Is the movement dead?
It's okay to be white
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less a movement as it is a mobilization. it's a tactic to expose hypocrisy as should be treated as nothing more and nothing less.
Sup Forums is a bunch of lazy fucks
Yes. It was a dumb pointless "movement" that "proved" what already has been proved.
That's some scoliosis right there.
It was never a movement. Just an eye opening operation with moderate success
No we will get more it's okay to be white signs up this week
I'd like to see a "white lives don't matter" follow up on campuses that denounced the original flyers.
It needs a break in the areas it has been deployed and it needs to start up in the areas that have not experienced it.
Taking a break from pranksterism for at least a few weeks, is a great way to let the anti whites cool off and calm down. It also makes the anti white government go bat shit crazy because it can't find out who is doing the job.
You could schedule new times to strike but it is also useful if several quite people spontaneously do jobs too.
If you do this job (or any prank) a lot you might notice some very weird behavior from the news organizations that report on such things.
-Sometimes they will completely ignore the action.
-Other time they will blow the action far out of proportion, aka "The sky is falling."
-But sometimes the behavior is downright off. Say you have done something and you see the usual media hysterics with some major details being reported completely incorrectly. DO NOT CORRECT THE MEDIA. DO NOT CONTACT THE MEDIA. DO NOT LEAVE CLUES IN A FUTURE ACTION THAT TELLS THEM YOU KNOW THEY GOT IT WRONG/LIED.
It is possible they are just misinformed but it is also possible that they are trying to get you to reveal yourself. Remember, they don't know if the actions are from one person or from hundreds. They desperately want to figure that out and make an example of the prankster or pranksters. Don't give them a single inch and lay low for at least a few weeks. Strike a different area when you get back on the job.
Slid to death by the amerimutt shills.
These are the disastrous effects when the left finally memes.
Dad? Not even close. I still see articles nearly every day about it.
Anything that triggers left this bad is worth its weight in gold, let alone paper. Keep up the good work.
Nope. Plenty of people are still doing it that aren't posting about it. I'm probably going to post a ton tomorrow since I have a day off work. Still have 388 stickers printed and waiting to trigger someone, and about 900 more blanks I can print after that.
Richard Spencer & Milo & those retards ruined it
Like all cool things, it had a limited lifespan before becoming uncool. It became uncool when the alt-right associated themselves with it, and all you fucking retards printed papers with Trump-pictures or whatever. You totally undermined it, and now its not cool anymore. It had a good, albeit short run.
This 100%.
We need to pick a new day (like we did with oct 31) to do a coordinated posting of flyers en masse
>It's Okay to be White gets massive coverage
>amerimutt meme reappears after being dead for years
What a coincidence!
This post highlights the weakness of the white self hating mind. It does not matter if the post is a fake or genuine. Many white self haters think they are being clever/fighting the good fight, by trying to shame white people out of having an identity.
All you would be pranksters out there here are some more tips:
Work alone, work quickly, work quietly, work at night. (The more of these rules you break the more likely you are to be caught.)
If you get spotted, keep moving. Make a pursuer come to you. Evasion is your goal, not fighting.
That said, do get your cardio way up and your physical strength a little too. You need to be able to walk several miles without needing a rest to really do this right. (If you like working on foot.)
You can also play paperboy with a bicycle, motorcycle or car. Bicycle and car are great because they are not as loud as a motor cycle. Have a bag of papers just like real paperboys. This makes distribution a breeze. (This is much riskier and the bag makes you easy to identify, but the trade off is you have a much faster than foot method of escape.)
Vary the spots you strike at. This keep you much safer than hitting the same spot over and over. It is also a lot of fun to get to know new areas of town, keeps the game interesting and spread the message wider. If you spot a fellow prankster on the job, let him work. If he is in trouble with civilians who have caught him, try to help him get away. (An extremely bright flash light and a loud voice can make anti whites freeze in fear. Commands like "Don't move! Get off him! while shining the light in their eyes can make them yield. Don't do this with cops, they will shoot.)
The board is dead right now. Come back in a day or two or when shill threads arent so abundant or obvious.
This. E-celebs saw an opportunity to attach their brand to it and diluted the idea. This should at the very least show any lurking newfags that any e-celebs like Sargon and Milo are cancerous and shouldn't be respected in the least. They don't care about causes, only self promotion and money.
That being said, there's no reason to stop. There's a lot more triggering to be squeezed out of this simple yet effective strategy.
No. it's moved beyond Sup Forums and onto Sup Forums-lite. There are still flyers being posted every day.
This 100%.
