Why does Sup Forums hate wish fulfillment stories?

Why does Sup Forums hate wish fulfillment stories?

MT's prose was fucking shit

Because as we grow into more cynical adults we realize our wishes as such will never be fulfilled, so the schadenfreude from seeing others suffer and experience pain and despair in more realistic settings is the fulfillment of our adult experience.

Or something.

Because they don't fulfill my wish. I just want an anime about a boy who is turned into a girl and seduced by an alpha lesbian who makes him choose to stay a girl and become her wife.

So it's just another case of not being pandered. Business as usual I guess.

Oh, I enjoy wish fulfillment, I was just trying to give you an answer.

Really, I enjoy anything with excessive cute, tits, or action.

Because the wish fulfillment tends to shoot whatever themes the show was going for in the foot. Clannad is about as good an example as there is, where Nagisa's death makes Tomoya grow as a person and culminates in some extremely powerful moments with Ushio and Tomoya's father. And then yay magic time reset and magic mystery disease is cured. It shits over everything it just tried to make you feel in the name of having a happy ending.

Wish fulfillment is fine if the MC puts in the work to make use of it, if they're constantly handed everything on a platter and after that no real problems occur and they never develop anything other than the plot like Re:monster then it's shit.

Shieldbro could have been great but the villains were a little to mustache twirling, spearbro was wasted potential and Noafumi was an angsty shit who only trusted slaves because the author had no idea how to handle believable character motivations.

oh you mean literally the TV series of Re:zero

It's not an Sup Forums thing, and they suck because they're vapid and shallow. Something that doesn't challenge the viewer/reader/player in some way isn't worth their time, and I say that under the belief that depth comes from what a person gets out of something instead of inherent qualities. In this case, what they get out of wish-fulfillment is (false?) comfort derived from living vicariously through fictional characters, which certainly isn't a good thing.

Who cares, it's still a decent story, and has the best world building of all the popular Isekai stories.

>after writing this post user goes to watch the newest moeblob haremshit anime

Sounds like that post made you salty.

>Living vicariously through fictional characters which isn't certainly a good thing

i wish i had that "It's not healthy!" pic

Because they're based on shit Nip tastes.

The only thing I'm salty about is you not sharing a bed with me.

I have the other one but it won't let me post because it "contains an embedded file".

It was a simpler time back then.

Because they usually have shit writing.

>I say that under the belief that depth comes from what a person gets out of something instead of inherent qualities
>what a person gets out of it
How do you know what people other than you get out of things and who are you to deem whatever it is they're feeling 'not right'?

>tripfag can't into google images
Step up, senpai.

open it in paint, make a new file and paste it there? Thanks for the pic though, ill save it regardless

Hm, i guess it happened since im using another search engine instead of google. Thanks btw user

Because it makes me feel like shit so I need to ruin the fun of everyone who likes it by shitposting in the threads and calling everyone who likes it to have shit taste in an effort to make me feel better.

Even though that other guy Googled it already here you go

I don't. I've been reading Isekai WNs like a faggot.

Faggot. Get some taste already.

Because the older you get. the better you understand that there are no more second chances left for a happy life so fulfillment stories only rub salt into the wound

Because most of Sup Forums are already at borderline wizard levels with no wishes fulfilled.

Some angst is understandable.

Doesn't you have some dreams and hopes to destroyed, Marche?

>Don't you have some hopes and dreams to destroy, Marche?
You're welcome, ESL.

Because they never turn real

My problem with recent trends in "wish fulfillment," in Japanese fiction, especially the isekai genre, is that its built on many negative elements and emotions. It seems these days the bulk of these stories focus on vicarious revenge fantasies inflicted upon innocents, sexual gratification via objectification, and the glorification of amorality and ruthlessness as cardinal virtues because they allow you to seize the first two things. They're dark stories consumed by an increasingly dark audience.

Maybe you can argue that anime wish fulfillment was always those things under the surface, but at least there was that surface, that attempt to couch what was happening in positive messages and morals and character traits. Now they don't bother, and that's troubling.

>Sup Forums hates wish fulfillment stories


But they do. Every isekai shit gets shit on and gets called as a shitty wish fulfillment, otaku pandering, waifubait garbage all the time.

I like wish fulfillment stories that depicts MY wishes being fulfilled.

I lived a hard live, user. I just wanna have fun with fun things and listen to some dadrock. Damn hipsters just don't understand.

What is your wish, user?

>especially the isekai genre, is that its built on many negative elements and emotions.

SAO and Jew Horizon is quite positive, user. Stop being an edgey faggot. Also read World Teacher.

Wut, which CGDCT have you been watching

I wish for Donald Trump to make anime real.

What kind of real are we talking about here?

For me, it's because they always use the same damn Dragon Quest-inspired fantasy setting.

Would it kill them to at least try and add some originality to their fantasies?

Protip :Madoka was a wish fulfillment anime.

Waifus and magic.

>add some originality to their fantasies?

Konosuba was a decontruction of the Isekai genre. It's deep like Madoka.



