>american posters
Pick one
>american posters
Pick one
Only a confused mutt would ever go to a Sup Forums meet up
>reddit meet ups
What did you expect
>tfw the nationalists are more diverse than antifa
Mutt and newfag both in one.
time to unleash my mutts
>be American
>have good vetting procedures
>rapists and murders are deported
>be eurocuck
>no vetting procedures
>let them all in
>don't deport rapists and murderer's
>terror attack every week
>The Event was in NYC
W H A T D I D Y O U E X P E C T.
some of us have ayy dna
Post mutt reactions
Only city retards who voted hillary look like that, my whole state is actually white. I hate those mongrels
Is this what the white ethnostate looks like?
Show the flag, mutt.
>tfw no autistic gf
Americans are my favorite meme
they 're trump voters