Why won't they just scream for help instead of doing nothing?
Why won't they just scream for help instead of doing nothing?
Dylan Powell
Julian Wood
It's ingrained in Japanese society to not make a scene. Their way of thinking is much different than America's or wherever you may come from. Japan is weird.
They've made female-only passenger trains just to combat this problem, too.
Anthony Martinez
rapee etiquette
Tyler Long
They still get raped there anyway
Jayden Long
But at least they don't bother the other passengers
Ethan Bailey
me on the left
Dylan Adams
they enjoy it
Kayden Jones
because hentai
Jonathan Hall
It's weird that Japan wouldn't know what to do in this situation like I've seen some women flat out apologize for making a fuss over being raped and making a scene.
Nolan Morgan
>japs are thought to be smart
>they're actually complete retards