Infowars is about to show what they found at some Austin drag queen shit that involved kids. Here's related article:
and here's the livestream:
Infowars is about to show what they found at some Austin drag queen shit that involved kids. Here's related article:
and here's the livestream:
They were just saying how there was like.. Johns at the thing trying to pick up the drag queens and all this
There is a Muslim in the crowd ... Antifa + Islam + BLM = The Horde
bumping for justice
Is that a mother fucking jojo reference?
When will the degeneracy end?
No shamuu in Whamuu
Isn't Texas supposed to be this god-fearing, hard-boiled, redneck desert country where people wear cowboy hats and spurs that jingle jingle
Not Austin, Austin is a Babylonian satellite colony
america is a joke, it is europe times ten in degeneracy niggerdom and jews
Money looks good, pedos wont be out of work
You guys need to be more tolerant. You sound like the people who were against race mixing in the 80s. YOU’RE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY!
so proggresive, LEARN USA LEARN
you mean jingle jangle
He should do an expose on Alabama judge pedo man
Sheeet, wtf, I dont get it, seriously, american bro, I use to like your life style, fuck, I even growed up under influence of your best films as cool as Back to the Future and so on, but what comes now is absolutely disgusting.
A trifecta of degeneracy.
Where is this? Toronto?
I don't even care. If you're stupid enough to put your children in public school, you fucking deserve it. But yeah, it's horrible.
That's cool. This make me feel like we live in a WH40K universe!
This country is doomed.
Yippie yay.
how dare you
I find this hilarious myself.
You guys need to learn how to laugh. It's a modern-day circus.
He looks like a well-polished Hellenistic Greek guy who's doing Gymnastics, what's wrong with him?
Here in Amsterdam and Greece we do always accept this trend!
God damnit why is fiction keep bleeding into fact?
we are now living the mechanical animals album. only a few more years until antichrist superstar it seems.
how long until they start fucking boys right in the open with cheering crowds?
you are drowning in diversity
>meanwhile in europoor
I seriously think Satan could appear in our world right now and he would be the most popular public figure. Public boy fucking is 5 years away.
Satan would be shamed for not being progressive enough and rad queerfems would protest his speeches until he got no platformed.
>niggerbrain incapable of creating original content
really makes me think
The only things to come out of Texas are steers and queers
What did they find? I missed it!
all the cucks that have been fleeing California since they ruined it move to Austin and they're trying to turn it into a southern San Francisco
Whst is wrong with my city pol?
I guess its true what they say about steers and queers
Those`s degenerates...
All followers of the Abrahamic Religions are cryptro Jew the goyim
Todays news brought to you by the british brainwashing corporation.
Where was the police?
The Tribulation starts in 2027 so I think around then. The Mark of the Beast 2030
Do Vice Squads even exist anymore? WTF?
There was a professor from UT (I've forgotten his name) who was murdered, ostensibly for exposing the pedo market in Houston, back in the 80s. Austin has really & truly turned into a shithole.