How can you contend with 15,000 educated scientists Sup Forums?
Warning to Humanity!!!
>climate change likely helped fuel Harvey's strength
if by likely, you mean "low confidence assessment"
When they keep being vague like that keep in mind "social """""scientist""""""" is in the realm of possibilities.
That is a very big number!
Is that the hill you wanna die on, because then we can just see what the climatologists say kek
>15,000 niggers cry wolf yet again.
I don't even deny AGW, I simply loath retarded surveys likes this, and "social scientists" even more.
It's OK though, some white trash redneck with a tiny penis and alcohol addiction told me that its all FAKE NEWS because the orange-colored white trash with a tiny penis and pee addiction said so.
kys memeflag
>muh dick
Nice argument
Kek! If you wanna know why most leafs are hopeless pozzed retards, look no further.
If you don't believe in climate change because Trumpf, you probably have a nigger Tier brain.
ITs almost like they've had enough time to turn an entire generation toward their cause.
What does climate change have to do with the endurance of a smarmy Jew molesting gentile girls?
The earth has approximately been close to the apocalypse for... 3,000 years?
I feel cheated by these "scientist", and I think I vouch for everyone here in saying humanity is perpetually fucked. Sure I feel bad for the diminished fish stocks, the extinction of species and the overall pollution of water ways in developed countries. In essence, maybe all of this is not necessarily "bad".
oh boy I sure love our state sponsored propaganda
Thousands of whites have been killed by niggers in USA alone just the past year.
>nobody cares
One flood in Florida against jewish real-estates.
Here's info on the Earth Summit of 1992 where Rothschild proposed to ship dry ice to the north pole to prevent global warming.
David Rothschild says it is hard for them to "activate global governance" in Copenhagen.
David Mayer de Rothschild on Alex Jones FULL Global Warming Debate (2007)
It's too late
Water level hasn't risen at all. Key West is still poppin.
"Believe" in climate change, what a farce of a statement. A better question would be, do you think the carbon output of mankind is the major factor driving the earth's climate? If our leaders truly believed this there would be huge efforts to clean up industry and end cheap, disposible manufacturing while keeping economies and national finances healthy enough to adapt and build better infrastructure.
Instead all it really boils down to is creating a system of total social control and increased taxation. As long as carbon is taxable governments have a reason to ensure production of it does not decline, also importing genocidal levels of immigrants to high energy use areas like Canada completely invalidates the concepts of sustainability and better stewartship of power consumption at the national level.
When they all refer back to the same peer reviewed study that was proven false years ago, its easy. Truth doesn't care how many people stand against it. Its always the truth.
turn them on to lawyers?
So nothing has happened since '92 and I'm supposed to be concerned about the latest prophecy?
>implying it even matters
>implying humanity would ever change when we're inherently grey
>implying mass extinctions haven't happened repeatedly over the course of history
It's just another stroke on the chalkboard in time. Get over it and enjoy what little time humans have to live.
don't bother, the retards here would sooner believe that the world is flat than to accept the reality of global warming
Yes you bigoted evil goy! Bad weather is your fault
>how close are we to rain dances and child sacrifices to placate the climate gods?
trig is bue
I don't. I'm an edgelord but denying science is crossing the line into the retarded area.
>Signing a petition and retweeting a hashtag on twitter makes you a scientist
Yes Swede import Africans from low energy nations to high energy nations like yours. This will reduce energy use and save the planet, remember to have no kids but set up generous welfare so our new dark Swedes can not work and have babies instead that you will pay for.
You shoot them. Next question.
There is absolutely no substance to this alarm-ism. You should all stop worrying, and probably take a nap.
I'm going to bed right now. Goodnight.
Anyone remember the acid rain panic back in the 80's and 90's?
I remember being taught that acid rain was supposed to kill all forests and destroy the earth within the next decade or some shit, there was so much rave about it. Today no one know what acid rain is....
This is so fucking pretentious.
why do you people still insist on thinking in terms of the human lifespan? wtf, new rule: if you don't plan 10 generations ahead, you get genocided
What happened to her hair? Was that one also result of Climate warming?
case and point
see how the common poltard is completely detached from reality
lol who cares about humanity. fuck em
>being this autistic
What does absurd mean?
Name a single effect of global warming that isn't positive.
how many times was the earth supposed to have been blown up by now over global warming/cooling?
Read: More than 15,000 members of the new priest-class issue 'threat to humanity'
How about you post one authentic photo of earth from space given the amount of probes and satellites thrown out there without a fucking digital camera? Oh wait, you can't you dumb swedish muzzie. Keep the dream alive.
Well the world would look completely differently now if they were right then, but since it doesn't they weren't. And I know you can't grasp this, but its possible they are wrong now too. Its not like they can say anything different since they would lose their jobs if they did.
>Nicole Mortillaro
Global warming took away her hair lmao
let me guess, this change involves higher taxes
British shit posting
you truly are your own worst enemy
What is the total number of educated scientists in the world? 15,000 sure isn't 97% of that number.
I bet they claimed in 1992 we would be underwater by 2007 or something lol
Ill care about the environment when the reproductive future of my race is secured.
If the earth is populated by niggers then it can rot for all i care.
>save earth
yeah nah earth is going to shit regardless. we just may speed it up a little.
