AntiSemites BTFO by BASED Sartre

>Sartre deploys his concept of bad faith as he develops his argument. For Sartre, the anti-Semite has escaped the insecurity of good faith, the impossibility of sincerity. He has abandoned reason and embraced passion. Sartre comments that, "It is not unusual for people to elect to live a life of passion rather than of reason. But ordinarily they love the objects of passion: women, glory, power, money. Since the anti-Semite has chosen hate, we are forced to conclude that it is the state of passion that he loves."

>He chooses to reason from passion, to reason falsely "because of the longing for impenetrability. The rational man groans as he gropes for the truth; he knows that reasoning is no more than tentative, that other considerations may intervene to cast doubt on it." Anti-Semites are attracted by "the durability of a stone." What frightens them is the uncertainty of truth.

> "The anti-Semite has chosen hate because hate is a faith." He has escaped responsibility and doubt. He can blame anything on the Jew; he does not need to engage reason, for he has his faith.




Sartre was also a (((Marxist))), one of the most retarded philosophies in the history of man, and basically a rationalization of jewish hatred of the gentile. Really makes you think.

Such kike nonsense

t.Sup Forumslish "intellectuals"

NatSoc is literally against reason. They're book-burners. But they aren't contradictory like neo-Nazis.

Fuck Sartre that degenerate idiot.
Kys OP

Basically neo-Nazis are schizophrenic.

sartre was such a good little goy

not advocating natsoc or nazism, but you might want to know what kind of things were happening and what kind of books were being put out in weimar berlin before you, in one broad stroke, condemn all book-burning as backwards and ignorant

googly eyed freak was a pedophile alongside his "wife"

I don't blame Jews for everything. I only blame Jews when they behave badly in uniquely Jewish ways, such as when they intentionally fuck over the goyim.


it's funny because marx was a vehement anti-semite himself (he said jews only god was money among other things) because at that time "socialism" was a generall gentile reaction to jewish capitalism, then people like sartre would come along and (((adapt))) it

No, Nazism was literally a fascist counter-enlightenment movement. Intellectuals were either like Hayek or Marxists.

Satre was a LITERAL cuckold, a LITERAL genetic fuckup, and one of the many retarded French """"philosophers""""" of the 20th century, not to mention of a fucking marxist.

dude was a faggot that no one took seriously when he was alive, just gets his grave dug-up by edgy marxist faggots today

using the term anti-semitic is hardly a critical word to use
for example, I would say that a christian could be considered colloquially "anti-semitic" but that wouldn't be technically correct as their LORD AND SAVIOUR is a semite

these are just buzz words. deflating reasons for racial hatred is one thing but to ascribe a specific breed of racial animous a certain level of "extra evil" just exposes sratres true motives


That's obviously a vicious lie perpetuated by NazBols like you. Marxists equally oppose landowning aristocrats as much as they oppose financiers. Marxism correctly saw Jews as an oppressed ethnocultural group, unlike the proto-Fascist Prodhoun. Marxism is internationalist, its not chauvinist like other forms of socialism.


Fascism is lower-middle class megalomania. But neo-Nazism is just frothing at the mouth insanity.

>all dem buzzwords

marx was inherently ontradictory to the very end (he derided capitalism for eroding the family structure, and so his answer was to get rid of family completely... ?)

try not to make sense out of that which is inherently senseless and reationary, also read a fucking book

You realize that only Muslims are real antisemites, right? Don't be fucking gullible. It's a test of how motivated by fear you are, and everyone scared of Sup Forums is failing.

>If I say things that means they're true

ebin argumentation skills my man

>make sweeping, unprovable assumptions about a person's motivations
>argue from those assumptions to make conclusions about their motivations

Sartre really earning his honourary Jew status

>everyone who falls into a completely arbirtrary spectrum of people me and my jewish peers feel hositle towards is insecure, insincere and wrong q.e.d.
>t. Jewish """intellectual"""

The chameleon-eyed freak would have conversations with crabs....
“They followed me in the streets, into class. I got used to them. I would wake up in the morning and say, ‘Good morning, my little ones, how did you sleep?’ I would talk to them all the time.”

>depressed faggot philosopher screams KILL YOURSELF IT'S THE ONLY SOLUTION to a generation so much his best friend has to intervene with a series of rebuttals
>BASED Sartre
are we in seattle now what the fuck

>that only Muslims are real antisemites
not true hymie. I'm a real anti-semite. Muslims hate kikes as Zionists. True englightenment only comes when you hate Jews no as Zionists, not as Christ killers, but as what they are: incurable parasites and destroyers who have been engaged in a 2,000 year war with the West.

>Sartre really earning his honourary Jew status
read what Solzhenitsyn wrote about that bag of shit.

I consider myself a counter-semite.

Sartre was a cuckold and a pedophile. Literally. Marxism leads to degeneracy every time. National Socialism is the only collectivism that makes even a lick of sense.

>A young woman said to me: "I have had the most horrible experiences with furriers; they robbed me, they burned the fur I entrusted to them. Well, they were all Jews." But why did she choose to hate Jews rather than furriers? Why Jews or furriers rather than such and such a Jew or such and such a furrier? Because she had in her a predisposition toward anti‐Semitism.

If you have to act like pattern recognition is such a foreign concept to make your point, you don't have a point. Similarly, the "furrier" and the "Jew" distinctions are hardly as important as the distinction of "crook", but the fucking nu-male has chosen to dwell on the superficialities of the statement, in order to find an agenda where there is none. In this case, the woman didn't present herself as an "anti-Semite". Sartre was trying to write a book, so, in this conversation, he invented an "anti-Semite" out of an innocuous observation in the interest of pushing a stack of paper to the publisher.

