Wouldn't this be call for divorce? Why would a woman cheat her husband out of the one thing he was created for? How can woman be so cruel?
Wife doesn't want manlet husbands genes for there kids
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Can't say I blame her. If I were a woman I'd never stretch my vaggo for the offspring of any man under 6'1".
Could the reason for such complacency be numale culture?
>in the past i've told her about my insecurities
it's his own fault
Because she transitioned out of the lust stage of the relationship AFTER they were married. Shit ain’t hot and heavy anymore; she’s sobered up so to speak.
Wait till she gets to the seven year itch phase.
1,000 hours in paint
Isn't height passed down from the mother?
When will they learn?
step one is having a girlfriend. you probably don't even have someone to disappoint.
>T R E E D
What's funnier is that he wimped out and pretended to be asleep when she gave him a shitty opinion
Will they ever learn?
It's pottery.
Post the link faggot
What I want to know is who freed him from the manlet pit? There's no way he climbed up six feet of sheer concrete without the use of a ladder.
Even if he wasn't short he'd still be a cuck
>closing his eyes instead of rebuking her
>being an insecure nu-male
he's a cuck he deserves it
Dude is on reddit. He'll probably help jerk off the donor when the time comes.
easy, you say yes and we should get the egg from a woman thats not a self centered fucking whore. Then you knock her the fuck out.
She is right about not wanting to have manlet children
She is wrong to have married the manlet in the first place
6' manlet here. I'm just gonna become an hero if this is what's in store for me. I don't blame her for not wanting his inferior genes.
He should knock her up and then Call it splitsville, leaving her with the shame of being a single mom to a manlet for 18 years.
kek, no surprise all the manlet trumpcucks on Sup Forums are deeply triggered by this. must hit close to home. SAD!
This is the worst webm on Sup Forums, tied with vids of chinks skinning dogs
start hiding all your assets
make sure anything she owns has your name on it too
prepare for divorce
Never tell holes your secrets or doubts.
>Competing for a fat spic
To me it reads more like some manlet making this up because he gets a sexual thrill out of feeling inferior.
He should just post on Sup Forums instead, we'd happily make him feel that way.
How tall is he? A lot of tall women want short donors.
Yepp this
He should've smacked her up and fucked her again.
With that beta cuck behaviour mabye he shouldn't breed
People don’t believe this but fucking ask any woman
Your mom, your friend, your wife. Ask them if it’s okay to not tell a man of a child isn’t actually his.
Every single one will say yes.... every...single ...one.
And they don’t say it with any malice or ill intent they 100% don’t see why a man would care that offspring isn’t actually his genetically “what matters is who raised you!!!”
They all think this, it’s built into the female psyche, men are interchangeable
triggered manlet?
The only way it could work is if she really was cruel and wanted to keep a cuck husband around to torment him, getting off on that. More than likely she's just a dumb cunt.
>manlets btfo
>asianmasculinity btfo
found the white knights
Absolutely stellar, user!
How does a socially inept manlet (5'8) find a tall (6ft+) gf? I hear tall girls are equally if not more insecure about their height than men are.
Yup 6 foot manlet reporting. Feels bad man
that midget has weird looking everything
She's his wife, not his mother. The manlet had it coming.
Why are you bringing Reddit degeneracy here
When will they learn?
good job defending modern woman bullshit behavior, you cuck
Even non-manlets should be triggered, because it shows the very raw shallowness of women.
Don't marry someone if you think they are inferior. ESPECIALLY if you consider them to pass on their genes.
Women don't get this.
But manlets shouldn't reproduce, anyway.
he looks fine for the most part, its just he has poor facial aesthetics. he had a rounder head and a soft feminine looking jaw. he looks like he cant even grow facial hair too
a good looking face is everything, it is just a place that the guy next to him is normal height and fit as well
>close my eyes and pretend to sleep
that's where normal people lose their shit and confront their "partner" about basically proposing cuckoldry.
manlets, when will they learn?
>on the wrong side of 30
>have to keep head shaved because of hair loss starting at 16
>made the mistake of military instead of college or a trade so now work low-end wageslave job I'll die at
>shoulders and back covered in scar tissue from childhood fire
>unremarkable penis that no matter how much I chub up isn't seeing north of 6 inches
>top it all off, a goddamn ginger
>thank God every night that I'm 6'2 - can live with all the rest, couldn't live with being a manlet
good shit user
good job defending modern nu-male bullshit behavior, you cuck
Manlet isn't a thing. Beta provider is. He should have seen it coming, and if not, throw her out at that exact moment.
>gets married
>doesn't want his children
The absolute state of roasties. Why didn't he just marry a womanlet?
I suppose the logical conclusion is to only have a select few women & men have children then.
