Trump would look much more respectible if he got rid of the fake hair, fake tan and hair dye.
Trump would look much more respectible if he got rid of the fake hair, fake tan and hair dye
What do Ivankas farts smell like?
salty coins and milk
I agree.
Still didn't realize that's a shop?
Fresh Mahtza bread
Was this the guy that was getting his dick sucked at the Vegas concert during the shooting and the girl sucking his dick got brained?
Dan Bilzerian
he became rich because of his father exactly like Trump
that never happened
he did however run around like an asshole and told a cop to give him his gun cuz he had "credentials", cop told him to fuck right off, it was funny
he's a guy who flunked out of the navy, it was funny watching him try and fail at being a hero
Vanilla. She smells like vanilla on a warm spring day.
who took the photos in those last moments before the real Donald Trumps life ended I wonder?
Better if it weren't.
I have to agree, OP.
Choke on nigger dicc
wtf same thread as yesterday, russian bots gtfo
nuTrump is not the guy from these old photos
just watch a video of the actual DJT in the 80's and you will see that he is an entirely different man who can actually for coherent sentences.
Wait what? :(
Why did you tell me this
what the fuck are you talking about?
Like shit
i wonder
someone post the bald Trump
he would look good
He made it almost all the way through BUD/S, which is no small feat. He was kicked out supposedly for range safety violations, but word is he was a fucking tool that nobody liked, so they dropped him. He's obviously massively butthurt about not getting to be a SEAL and has spent all his time since then trying to compensate with drugs, whores and a massive gun collection. He's a fucking faggot.
Trump was murdered and replace in 1992
It's a pretty long conspiracy to get into, originating many decades ago from the bohemian grove. You will have to research that yourself I'm afraid
Waffle flavored vape.
why arent you at work?
I'm writing an essay and posting on Sup Forums
work is for poor people and non students
yea..get a job
Smells like shit.
Fuck you
A nigger with white skin is still a nigger.
Looking like Alf Stewart is never a bad idea.
fucking hillary
You are one dumb nigger.
>What do Ivankas farts smell like?
Jewish cum.
What do Germans leak from their ass?
Syrian HIV semen
Every time.
Lol that was so pathetic I actually cringed. I remember how my retarded friend tried to defend him like "yeah but he is more badass than the cop so why didn't he get the weapon?"
Why are you so triggered over the fact that Yael Trump converted to Judaism?
>Before her wedding, in July 2009, after studying for over a year with Rabbi Elie Weinstock from the Modern Orthodox Ramaz School, she converted to Orthodox Judaism
>took the Hebrew name "Yael"
>She describes her conversion as an "amazing and beautiful journey" and that her father supported her studies from day one, due to his respect for the Jewish religion
>She attests to keeping a kosher diet and observing the Jewish Sabbath
>"We're pretty observant... It's been such a great life decision for me... I really find that with Judaism, it creates an amazing blueprint for family connectivity."
The hair and tan is a pleb filter. It distracts small minds from paying attention to what he's really saying and doing.
I remember a point early last year where my brain just stop noticing it, and a lot of his antics suddenly started making a lot more sense.
He's constantly psyching out his opponents.
But personally, if he did an image change, I'd want him to go Jeff Bridges as Obedia Stane from Iron Man. Bald + goatie.
My boy, Donnie J. Wears his shit like that cuz he's based as fuck.
Is this virgin Letterman beard? Put him in a CHAD MEL beard.
The meeting that saved manlets from the gas chambers
So Trump is James Woods?
I hope your mum gets cancer
No, he looks AWESOME right now. He can even grow his hair out longer and just look even more super saiyan.
Joke's on your, Hilldawg, my mom's dead
Then he would look like a cuck
Bloody Witch
why do you fetishize the president? Are you a female or effeminate?
Bannon a cute
god damn it hillary
the Mob tried to kill Trump in 1989, the feds tipped him off so he wasn't on the helicopter when it exploded, Trump has been loyal to the Federal Government for saving his life ever since
dwumpfy wit his iddy biddy widdle hands wear topay not rael hair!! he shouldnt insult peeple personaly but he dumb fat bufoon!
You would look a lot better without the fake boobs and without the fake long-bitch hair... faggot.
How much le % face do you think the Trumps are ignoring the little jew halflings just Trump and his kids?
what the fuck is this meme?
Take away the mane of a proud strong grown lion. Make it look terrible. The same thing would happen if you took away Trumps.
He needs to bring back the Louis XIV is what he needs to do.
lmao he looks like a fucking tranny in this pic
lol can you imagine if he got this cut the jews would start flying back to Israel before the next shoah
you never know senpai
forced, don't respond to these memes, i'm serious
>to me sons of Sigmar, for the Empire
Damn. That's a good look. Very Colonel Kurtz.
fuck off
kinda figured
He'd look like Dick Jones. Maybe there is hope for Detroit yet
>Obedia Stane from Iron Man. Bald + goatie.