Cowboy Bebop's objectively too good to be considered "anime"
Cowboy Bebop's objectively too good to be considered "anime"
Here is your (You).
OP's objectively too shit to be considered "not a faggot"
really makes you think
It's just a generic pulp adventure in space with mildly interesting concepts.
I wanna fuck Faye.
Its the least anime anime that ever anime'd.
Whats ur point?
What you just wrote does not contradict OP's statement in any way.
Anime is shit.
Something generic cannot be "too good" for anything.
How do you really feel?
I wish that's true. It would then no longer belong in Sup Forums.
It's style over substance schlock. Bet your favourite director is Tarantino, you fucking pleb.
For anime, it can be.
Its almost like anime covers a broad range of genres and different cultural themes or something.
this triggered a lot of retards but it's true
I thought Outlaw Star was better to be honest.
>no plot
>no meaningful character development past throwing a tweest about the history of one of the characters
>no strong central theme that is explored in any deep way
>no suspense at any point until the terribly shoehorned "plot" at the end
Yeah, greatest piece of art in all of mankind's history. Absolutely.
I watched the first episode and thought it was trash.
Felt like its target audience is teens between middle school and high school
t. retard
you're thinking of trigun
I already said it's the greatest piece of art mankind has produced. I'm pretty sure me be being an uncultured, clueless, braindead fuckwit is evident.
But I can understand why it's praised, though.
Cowboy bebop is a show that ruses the watcher into believing it's good with it's visuals and music while the show actually is fucking trash
"Anime" means animation you dumb fuck.
>an animation can't be called an animation because it's too good
Kill yourself.
It's a pretentious empty graphic spectacle
Like Star Wars prequels
All mood no substance
This so much. It's the most overrated anime I have seen.
Most people here would agree.
Breast animation is great in this sequence. Realistic bounce physics not unlike in dead or alive videogame series. Do you think animator studied this in any way? From video or physics simulation? There is also flesh shockwave, example for asses of such animation?
>But I can understand why it's praised
Because Sup Forums can only handle anime that emulates western thematics and style as much as possible. Anything that strays from that is "weebshit" and shouldn't even be touched. Hence Cowboy bebop is their first and only anime. Some might feel very adventurous and even watch shamurai shampoo because "damn nujabes makes sick beats".
why is anime dialogue so bad?
half poor translation half originally written for 8-12 year old japanese kids
I'm glad to be rid of that nujabes guy. One less musician creating for Sup Forums fodder.
I know this is just a meme, but there really are people in this world who would call masterpieces like Hunter x Hunter and Evangélicos trash just because it's anime
Think about that
There are people who unironically call Evangelion a masterpiece.
Jesus fucking Christ.
>I'm glad a talented person died because shitheads were among the people who enjoyed his music
Christ, mate. You sound like one of those shitty metalheads. You may as well hope for the death of every musician with that attitude.
Go to bed shitposter-kuns.
the eva series is thrash and the fans are literally drones who thinks it is "to deep for you" when it is just a incoherent mess and shitty weeaboo garbage.
No, they're trash because they're liked by fans who call it
cowboy bebop is trash like every anime
The end of the show is literally the main character sitting on the chair while the other characters narrate the entire message of the show.
What was the message?
That I wasted my time watching this shitfest
>critically acclaimed and love by millions
>very influential in it's medium
>praised for it's realistic portrayal of human behavior and realistic take on how a teen would actually react if the fate of humanity depended on him
Surely it must be a piece of Into the Trash it Goes™
Do you actually have anything of value to say or are you tired of whoring for upvotes and came to vent through shitposting?
>critically acclaimed and loved by millions
So is Justic Bieber and Backstreet Boys. Still garbage.
>Very influential in it's medium.
Yep, same applies to Bieber and Backstreet Boys opening doors for tons of shitty boy bands and "bad boys need some love too" songs. Still trash.
>realistic portrayal of edgy power trip fantasies
As realistic as all those "I love everything about you, yes you, nameless girl" songs.
Face it anime is garbage.
>Justin Bieber
>critically aclclaimed
>influential to the medium
Yeah man I remember that one time Christgau gave an A+ to Bieber's "Purpose", shit was crazy.
>anime reaction pics
I would watch that
Movie is solid 7/10 action kino tbqh
What is this?
>pretending that Cowboy Bebop as a whole was amazing
Go back and watch it again without the rose-tinted glasses. It starts strong but most of the middle episodes are meh and forgettable. The start, Middle (Jupiter Jazz), and ending are great though. It would have been much better as a 12 episode series instead of 24.
Liked cb but have never been able to get into any other anime. Death note was the only other watchable one and that's a 5/10 at best.
Bebop is entertaining with good music, but that is all. Weak 6/10 at best.
As I said a lot of times before, the main problem of anime is thinking about it as a genre insteas of a medium.
Being a medium it can have so many different genres and approaches and isn't inherently bad.
The problem though is that 99% of it is utter rash pandering to the lowest plebs, hence discrediting everything else in the same media.
Cowboy bebop is an example of the 1% that strays away from the fuckton of cliches and generic "girls in school doing nothing: the anime" or "super strong dude rigtfully fights other super strong bad dudes".
Last time I made most of Sup Forums really angry, let's see if I manage to piss off Sup Forums as well.
Japan is too stupid (or lazy) to write character, so they rely on shitty tropes.
>bad opinion
>reddit formatting
it's like pottery
@149263351 (You)
But that's true. Production sticks to cliches because the audience like them.
I guess that kind of works out for the best, because you get to revel in being in the 1% superior snowflake demographic, which means I get to see less of the likes of you wherever in the internet I would go.
What's with shitty anime reactions and shitty taste? Do they always go hand in hand?
>tfw no telenovela adaptation of NGE