>Be scientist
>Need federal grant to feed family
>Say what you gots to say
yes, we need to render humanity extinct in the most graceful way possible. VHEMT isn't working, it won't be voluntary, but it doesn't have to be nuclear
no different than if 15,000 clergymen issued a warning to humanity about lack of belief in god
Great. So when do we start to clean up India and China? When are we going to start limiting population of asia and africa?
So 15000 people got a huge check from governments to help push the carbon tax?
They should be fair and credit climate change with blocking hurricanes from hitting the gulf coast for 12 years
Just be consistent is all I ask.
Climate change will have many positives. Let's highlight those occasionally
97% is a lie, the question there was "Is it possible for humans to cause global warming?" not "Is man made global warming a major threat?" That percentage is much lower, and any news media company using muh 97% is intentionally being misleading aka FAKE NEWS.
this is what they tell swedish people
How do we fix it?
Oh we can’t
Okay fuck off then
they are most of the problem, greedy maggots feasting at the corpse of western industrial civilization. we need to abort these mud people, you simply aren't allowed to have 10 kids in the 21st century, it doesn't work like that
I’ve got a masters degree in a hard science and I say nah
Now what?
Small arms fire and a few well placed hand grenades springs to mind. Worked for my dad in WW2.
Scientists will suck dick for grant money so their opinions carry no more weight than anyone else.
>which gained popularity on twitter
aaand stop reading.
Fuck this multicultural progressive vision of the future that ((they)) want to create. It's hard to convince someone to work on saving the earth for future generations when there is an active effort to prevent them from being part of the future in the first place. I'm rooting for global warming, beats a world full of nothing but shitskins.
>oh just tell china and india to shut it all down, that'll do the trick
>A melanin-enriched amateur astronomy fan reports on fellatio at the Oregano state university
I should care why?
>let's see what is said by people whose careers depend on maintaining a narrative
Imma climatologists. I make a lot of money studying global warming.
It’s super, super important we study this, cause REALLY BAD THINGS can happen.
So keep the grant money coming, K?
And just trust me on this, it’s totally real! KTHANX BYE!
Their (((Fix))) is (((carbon tax))) which floods money into the hands of (((goldman sachs))).
All a coincidence, I tell you, goy.
Never mind that the output from the sun fluctuates and that their (((computer models))) don't include that tidbit in their fucking simulation.
>implying I don't believe global warming is real
>implying I don't hope the human contribution is both real and significant
>implying I don't want to watch Israel and the ME and Africa turn into giant fucking frying pans during my lifetime
It's not just about social control, it's also in China's best interest to promote global warming tax, cause it means manufacturing moves to china.
>oy vey you of the 3 billion races
>trust us goyim we mean the best
>we wouldn't just tell you to suicide to remove our only remaining threat
Only thing i see is that the world is becoming overpopulated so shit is getting used up too fast.
But these fucks would rather blame "muh obese Americans" instead of the actual fuckers who are causing population growth aka the United Nations.
Pull all foreign aid and the problems will solve themselves through natural selection.
They're saying that the increased temperatures due to carbon dioxide altered the way he was thinking. Him, being Jewish, never would have touched a female without her permission if whitey hadn't ruined the climate. It was basically another shoah.
Hi from midget deer island neighbor
Exactly. It's like getting 15,000 priests to form a consensus that god is real. Climate 'science' is purely dogmatic based on falsified data, basically a lie.
They need global governance to enforce contraction and convergence which has been a cornerstone of UN environmental policies since the early 1990s.
But governments say we aren't reproducing fast enough. We need more people. It's common knowledge that the only way to heal the planet us population decrease. But Our governments are saying we need more people. Anything these idiots say is moot. These scientists should be saying we need less humans on the planet. It's the only fucking answer but do they?
Let me guess. The warning in 1992 said that we would all be dead by now. Since they didnt happen, we need a new warning to tell us we will all dead in 25 years for real this time.
Wake me when they can predict the path of a hurricane.
>muh science by consensus
All it takes is one guy to refute this shit with evidence, doesn't matter how many idiots believe a thing, that isn't how science works.
>Educated Scientists
Shill, guess what leaf? There aren't 15,000 climate scientists in the whole fucking world.
Just because you can get together a bunch of fuckers with a PhD together to virtue signal your cause doesn't make them climate experts
you see brainlet, the problem for you dumbfucks is science is true irrespective of popular opinion
Each ice age and global cataclysm has buried tons of atmospheric carbon. Every organism that died in a mass extinction has been trapped underground and removed from the cycle of life. This is why we have had reoccurring ice ages, because the climate has been cooling every time there was a mass extinction the planet got colder and colder. Without human intervention the planet would eventually fall into a permanent ice age and all life on Earth would have gone extinct. We need to do everything we can to dig the earth and return the carbon to the atmosphere. We are the earth worms of this planet.
This. Hard for me to care about the world 5 generations from now when the same people are telling me they want my people to be extinct 5 generations from now.
Now theyre just lying to push their political agenda. This hurricane season was caused by an el nino that failed to form last year.
The same thing happened 13 years ago with that season
global warming doesn't rely on chaos theory
yes, that's why it's called science and not "muh fee fees"
Exactly what I was thinking.
I thought the coasts were supposed to be underwater by now? What happened?
>So when do we start to clean up India and China?
they're already part of the paris accords