much more heavily divided by culture/religion/language/history/laws than mere skin tone.
Why is this important?
"White" Latino arrives in the US? Blacks treat us like shit for looking white. Then they treat us like shit for competing for their jobs. Anglos don't like us much better, but we can blend in.
We blend in. Siblings and cousins (who look like other phenotypes) then come. Do you REALLY think we consider our own siblings and cousins "other races"? So no. Cubans, Dominicans, Columbians, etc put their nationality first.....then pan-Latin second...then religion or whatever else.
Fresh-off-the-boat spics are thus often the most red-pilled. I know lots of us that voted Trump because fuck illegals, we fled LATAM because lawlessness made places like Venezuela shit (oh and we hate commies).
Spend too much time around Anglos, and the whole "uh, you're colored" BS sinks in - and instead of seeing themselves as Latin, they mistakenly conflate themselves with local "people of color" (despite that we're all often mixed).
(also, we don't give a shit about phenotypes like you folks do - but there is a difference between Anglo-Saxons, who failed to assimilate their ethnic minorities - and the Spanish, who interbred and made cultural assimilation a requirement of advancement)
(and before it comes up, while the Spanish were in the Americas, the English had 100 years of rampant crime... so they ended up designing the modern police and legal systems -- so yes, English-countries have better vocabulary for law -- but we get less SJWs, Feminists and race-guilt).
It's true, they can't stand them almost worse then actual rascist/white nationalists/red pilled whites. I've worked in kitchens for years and worked with hundreds thru that time and have yet to meet one that actually likes them.
Hispanics are replacing whites. Black pop is holding steady despite 50% of fetuses being aborted.
Remember kids, only white people can be racist and commit genocide. Now go back to sleep.
English crime rates have been studied throughout history since they are well documented. They have always had some of lowest crime rates in the world. There was less crime per capita in england circa 1300 than any latin american country today.
Time preference difference between races is real.
Spic here (again).
No such thing as "guilt".
Hate Cortes vs the Aztecs? Then you have to defend recent discoveries of skull-towers and a skull-covered temple-corner in Mexico City. How many skull-covered temples do you have to have for the Conquistadors to get tired of ripping them down and just throw dirt over them?
Moreover, he stole a ship with 600 soldiers - landed in Central America blindly - and was attacked by the natives of Tlaxcala. They then pitched in 6,000 native soldiers if Cortes would help kill the Aztecs. Who wanted them dead - the semi-lost Spanish or the repressed-locals who sent x10 as many soldiers and pointed the Spanish TO the Aztecs?
Race (including Nordic, Celtic, Latin, Slavic, etc) is defined by culture, language, religion, values, laws - not mere looks.
If Anglos treat Latin and Afro-Americans the same, then yes, you begin to nudge us together.
But on our own? We're fairly conservative, usually hate commies. The big issue is whether-or-not the Anglos are assholes.
Big sticking point is language tho. If a Hispanic doesn't speak Spanish, I don't consider them Hispanic (just like Native Americans don't give a shit if you got 5% Native DNA, if you don't know their language, culture, religion, traditions, then you're not one of them).
Also, the Aztlan/Mexican types (who want to rebuild pan-Central-American identity instead of being Latin) are confused bastard children (who seem to forget that the Aztecs sacrificed and subjugated all their neighbors - which is why the Spanish invaded with Native allies). They may be too far gone, too exposed to Anglos (which oddly, makes it harder for "white" and "black" Latinos to woo them back to sanity). Build the wall.
Miami user here. We hate black people so much that some of us are black and would disown our children if they're black.
Hispanics hate blacks more than we do. They are actively killing them and forcing them out of black neighborhoods.
they may be spics,but as of now they are the only ones who will fight a nigger toe to toe.Whites will shy away from a nigger tormenting them
I detect a hint of admiration here
>We hate commies
So why do almost every single one of your countries keep electing them? Why did Pinochet literally need to force capitalism on Chile? Hell, why did he need Milton Friedman to explain it to him?
Again, language.
In English, even teenagers can often tell the difference between an Assassin vs a Hitman - a Mass Murderer vs a Serial Killer vs a Spree Shooter. You have nuance between a Mugger, a Robber, a Pickpocket, a Catburglar, a Home Invasion, a Scam Artist, a Fraudster etc.
And recall that early English colonies were either Penal (hello Australia) or for extremists (there's a reason America was filled with ex-cons and religious fanatics who didn't want to go with the Church of England).
Your linguistic specificity in legal matters led to better laws - and good laws are good for business.
