Thoughts on the new LOTR cast???
Thoughts on the new LOTR cast???
anothing rehash i won't be watching. nothing lost.
>niggers and spics in lotr
Why are jews allow to ruin everything? i wish the holocaust was real.
This isn't real is it?
Is it?
This better be fucking fake.
Seems quite progressive.
Please lord tell me this is fake.
I mean i'm still watching the fucking thing for free online at some point, but holy fuck, what kind of casting is that?
It's fake.
>watching movies
>not just reading the books and leaving it at that
>Galadriel is nigga
Jesus fucking christ, how terryfying!
too dark, not watching
Saruman the Sikh
Fake and Canadian
>Gandalf the Black
is this a joke
Fucking incredible
>blonde guy at the end
I was going to be mad then I saw Alan Tudyk.
>no Idris Elba
the only good casting is forest whitaker tbqh
Eddie Redmayn is a fucking hack who is skating by because he was a trannie once and a retard once so he gets good boy points
Wow, so the Jews even managed to ruin Tolkien.
I didn't think it was possible, but there it is.
Yeah it's fake
I only recognise morgan freeman, jonah hill and john boyega because he was the nog in star wars
who are any of these people
IT is important that we shit on everything the goyim feels is holy to them, or even vaguely important in any way. And we must also make sure everyone that makes fun of the holocaust gets put in jail.
That's going to be disgustingly accurate, I hope you realise OP
there is no way this is happening
no samuel l jackson as frodo.
As a diehard LotR fan I'm gonna be skipping this one
Who is funding/producing this bullshit again?
>not knowing Alan Two Dicks
YES!!! FINALLY!!! The last bastion of white regressivism will be destroyed. Embrace the progress, bigots. Looking forward to your white tears.
It's not real
Wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being similar though
What are you on about faggot?
There's "Everybody hates Chris" and the "Last of Us" chick.
Also Taylor the manlet Lautner
What's the problem guys? You will have your white washed version and we will have our very own more diverse version, everyone is happy. Y'all had your time but it is our turn now.
I fucking hate that Star Wars nigger, he's ugly as fuck and a shit actor. Why are the jews shoving him into every movie?
> All the elves are white
Orcposting came true
We wuz wizzards n shit
>white washed
Everyone in Lord of the Rings was white, you dumb nigger. Except for the orcs and haradrim, you were the orcs. Lord of the Ring was invented by a white man, why don't you write your own books, you filthy coon?
Because he's a trained monkey and serves their purpose
I can't really imagine a british person saying "coon"... It wouldn't sound right with the accent you know?
KEK how can this be real? this is a case where adding niggers literally makes the story unintelligible. Galadriel nig, arwen white, the elves are one race. let alone the fact that the people that are predominantly fans of medieval fantasy are white, who does this even appeal to? i don't even think the nigs who like lotr want to see a nog aragorn.
100% never going to watch.
The orcs will be cast all white
not just looking at the cover getting wastetd and making aload of shit up in your head and forgetting it the next day when you go to yyour mind numbing dead end job then coming hoe and crying yourself to sleep but at east you can blame the jews.
the story is shit, so what can you do? I hope the cast will in fact be 50% negro, just to piss off all the man children that are into this kind of tripe
fake and gay
Why. Honestly why when the trilogy were so good? I hope the loss burns their jew backsides.
to be fair i'd watch forest whitaker as gimli haha
didn't even think about the orcs urukhai and ringwraiths. theyll all be white bitchy sociopaths while the fellowship will all be "heroic" niggers and jews. 100% someone gets cucked in this, whatever this is
I'm gonna say this to be as unbiased as possible, because I know a lot of lefties will thumbs down my post...
But this aint rebbit.
Anyway, the cast of Lord of the rings was all white.. We remember Lord of the rings as being WHITE.
I don't know if Green Lantern is originally white, but I see him as a black man, because that's how I remember him; and when I saw him be white in a movie, it ruined it for me.
And if I were to see Static Shock as a white character, it would bother me.
I would rather see Asians star in live action movies based on Anime, NOT white people.
I would rather see a REAL Native American play a movie featuring native Americans...
But Thor? why can't we depict Norse mythology with Nordic actors.
And Beowulf? Why cast a black actor, for someone who is a fucking Dane?
Lord of the rings? WHY NOT LET IT STAY WHITE!?!?!?
Based on recent revelations because those blubbery lips have eaten a lot of Jew anus recently.