We need to pick a new day (like we did with oct 31) to do a coordinated posting of flyers en masse
How about a Thanksgiving strike, and MLK day strike and a Black History Month strike? Strike when and where you can. Don't worry about striking more than one time per target area and don't over work yourself. The triggering will be like a dizzying blow to the white self hater. He will be more angry than the Jews who deceive him and the niggers that he idolizes.
Defeatism is a Jewish trick
It's OK to be White is simplistic that shouldn't have upset anyone and yet it did because many other races truly feel that White people are born with hate for others..
I'm going to post some around a couple cities in Iowa, I have 200 copies, a staple gun, duct tape, and the weekend off.
If anyone wants to join me it would be more than appreciated.
Movement? It's a project
I posted some yesterday. I say, keep it up. Someone took some of mine down so I'll report today. For anyone wanting info bout the spam, it's not leftypol. It's just frogtwitter. Keep on postin, lefties IRL are unhappy.
No, wait an hour. Downtown Chicago is soon going to learn that "It's okay to be white".
No, it's not dead.
It's just getting started.
Don't know, but it's likely that the amerimutt memes being pushed on Sup Forums right now are due to someone getting upset about how successful it became.
>Is the movement dead?
Memes never die they just get old, I have a feeling these five words keep popping up from time to time and around the place.
Nothing stopping you posting some out in the real world and putting some pictures back here
>I'd like to see a "white lives don't matter" follow up on campuses that denounced the original flyers.
My local news had a story online about some IOTBW posters found. Read the article(predictable it's rayciss reteric) and click to read the comments.... but they were disabled.
Funny how silent you people have been about Identity politics until whites started practicing it.
Nah, I think it's a survival instinct working to keep me alive, and you know what? It literally is.
There's a couple of problems with the thanksgiving strike in my opinion. The first is that a large number of anons will be with their family on Thanksgiving, and will have a tough time getting away to put up posters on Thanksgiving night. The night before thanksgiving is always a big get together night (lots of people coming back into town, they have something planned on that Wednesday every year, etc.). I'd say that anons should wait until Thanksgiving night when they're done with family time, but the problem is many stores are now opening for black friday at midnight.
Yes. This is because none of you ever leaves the house
Nah. Jews probably finally figured out it is bad PR to kvetch. This is about getting out into your local community. This is a message for us. Not for (((them))).
Suggestions for days to do another posting en masse?
hopefully around for a couple hundred years at lest?
it's been dead from the beginning when you hide and sneaked in the dark just to post something this tame.
the truth is you dont want a change. you're too in love with being the victims, just like the niggers and the fat women.
Exactly. Non-whites have no say in this.
what if we start posting stickers of the black sun? or should we just stick to iotbw?
Got lost in the mixed race
There is no phase two.
I have been preparing for the last week to do a massive wheat pasting campaign. No, it is not dead.
very much alive, not a movement but a fact
Perhaps a strike the weeks before TG and or the week after. A pre/post Christmas strike could be good too.
If you live near a college, do it the week before exam time. That really freaks the anti whites out. (If they want whites to become mixed race or dead, then there is no limit to how hard a white can be when fighting back. To do nothing or to play nice is to surrender to them.)
Discussing it with a liberal friend of mine. Any handy infographics/memes etc about the motivation behind this would be helpful thanks
The Jewish Masters fear whites organizing. They do not fear non whites and freaks organizing. That is the difference and the reason that such a tame message can work for white solidarity. Since the Jew media lies about the numb of killer white people in society, the anti whites think that white killers are everywhere. They also think IOTBW is a prelude to mass murder. This makes them very weak to the message no matter how tame. I am not opposed to harsher methods but IOTBW is a great one for folks who are just getting into pranksterism.
Exactly this. Any form that a Phase 2 takes can be used to discredit the main mission. This mission can run for another month or another decade, but altering the core of it will be used to discredit it. This was thoroughly discussed during the preparation leading to deployment of IOTBW. The utter simplicity and non-aggressive nature of IOTBW is its magic.
>bla bla bla jooooo!
just stfu.
wasn't a movement. it was mostly for the lulz
Search the archives. It was a simple plan to get liberals to sperg about us announcing that we have a right to exist. Don't wreck yourself overthinking it. We just refined a message and posted it IRL.
>Is the movement dead?
>>bla bla bla jooooo!
Here is proof that it is not dead. They are even asshurt about us talking about it.
i'm not even close to asshurt. read my original comment.
>yes. Sup Forums is a bunch of lazy fucks
Why are you so upset rabbi?
In EU it will be labeled fake news and will never make into Media (MSM, Social, Indy).