Ah, you funny mang.

You know when people say "wish fulfillment," they don't mean, like, the literal fulfilling of literal wishes, right?

I though they do?

Well, I mean, the wishes of the AUDIENCE, sure. But not the wishes of the characters.

No,its just another self insertion faggotry that is aware its a self insertion faggotry

We don't. Sup Forums is a semi hive mind.

Because if you don't like the character, the SI unironically becomes an unbearable Mary Sue.

What did you mean by this?

>No,its just another self insertion faggotry that is aware its a self insertion faggotry
We must go deeper. Blown

Self-Insert? What about that do you not get?

Why shorten it? Self insert doesn't seem like a long word.

I don't mind when they are actually well written. If the MC and the main girls have really great chemistry and the plot is interesting then I don't see why not.
The only problem is that the majority of wish-fulfillment is written by bottom of the barrel writers trying to make a quick buck.

Too much at the same time flooded the industry.

And each new one is more and more simple than the previous ones. Have you read Re:Monster? "Dear diary: Today I got "blood suck" "cast dark fire" "energy drain" and "infinite mana"

Wish fulfillment is perfectly fine but like any other kind of story it needs to take its time to build itself and like any other kind of story too much at the same time cause saturation and hate.

Wish fulfillment is way too transparent and makes me cringe at the authors attempts to fool me into his fantasy, I'm sitting here like "try harder".

Because we can? I mean, SI has been used by other anons before in other threads. Isekai and self-inserts are discussed a lot on Sup Forums, so having to type that frequently used word repeatedly gets incredibly tiring. I mean, this isn't even a new thing here. Why are you even surprised at this?

Too safe and predictable to cause any real drama or tension. That was never their aim either, but since SAO got popular you have people looking to the genre for things it was never meant to provide.

Because it feels weird and this is the first time I've seen it's usage I guess.

Pretty sure MT's rapid translations were due to its popularity on Sup Forums, not to mention the constant chain threads it had for like an entire year. What makes you think every individual on the board is against such stories?

I rather read time-travel loop stories than isekai shit.

MT's rapid translations were because Google Translate works fast.

Alice Tale is for you

I don't know how anyone could stand MT's translation and editing. I could barely force my way through, it's so fucking ridiculous shit.


Is Mushoku Tensei a wish fulfillment story, though ? It starts as one but my impression was that it actually turns out into something interesting once the MC starts growing into an adult (probably somewhere around the time he meets Paul in Millis).

I don't get why people here like the Shield Hero that much. As far as that MC archetype goes, Legendary Moonlight Sculptor is a much better read (but it's gookshit, not nipshit).

what the fuck is even the definition of a "wish fulfillment" story in the first place

seems like one of these popular Sup Forums buzzwords that are vague enough to describe anything that isn't a sociological study of the lifestyle of middle aged virgin anime nerds

I hate them because they usually involve bland and uninteresting characters.

I am a character liking guy. I will watch anything if it has well written characters.

>Why does Sup Forums hate wish fulfillment stories?
Because everyday I wake up, is a day my wish isn't fulfilled

I hate Wish Fulfillment because they don't fulfill my wishes

Which mostly involve the MC leading a horde of barbarians to sack fantasy rome or dealing with fantasy politics as nobility.

Rome is overrated.

For the same reason /tg/ almost always hate DMPC and magical realm. The author self-insert and don't create story or world, he just masturbate.

I mean those are just facts. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy them. Sometimes you just have to acknowledge that you consume shitty media without trying to justify how the shitty media is actually good.

Yeah,I prefer China or India desu senpai

>Noafumi was an angsty shit who only trusted slaves because the author had no idea how to handle believable character motivations.

Considering otherwise he'd be a naive goody two-shoes MC who doesn't know any better. Speardude's re-do shows what Naofumi would have been if he didn't snap.

>World Teacher
I'm sorry user. That story goes to shit once the elf shows back up and joins the harem. Here's a spoiler for you.
Every single arc involves romance in some way, but since the author doesn't want Sirius to have anymore girls, the girls fall for someone else, like Reus. Even if Sirius is the one that did most of the work, the author handwaves it away saying that Sirius is too perfect so the girls don't fall for him. Every single arc is like this. Basically drop the story shortly after the elf reappears in 50 chapters and never look back.

Because I'm too intelligent for them now.

I love wish fulfillement isekai, even if I understand they're not actually very good most of the time. But I still hate mushoku tensei.[

Because the main character is absolutely disgusting.
Like, most MCs in isekai are reborn otaku self-insert, and I'm okay with that but there's a fucking limit.
He started the novel saying "I won't be like my previous life" but his personality didn't change at all.

I can't self-insert with such a shit protagonist.

You musn't have read very far. All the crap lolicon shit mostly get thrown in the wind and the MC changes a lot.

>Get some taste already.
Why? So I can enjoy less things?

I read up to the point where he meets his father again after the big "teleport incident".