Sartre's book on antisemitism sucked. It's complete emotional blathering with no regard for context or what was even going on in the present moment. Completely ignorant to the irony that Jews were the first people to be "genocided" and then get a sovereign nation for their troubles. He's the last person should be preaching to people about emotion over reason.

Fucking French intellectuals are the worst.

It's the only form of collectivism that -can- work because it doesn't have all the extra stresses of disparate groups being forced to live together, fighting over the gibs.

>5' 0¼"
>commie cuckold criplle dislikes national socialism
really makes you think

More damage has been done by French "intellectuals" than pretty much anyone else, except maybe Germans with Marx.

Foucault, Sartre, Marcuse, Beauvoir etc

Hitler should've gassed the French instead

I hate kikes because they run the banks and media, two institutions that are ruining the western world and their culture/religion.

It is not an irrational hatred retard

I think you mean the West's war with Jews. See Greeks trying to destroy Judaism and Romans destroying the Jewish Temple.

I read that Simone would help him fuck his female students, which if it's true, is legitimate cause to be jelly. But I guess it didn't help him much in the long run, cause he's a bitch.

Sartre was a turbo manlet, so all of his autistic musings are irrelevant.

Sure. Just ignore Fascism and its whole Militarism trait.

one eye on the goyim one eye on the money

The reason you can namefag in relative security is because of "militarism". The fuck are you even talking about?

French are in league with the Jews
Foucault, Sartre, Derrida, Lacan, they all conspired with the jews

Most of those guys were Jews. The rest were manlets, the Jews of height.

>muh fascism

Define fascism. If you point to google's definition you'll out yourself as a retard.

>S-Sartre is shit because he disagrees with me and because he looks funny
why are Ameriniggers so brain damaged?

What do you like about him? Would you like to recommend any works you find particularly insightful?

Am I being polite enough for you? If you are exhausted by crazed basement dwellers, I, an articulate and intelligent individual, am here to engage in some lively back-and-forth :)

I don't generally agree with Sartre, but criticizing him because he looks funny and denounces anti-Semites is retarded


Okay, so what works of his do you recommend or find particularly insightful?

he converted to judaism also :)

What does all this fancy talk have to do with Jews being conniving bastards who see the wider population as the "other" to be manipulated and controlled?

>implying some books aren't worth burning
>real communism has never been tried

I presented a point trying in earnest to engage neither postmodern Jew-worshippers and Stormfaggots, but people can't seem to approach it with any degree of honesty, so I fucking earned my right to say I'm smart.


I only read Nausea and Being and Nothingness
so you should ask someone more acquainted
I merely said that criticizing him because of how he looks and because he shits on anti-Semites (who, for the most part, and intellectual equivalent of flat earthers) is dumb
I myself am more of a Dostoyevsky guy :^)

>so I fucking earned my right to say I'm smart.
The absolute state of Sup Forums

>tries to assert that, due to the very nature of meaning, morality is subjective
>goes on to claim evil does exist in the form of not accepting responsiblity

He doesn't even understand existentialism, the very philosophy for which he is so acclaimed

What's that? I'm not familiar with it. Would you like to explain yourself? Is there some sort of point you have, or are you just expressing yourself?

THIS is criticism, you dumb niggers

Well, read his book and come up with something if you have a problem, fucking faggot. YOU make Sup Forums better.

Wow you area really smart ~80 IQ subhuman

>"The anti-Semite has chosen hate because hate is a faith."
hate is illogical. i don't hate mosquitoes. it is in their nature to suck my blood and leave an itchy bump. the logical thing to do is to bash the mosquito before it is able to bite me. you accuse of me having faith, yet I am just using deduction to avoid a predictable outcome

Never ever reply to me or my posts ever again.

Sartre supported Marxists are certain points in time. But any identification with one political group is bad faith.

They're really reaching now lol


Fuck off, mountain nigger.

>we have the numbers

You defend a congregation that'll feed you to the wolves as soon as the goyim get angry, and rep a Union that's slowly but surely turning against you. What does that make you?

Maybe I'm trying to fucking help you grow, and dismissing what I'm pointing out is choosing death. Grow some humility, kike.

Marxism is cool though
it's real-life application, not so much

Sartre was dumb faggot, Evola totally demolishes him

I don't feel BTFO by this argument simply because of the way he uses the word "hate"

The way these people use that word is a cross between dogma, pavlov's dog, and a strawman. It's not an argument at all.

Yes, mussolini precisely broke off from the Marxists because he was a nationalist and a militarist, not an internationalist and a pacifist.

Evola is a fucking joke, but I'll give it to Italian fascists, they had intellectual base, and there's something attractive about fascism, on intellectual level
what did Nazis have...fucking Rosenberg

Also pacifist and anti-war literature.

Tfw to intelligent

Sup Forums is a white nigger board because niggers blame others for their misfortunes.

>Hayek or Marxists
So both genius brilliant people?

I don't blame Jews. I blame crooks and usurers. If you see "Jew" in that appraisal, you're the nigger in this situation.

its called counter semitism nowadays

Both were connected to the enlightenment.

thinking levels will never be the same

Derrida was a Jew.

Even though Sartre was not ethnically Jewish, he engages in the most Talmudic style of argumentation imaginable. The essence of his argument is that because there is no objective truth, one can never actually conclude an argument in the interest of practical concerns or self-interest and must go on arguing forever. Conveniently, this allows the so called 'intellectuals' to endlessly dissemble and distract while getting away with whatever they wish. The 'passionate' are supposed to be restrained by this endless argument to prevent them from ever taking decisive action on their own behalf. The entire thing is just a rationalization for the terror that rats like Sartre felt when confronted by people who will not allow themselves to be abused regardless of how complex the 'reason' is.
Sartre is right to fear the 'durability of a stone', because big brained niggas like him have to be rocked.