Is this true, Sup Forums? I've been working in IT and I think I'm going to switch careers, future outlook for various career paths keeps getting revised downwards.
Is this true, Sup Forums? I've been working in IT and I think I'm going to switch careers...
Just say your tranny or something.
>His arguements against indians consists of vague memes and buzzwords
>using ugliest indian to create a positive persona of your race
>being this insecure
I feel bad for you albine niggers. Good thing nowadays only cerebrally lower indians are rushing to your countries. You deserve those niggers.
Fuck off you Punjabi ass, nobody wants your uncivilized ass here either.
You crave for a desi punjabi fat cock you gay fuckboy. Why so obsessed with indians especially with punjabis? Some indian made you bleed from your vagina?
Here is how it works.
As soon as you hire someone from India it is going to be over in 4-5 years for that company in that division. This happens when an individual contributor is promoted to a manager. Indians are not assimilating to America, they will bend and contort themselves as IC's but once they have a team they kiss upwards and shit downwards. When they have a team the pressure to 'do as I say' rubs American's raw. They will push the limits of proper professionalism and then make moves to exit anyone who is not Indian out of their team. There is no guilt associated with this since it is the same thing they would do in India.
During interviews you have no chance to get on these teams and HR looks the other way as they ONLY hire other Indians. Open and hostile breaking of the rules but HR is paralyzed from action, especially if Indians are working in HR. Now you have a new manager with low leadership skills with a team of almost 100% Indians (with a few miserables Americans and maybe a Chinese dude just keeping to himself wishing he could do the same thing) who is "getting results". Not quality product, not making sure that the right thing is done,... simply doing whatever his immediate manager is telling him to do without question. This manager also has a team who thinks the same way as him so this is running smoothly.
In the next year you have the immediate manager reward the new manager with increased responsibilities. This can be ownership over a peer team, Senior Manager role, ability to make people into leads, etc. Think of it as a pyramid with this new manager at the top, as the pyramid grows the base gets wider and more is under its care.
Over a few years, 4-5 usually, this process continues until entire divisions of companies are now fully or 90%+ Indian. NOBODY talks about this openly in the tech industry but it is a common feeling about the "Indian Mafia".
yes, and I work in IT
Should I ditch IT? I'm a Linux, VMware, and networking admin. I honestly see most IT jobs getting automated away, either through Puppet and the like, or poo in loos and their flowcharts.
Nobody wants to talk about it, but I've been in the industry for 3 years now and it seems everyone thinks more automation will increase jobs and pay. I don't see how that is even remotely possible.
It's time to squeeze out the poo.
no don't ditch it, but be aware that pajeetpoo may take your job since we have our government fucking us over via H1B visas, open borders policies, and companies outsourcing without consequence
Automation is pretty far away imo
They pretend the language barrier doesn't matter until they are in a hiring position, then they not only discriminate against Americans but their own countrymen from other states who don't speak their particular Sanskrit dialect. They come in speaking English, once they have control and the whites are a minority they start speaking in Tamil or whatever 100% of the time. We are supposed to ignore the language barrier even though it is huge and they play to our foolish weaknesses and laugh about it. I would take any American kid off the street any day before a poo.
Also their degrees are obtained in 12 years, same education our high school kids have. Most just pay bribes for the degrees anyway, it's how worthless they are.
Yeah, agreed with , don't ditch it but learn to pivot. You WILL run into this issue at most companies eventually, maybe as a line level guy or maybe when you are a Senior Director and they hire in an Indian VP.
You have 2 choices really, either find a hidey-hole where you own the environment fully and never think about sticking your head out OR look for smaller companies/startups where you may take a slight cut on your base salary with the hope of an IPO pay off.
It really depends upon where you are, Silicon Valley or SF? You have 1,000's of choices to look into. Montana? You have 1-5 tops.
Go to LinkedIn, type in the name of a company, click on "People" and then take a look at who is in the leadership roles. If the head of IT is an Indian then move on if you can't adapt to working for a different culture while in the US.
>but their own countrymen from other states who don't speak their particular Sanskrit dialect
This is a forgotten point in most of the discussions. There is a set/tribalism/caste system in place which doesn't go away once they hit America. There is fairly open disdain based upon differences in Indian culture.
>using picture of ugliest Indian
Well you shouldn't have posted pics of yourself online, you fucking goof. Also now that I have your attention, does being on the shitting street raise the value of property or lower it? On one hand, you just have to walk out the door or hang your ass out the window to shit. On the other hand, you live on a open sewer
Don't worry, those poos will be employed for 3 years then a bunch of whites will be hired to fix their mistakes because Indians are fucking terrible at their jobs.
God bless capitalism, right?
Did you learn how to shit in a toilet yet. Is your Cock craving poo still.
Desi's have absolutely zero ethics. They all think they are street smart hustlers. They lie and cheat on resumes and interviews constantly. I've been plagiarized many times over. That's why phone screens are now Skype video interviews - its common to have one person do the phone call and another show up for work. I've caught fuckers doing this kind of stuff in the past.
They don't get here on any merit - its all based on who they know. Some utterly unskilled dumbasses I've worked with over the years.
Additionally, zero non-tech skills at all. Can't communicate anything; can't make a sentence or a presentation what so ever. Stubborn as fuck too. I love beating their asses into a bloody mess in front of others.
I remember sitting in high school and the pakistani/Indian kids talking about "going back home" to buy a degree. Disgusting.
Late on in university I remember some pooinloo getting grad students to work for free for some side company he was running. What the fuck is wrong with these people everything they do is a literal scam.
>HR looks the other way as they ONLY hire other Indians
This is exactly what happens in academia as well