>They're dark stories consumed by an increasingly dark audience.

there's plenty of wish fullfillement slice-of-life stuff.
Like danmachi, death march (which despite the name has got to be the most positive isekai ever, the main character never kills anyone despite the stereotypical cheat-like powers), or only sense online

>Dragon Quest-inspired fantasy
try some xianxia
it has about the same quality as the average web novel but at least the setting is ancient kung-fu mythological stuff instead of demon lord vs heroes stuff.

>Which mostly involve the MC leading a horde of barbarians to sack fantasy rome or dealing with fantasy politics as nobility.

I feel you.
I want a fantasy novel/manga/anime about a young conqueror like Alexander the great. It can even be a isekai harem or whatever, just give me some empire building stuff, that's my wish-fulfillment

That's more or less the period where he starts growing up a lot, going from "I'm in a new world and I can have fun without too much consequences" to "I actually have responsibilities to think about".
That's also the point where the world-building and the over-arching story really kicks in (considering his meeting with Orsted happens shortly after).
Without spoiling too much, he ends up shaping into a pretty straightedge family man.

Xianxia is even more formulaic than isekai/RPG stuff.

It just needs to learn how not to take itself too seriously.

AKA don't do it like SAO.

>That's more or less the period where he starts growing up a lot
I guess I might give it a try again.

>Xianxia is even more formulaic than isekai/RPG stuff.
the point was that it at least had a different setting.
From what I read so far, xianxia has pretty much the same structure as isekai (OP MC with cheat ability who forms a harem) stuff, but with fake kung-fu instead of video game stuff. Of course, it's not quality material but neither are most wn/ln.

It's simple really, in wish fulfillment stories there is no conflict or catharsis for the characters to struggle through.. All good stories have characters go through some sort of struggle to get through be it a moe slice of life show or a dark fantasy action series. When a character does not have a conflict it's boring and that's where the problem of wish fulfillment comes in all the struggles the MC goes through are insignificant, easily solved or the pay off is way too large for what they accomplished. Giving everything to a character on a silver platter is just poor writing.

While no masterpiece I actually thought it was pretty good. Well at least compared to like 90% of the copy/pasted shit you see on narou and in battle harems.

Its especially hard to pull of child reincarnation and very rare to see it tell the story of the MCs whole life in detail. Just look how bad most of them are.
Either they end up as a kid forever or pull similar BS where the story just doesn't progress beyond a certain point or its just plain underwhelming.

I know people shit on it non-stop, but towards the end of the story I ended up actually rooting for the MC even if a little.
It was sad when he died and the narration went on to explain his deeds and accomplishments to the world, which I definitely didn't think I'd do at the start of the story, since he was a literal manchild.

Btw did anyone read the new spinoff series? It kinda seems like a setup for the sequel. Decided to stop and wait at chapter 4 since the author is updating daily.

>It seems these days the bulk of these stories focus on vicarious revenge fantasies inflicted upon innocents, sexual gratification via objectification, and the glorification of amorality and ruthlessness as cardinal virtues because they allow you to seize the first two things.

You clearly suck dick at finding the ones that aren't like this then. Practically 90% of the Otome isekai genre has none of these things, and that's just one fucking sub genre of which you can find thousands of series.

Why can't you people just accept that you're about as bad as finding the shit you want to read as Google does finding sauce?

Speaking of child reincarnations and xianxia, I remember reading one where the protagonist thought it was a good thing he was paraplegic in his first life, because being a baby incapable of even sitting up for some time would have driven a normal person insane.

Overall MT is pretty good, have a balanced amount of SoL and action, also i like that all the character have importance in the story and Rudy isn't a Gary Stu and don't start making thing of this world like a genius
About the Spoiler No, i was waiting the translation of jobless, but maybe i can do a briefly summary of jobless and the new spin-off
Also in the next LN The archer girl of LN7 appear again

Holy shit the double release for Sevens

>Lianne is still butthurt from being kicked out of her kingdom
>Lyle had an alpha as fuck ancestor
>said ancestor soloed agrissa with one body strengthening skill and fucking won
>agrissa the bitch was pretty much an final boss with the ability to create her skills aka slutty reinhardt with a boner to destroy nations
>mfw novem from alpha Lyle's time was a reverse trap
>pic related got cucked so hard that she reincarnated to present time with lyle
>after agrissa got killed suddenly BETRAYAL from the ancestor of the royal family
>Basil is still best boy
The harem grows this time instead of 1 woman cucking her she gets 11
>technically alpha lyle should have became king after killing slut reinhardt
>lyle has the right of becoming the emperor
>this character has a strong claim to the empire of bahnseim

Shit is getting mad in these two chapters

Because they're generally written so terribly that it's painful to watch. That and I'm generally pretty self-aware, so it watching them feels somewhat insulting. What's worse is that they always take themselves seriously.

Try Vanadis

This. I don't ask for much. Just interesting characters is all it takes to please me these days.

I remember that one. Last I read the translations were up to the stupidamensia arc.

That part was so boring. Hopefully it gets better later