I'm 5'6", somewhat in good fitness. What I mean by that is I'm not ripped but I'm not a tub of lard, just whatever regular exercise gets me. I know I'm short but don't particularly let it get to me, and I consider myself to be very confident about myself, but in the past all of my girlfriends have been shorter than me. And now, thinking about it, I realized I might want a taller woman to settle down with. Partly because of a tall girl fetish I've been developing lately, but also because I was thinking about whatever kids I might have. If I score a tall girl and have kids with her, is there a chance to unfuck my lineage?
I don't see the difference, someone please help.
He probably did. Short women don't want short men either.
I'm 6'4 and I honestly find that most tall girls are actually going for guys who are only in the average to slightly above average range. Meanwhile I get all the attention in the world from girls that are like 5'2.
>shared insecurities
Ya fucked up!
Men never do this.
Its why we die quicker.
Deal with it.
Both are idiots, but I`m not the one here defending the roastie.
BBWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Leaves are so cucked they think being treated like this ok. I mean runs right along with kill your enemies they win.
IDK, I'm 6 foot 5 and my girlfriend is 4 foot 8 and thin. shit is cash and she loves that she's small. Legally she's a midget but isn't.
> I close my eyes instantly and pretend to be asleep.
Jesus Christ. This dude seriously does seem to need a couple extra rungs on his spine tho.
The real issue was he "admitted insecurities". Its not his height thats the problem per say, she did marry him, but the fact that he is insecure is a big turn off. So now she wants another mans seed.
>nailed it
>being this retarded
You might have a feminine personality
>muh height
when will nordcucks ever learn?
Memes aside, height is a stupid thing to be insecure about.
I married a 5'4" man and I'm 5'6".
The way I see it our boys will be my height if not taller and therefore it would be good. Short men need slightly taller women than them if they plan on having children especially boys.
Such a beta faggot.
Why surround yourself with women who think this? You just have shallow bitches in your life.
If your mother thinks this too then that's just sad and I feel sorry for you.
He should stop complaining and grow up.
link to thread? I want to read it
I only share my chad'est insecurities like an ex leaving me for my penis hurting her because it stabbed her uterus or another ex beat me in me awake from bed with a tire iron :^) bitches love hearing about other bitches being bad bitches because then they think "oh my gosh he's been through so much and I can treat him so much better than that".
tl;dr, win friends and influence people
Nope. Fellow 5'6 I gave up on women a looong time ago. Educate yourself and stay healthy. Bang a prostitute every once in a while so you don't go Elliot Rodgers. Women don't take anyone serious. It's not really their fault either, it's just the fact they have access to apps with hundreds of potential suitors. Give them the world instachad, Facebookchad, Snapchat, WhatsAppchad will give them the cock. I don't know man shit sucks.
I now realise I should have left out the "someone please help" part, it would have worked better.
she wanted to roll play in bed at Halloween
>I was like, use my SS uniform?
>she was no
>she said no
>spider man costume?
>again she said no
>she was dressed as a pirate
>So I asked her, WTF then?
>She said "I want you to pretend I'm a 14 year old girl"
>I got a little upset, Fuck man
>WTF is your hurry? you'll be 14 in two years anyway
Lol okay you can live in denile
If you come across another story like this where some woman lies about paternity ask your mom or some woman you know won’t lie to you.
It’s pretty shocking m8. The only reason I found out is because some family friend had this happen and the women in my family couldn’t understand why the husband was so fucked up about it not being his real kid.
It’s truly outside of their ability to understand.
Try for yourself you will be surprised
sam hyde is a visionary
That he pretended to be asleep tells you everything you need to know.
Eh, I think what's really going on here is that she never really liked him. For her, his the resouces provider and nothing else.
Manlets aren't people, and you don't know what the term 'white knight' means.
Regardless, if he really loved her he would grow a few inches.
No, don't reproduce. You will make more of us disgusting repulsive useless miserable manlets.
I love this webm, how fucking demoralized must that manlet be? I couldn't imagine two adults picking me up under my arms and having my feet lift off the ground because of the height difference. Its like a scene out of a cartoon or something.
lol he should have said "not a bad idea bby, let me think about it" then secretly met with his lawyer the next day to begin divorce proceedings
Leaf, did you read my post? I was referring to tall girls be insecure about their height. The short girls are the equivalent to tall guys in terms of how confident they are with their height on average.
Tall girls absolutely HATE being tall because of how easily they stick out.
>full head of dark brown hair and green eyes
>like my body and face
>big dick
>5 foot 9
Im happy with my height but if I were any less handsome, hung, or otherwise well made it would suck
The very fact that he is crying like a little bitch speaks volumes.
A real man would not care about her attitudes, as long as he's able to knock her up regardless.
Why aren't short GUYS people? I didn't know that my humanity is defined by how many feet are between the top of my head and my toes.
>t. Manlet