Thread about "fake news"
You do know that all that is left here is reddits and new neets... slide thread and sage.
far from it greatest
I don't know if it's possible, but maybe try slipping them in between magazines and books in book stores and libraries. It may take a while for them to be found but the beauty of it is it will reach a wider audience and really open some eyes. Especially if the person opens them on the bus or somewhere in public and rage in front of normies.
Just one suggestion. Don't just limit this to poles/walls/etc... It'd be fantastic if you could print hundreds of them, rent a hot air balloon, them shower the city with them, but that's just a dream.
God speed you magnificent bastards.
Definitely the entire month of February.
The movement started getting momentum just before a white guy shot up a church full of children so yeah...
What movement?
No. It isn't dead. It will continue to pop up. The ADL dun fucked up and released a statement about it.
Another idea that just came to me. Save all the flyers you get in the mail, may take weeks to get a bunch of them, wrap the notes inside and deliver them to a neighborhood of your choice. It won't look odd because you have the excuse of delivering flyers, a legitimate job. You can really reach a lot of normies that way.
Reminder that all the 12% face spam is the result of leftyfags getting triggered by this campaign. also, impoverished yuropoors from /bant/ are fed up with rejected Sup Forums threads getting dumped in their autistic hugbox and they blame this on americans for some reason.
>not even close
The true sign of asshurtedness.
It got kinda hard to argue it wasn't racist when well-known racists kept getting caught putting them up.
I would say decent sucess. The meme has been created and it is being used outside of Sup Forums. We did good anons.
>racist says that 2+2=4
>math is racist
A white christmas, anyone?
Grand Haven, Michigan is the story of the day it seems. Somebody got so triggered by the posters they called the fucking cops and they are actually investigating. Just wow.
feels like a long time since a otbw /gen/
anyone has any interesting feedback on the movement lately?
i know aiu showed steve shives opinion on it,
cant see tyt picking up on it.
anyone here think int s a good idea to link to Alex Jones?
it could be this guy
some links: post if you got some more
you guys have probably seen these but still
>Is the movement dead?
by no means.
what Sup Forums needs is another day of mass plasterings. Sup Forums is cemented through the bond of habbenings; and the IOKTBW kick-off was built around an event: halloween.
now, in the spirit of habbenings, we can compound the impact from the event with ridiculous and combustible symbolism. user proposes that we take back 'black friday' and declare it 'it's okay to be white friday'. this will send the sjws into a fuckin tizzy.
the day after thanksgiving, Sup Forums shall initiate campaign white-out on black-friday. instead of chimp-outs for discounted trinkets, the news at 11 will be featuring the moral outrage of a triggered nation's activist class screeching that it isn't okay to be white...especially on black friday.
the keks from this will be historic. a bunch of wastrals and imbeciles hyperventilating over 'white supremacists' violating the sanctity of black friday with their message of hatred and intolerance.
plus, if we're too busy redpilling with IOKTBW pages, we deny (((them))) our shekels.
tally ho, lads!
This, also, what about christmas, lads?
Clack and Van Buren Chicago.
It's ok to be hapa
Day after Thanksgiving is a holiday for everyone outside of retail.
>Somebody got so triggered by the posters they called the fucking cops and they are actually investigating.
>Thu, November 16 World Philosophy Day
>Sun, November 19 National Day of Mourning Germany
>Sun, November 19 National Day Multiple Countries
>Mon, November 20 Black Consciousness Day Brazil
>Mon, November 20National Absurdity Day (lol)
more of those her eif someone finds any better days
no its not ok it should be great and we should proclaim we will mantain our hard won privileges whithout retrocecing a mm,
We need honesty and undercover the hipocresy of and egoism of the minorities,
Tomorrow is an important day.
>Mon, November 20National Absurdity Day (lol)
Top kek.
>Thu, November 23 National Day of Mourning
>Tue, November 21 World Hello Day
>Sun, November 26 Cake Day
Wow, their terrible phone number is as Orwellian as their organization. . .
Phony holidays that no one cares about?
Friday after Thanksgiving is really perfect, I think. It celebrates the heritage of the US and the people who founded this country. In this time of leftists tearing down monuments and shitting on our founding fathers, it's a reminder that the people who founded this country were human beings like everyone else. It was okay to be white then. It's okay to be white now. We are not ashamed of how we were born or how our ancestors were born.
How about using the exact same font and size and reduce it to "It's okay" then gradually down to "okay".
It would be funny if they found the word okay to somehow have racist connotations.
Just because they're biting, don't stop baiting.