Seems about right
pretty good for lord of the rapes
Why do people still watch anything involving hollywood? Everything is either terrible, a rehash, or a terrible rehash. I've not paid to see a movie in probably 10 years. I've not had cable for about 7.
its a good story for kids to grow up with. i grew up with it and still appreciate it. i'd recommend reading the book over watching the movies everytime its just way better. but they did make movies though, and luckily for us in 2001 somehow the jews didn't get their hands on it and ruin it. but its not the case anymore, hollywood is trying to transform lotr into a subversive diversity mess
>nigger gandalf
Jesus Christ save us
Tolkien always wrote with a fuckton of respect towards bloodlines
Numenorians are literally the fading westerners that must fight of the "corrupted one" (souron=jewery ) that use the hordes of the south and east to kill them all 4 being 2 great in spirit.
>Beware the Lidless Eye
>rothchild using it on dollars and everything literally to mark their property
2 me sounds like Tolkien knew wut was going on and now they try 2 subvert him 2 .
So new.
This was shopped together as soon as the story that they're looking into a LOTR series broke.
Arwen is better casting than the original
I haven't. I only find out about their disgusting productions through Sup Forums
>Thoughts on the new LOTR cast???
good thing i've always hated LOTR
MODS please move this shit to >>Sup Forums
What the fuck are you even saying you stupid cunt?
I wonder who could be behind this diverse cast
They do this as a PR campaign.
They did the same thing with ghostbusters:
>like wouldn't it be cool if it was an all girl cast!
Then 1 gazillion Reddit upboats and 10x gold.
This isn't organic.
Mods please go to this guys house and kill him for complaining about this but not the 200 other
>le 56
>"what does Sup Forums think about muh dick
What the fuck is this? They are doing this shit all over again.
No source, fake news.
this is more political than it is tv. if this were over there, every post would be saying go back to Sup Forums
Nothing about that cast list would surprise me though.
The dwarves represented the jews because of their long beards and the hordes of money they kept in the mountains.
The race of man represents white people.
The elves were representations of the nordics.
The orcs and the urukai and golblins are the darkies.
the lotr is already diverse,
So the question here is,
What the fuck is with this forced diversity for th sake of it shit?
Is hollywood that fucking insane?
ellen page as arwen may b the worst of them all actually
Wouldn't surprise me a bit.All that bullshit fake diversity.
they don't care. they'd have to know they'll lose a shitload of money on this thing. they'll take great joy in ruining the very thing you described though. races of white people allying together, defending themselves from the darkies and sauron their jewish handler (high powered entity corrupted by evil).
now its just going to be about incompetent whites in the fellowship and we wuz kangz nogs doing whatever cause fuck u
Fake. I mean, not even in some (((somethingberg))) wet dreams they could make it that obvious
I wonder how it feels to be such an ignorant pathetic racist fuck to get this triggered over people of different races simply being in a new movie or tv show. How the fuck do you people sleep at night? I mean really. What the fuck is wrong with you? You need to get out of this mentality. Race is SKIN DEEP. it is an OUTDATED CONCEPT. And whether you like it or not, humanity is moving past race. There is nothing you can do about it. We're all human beings. Period.
You people never change. Every time I come here to see what you guys are up to, all you're doing is crying about race. Crying about black people being in movies, tv shows, etc. Is this how you want to remember your life when you're an old man on your deathbed? Constantly complkaining like a bitch that people of other races are acomplishing things while you sit in your basement and cry like an SJW about other races, and how its not fair that EVERY FUCKING MOVIE AND SHOWS cast is not ALL WHITE. I mean WHAT FUCKING REALITY DO YOU PEOPLE LIVE IN?
that movie is going to be horrible.
Fuck this
That's my thought on it
Thanks for my new pasta
Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, Rosie O'Donnell, Leslie Jones, Patton Oswalt- oliphants
>huurrr they casting blacks and shit
Stop being a faggot. It's called creating an audience.
Because they hate you and they want you dead.
>You people never change.
Then why try nigger?
The original text and movies did it great worldwide on it's own white merits, no diversity quotas needed.
maybe they wanted to recruit some blacks?
short "people" btfo
>you meant (((they)))
Why are you all so desperate for Non-European's validation for European culture to the point of them hijacking it?
You're not seeing my point though.
Who says that the people currently running LOTR are even remotely interested in LOTR? They're just businessmen who want $$$, and have a globalised market. A lot of Businessmen tend to go for new ideas. This is capitalism you know. If you support capitalism, then you shouldn't be too mad about cultural change.
>Nigger Dwarf
They should have used a Pygmy
remove the minorities and you are left with 1 no-name dude? fuck that shit, I don't care for it to be white but this is ridiculous