Where is English fucked? You still talk about race as if it'd reducible to 4 crayons. And a lot of your thought/language is black/white, right/wrong, yes/no, us/them -- it's a shitty language to embrace grays, compromise, inbetweens.
Spanish? Gender is inherent to the language (male/female) - and when would-be feminists complained "why are there scantily clad women on TV?", the local TV station's response was "good point - lets add some scantily clad men!" .... which then goes into fat-shaming vs beauty (ie, you don't get feminists defending fatties because men are sexist -- our cultural approach is more "everyone can be beautiful, lets all try to be beautiful, men & women alike".
Flirting is astronomically easier in Spanish. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. I never understood the context of your sitcom stereotypes of the sexes fighting until I (briefly) dated a non-Hispanic girl.
Our big problem is that the pro-flirting > pro-sex > pro-family > pro-extended family stuff leads to cronyism. Hence corrupt dictators making friends and families rich.
In a perfect world, being bilingual would be the norm - Team USA would be world police - and we'd take your minorities, breed them into assimilation, washing out your 400 year old racial baggage. Then we'd revisit our 700-year-war against the Moors.
>So why do almost every single one of your countries keep electing them
Commies come and go in Latin America. Not every country is run by Chavez like commies. And those who get elected usually are nor commies, but authoritarian kleptocrats. Leftism is a façade. Moreover, right wingers are usually just as bad.
I covered it here But basically, language leads to culture/thought.
English is great at crime, law and thus business. Superb colonial language. But it's terrible with race and culture - now you got SJWs, white-guilt, feminists, trans-pterodactyls, etc. You value clarity (not ambiguity) so it ends up with win/lose, us/them, black/white, right/wrong, good/evil.... and thus the minorities you exclude demonize you.
Spanish is great at flirting > sex > family > community. Interbreeding and absorbing minorities was the goal for centuries (based on how the Romans assimilated the Celts and other races in Europe - and spread through the Mediterranean. We do "grays" and ambiguity great - but it sucks at clear-cut yes/no, right/wrong.
So pro-family becomes pro-extended-family which easily leads to cronyism. All stepping-stones to corrupt dictators making friends and family rich. We criticize Anglo-Saxons for how "barbaric" they are with their kids (kicking them out at 18??!) and grandparents (what's an "old folks home"?) -- but it's an advantage in business and politics to "cut that bad fruit from the vine".
Anyways...Hispanics who come to the US are usually the ones who hate commies. Miami is full of Cubans and Venezuelans who loathe 'em.
Mexicans I suspect are very racist towards blacks. It's all that La Raza bullshit (which was a Rockefeller Foundation funded program).
I get along fine with 99% of other white people. You must be a dumb nigger or liberal or something
They vote for gibs and that is it. They are allies only during election cycles.
I think Simon Bolivar - himself - when looking at the Haitian revolution (first in the Americas) on which he modeled the rest...
...he also at one point argued/realized that Latin American culture would always need strong rulers.
(Unironically, again, I know many Hispanics who voted for Trump - including fairly liberal older ones of color who simply loathe the limp-wristed Democrats.)
Also, Franco in Spain. From Galicia. A seperatist region. But also a strong-arm dictator wanting to unify by force who did the opposite of what is expected. Regardless of loyalties, our strongest leaders were all dictators. Fuck political squabbling. (Makes the new Crown Prince of the Saudis very interesting btw).
You forgot your shitty flag.
The spics we get here illegally are all ugly little brown indian goblins.
Texas fag here. I can only speak for my state. But here its 50/50. If shit ever hit the fan big city hispanics from houston and dallas wo7ld side eith niggers. While us bordrercity folk would side with whites.
Theres an unspoken rule here. Usually when im in a mixed area a whitefag and i will nod each other signalling were in a nigger/wigger area and will aid each other if "shit pops off" as city faggots say.
Yes they hate them, but spic is a very vague term. 100% mexicans for example hate them more than whites do, and they are far more open about it. South Central occassionally had race wars as a common occurance in high schools, not so common now because more and more niggers are not going to school or drop out. Hell, I remember seeing that shit covered by local stations at one point. But there are A LOT of mixed spics that love BBC. You know the drill, half spic and half white/asian and they never lived next to a nigger but swear they are good boys when they leave them with a kid. They are more vocal, but much smaller in numbers. Hispanics being the majority is not good for blacks, and if that Hispanic majority is Mexican, well, blacks might actually go back to Africa.
Keep delusional Tyrone
This is like asking if possums and raccoons get along...
Of course not, scavengers living on the detritus of civilization will necessarily be in competition due to natural inequality or scarcity of resources.
Even if there is enough trash to go around for everyone to survive, some trash will be of better perceived quality, and therefore still cause conflict.