Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween
Has he killed himself already?
he's committed suicide by the last panel, dude
living is a trick and death is the treat
>meme arrow on twittwat
As expected of Dan "Top Cuck" Kim
Every day he's roleplaying with his mega-autist fanbase on twitter and ask.fm without rest. How can he go on? I would've shot myself ten years ago if I were in his shoes.
fantastic, I love it!
Kill yourself Dan
your art sucks.
Shit I kinda want a Blame! t-shirt as well
Well fuck it being a pleb won't surprise anyone.
Maybe next year friend!
>the only Halloween ito thread was on Sup Forums and got 404'd
fuck they are too comfy
... why is Sakura working an officer job, she's the most powerful sorcerer on the planet and the complete set of Clow Cards give her virtually infinite power.
I mean, really.
she wants to live a normal life.
Yeah, but her normal life clearly blows.
Go back to magic woman! Go back to your chinese swordwizard boytoy and hot rich lesbian best friend who clearly wanted to make all the porn videos with you instead of angsting over cradle-robbing middle management! Go back to Windy and Shadow and Power, not your douchebag coworkers! Stop worrying about synergies and start worrying about card combos!
Be a freakin' wizard Sakura! Jeez.
its an anime troop my man. many characters give up their abilities or powers because "muh normalfag life"
its like the creators of the shows are telling their retarded weeboo fans that being a normalfag is something to inspire to become.
To be fair though, last we saw of Sakura she was sayin' nuts to that and being a kickass wizard in that sequel movie.
Didn't they just start a new Cardcaptors where Sakura is in middle school? I'm sure she ain't setting the Archamage's Mantle aside in that shit. ROLLIN' WITH DA WIZARDS! ZAP MOTHERFUCKA!
Some of these were ok.
When I last checked, though, he hadn't made anything new in, like, fifteen years or something.
The joke is that you can relate.
The joke is Dan Kim
>still raking in those neetbucks while being a hero for lonely 20 something year olds.
You guys wish you could be me. help oh god
stay strong
DK is the hero we deserve.
dropping red pill truths
life is hard
This hits too close.