Episcopal degenerate, here. Grew up in a small town with a small town. Church and a conservative, traditional upbringing and take on faith. American Perfection.
Recently moved to the city with gf and got a place together. Getting married soon. Shes not Christian, but used to be, before she was liberalized in college (is in redpill recovery and doing well).
She recently said that she'd go to a catholic mass for Christmas, if I could find one, and even said she'd consider becoming Catholic. This is a big opportunity to bring her home, and I do not want to shun it, as she offered. (She has been taking her redpills on her own).
Episcopals are degenerates in the city, and it breaks my heart. But if I'm going to go full bore Christian and do it right, I think Catholicism is the way to go. I have dabbled with it in the past, and Epiacopalianism and Catholicism are very similar, even using many of the same rites (look up Anglican).
So. Catholic-chans. Whats it like becoming Catholic/how, and what are the big differences between being Episcopal and being Catholic, other than not being a protestant heathen?
Im a hussite in fact, a true christian. not some weirdo that worship king cuck
Asher Barnes
Look up RCIA, that's the program adults follow to become Catholics. It doesn't seem too hard, and I think it entails attending regular mass and leaving early, followed by classes.
Also ignore all pope francis posters, most of us Catholics wish we had a different pope but most of what you hear on Sup Forums is divide and conquer shilling.
Oliver Ortiz
Francis seems kinda cucked. Episcopals love him.
Luke Brown
Prior to SJW information, Anglicans were one of the closest protestant denominations to Catholicism. Find a good church and you'll be good. We've got infiltration here as well, but it's not as bad.
I generally haven't found him to be that bad. A lot of it has either been media spin or him not understanding the political or economic reality of certain things. On things like the validity of transgender he's been really good, it just tends to go underreported.
The entire post-Vatican II Church is false and heretical. It's also important that you realize that the new rites of ordination for priests and bishops are INVALID, so any "priest" or "bishop" who was "ordained" using the new rite cannot actually bestow valid sacraments. The Eastern Catholic rites remain unchanged and are still valid, so to be safe you should ONLY receive the sacraments from an Eastern Catholic priest.
I'm in the process of conversion and this pope really, really makes me uncomfortable. I think he's an infiltraitor to bring Christianity and Catholicism down but I'm too scared to bring it up to my friends.
user is right, RCIA, and you get baptized in April around Easter. For now, go to mass as often as you can, if you go to post secondary look for Catholic groups to join. It takes a long time to convert to Catholicism, it's not a flippant thing.
Jacob Walker
>I generally haven't found him to be that bad. A lot of it has either been media spin or him not understanding the political or economic reality of certain things. On things like the validity of transgender he's been really good, it just tends to go underreported.
He is a notorious and public heretic, (e.g. claiming that Jews can be saved, i.e., denying the dogma of no salvation outside the Church), as have been all popes since Paul VI.
Hudson Perez
The New Rite was designed by Jews and Freemasons who wished to destroy the Church and turn it into another Protestant sect. The man who designed the New Rite was a confirmed Freemason. The New Rite removes almost exactly the same things from the Roman Rite as the heresiarch Thomas Cranmer did when he was designing his own new mass, and the New Rite bears no relationship to a Catholic understanding of the mass as a sacrifice, but instead emphasizes the heretical Protestant understanding of the mass as a "shared meal." All the popes since and including Paul VI have been blatant heretics who deny unchangeable dogmas of the Catholic Church, especially John Paul II. See here: mostholyfamilymonastery.com/16_JohnPaulII.pdf
The Vatican II sect goes directly against the unchangeable, infallible teachings of the councils of Trent and Florence. Look at the fruits of the Novus Ordo: the plunge in vocations, the widespread propagation of error in the ranks of supposed Catholics, the endless heresies of nearly all "priests" and "bishops" in the world today, the empty churches. By their fruits you shall know them. The Vatican II Church is false and heretical and this is why its fruits have been so bad.
Jonathan Phillips
The pope is a cuck.All priests are celibate and on average are either: >a great person, >an insufferable jerk that everybody has a negative experience with that they can't let go of or, >are pedos. Most priests are 1 or 2, but do a good job of practicing what they preach & are constantly begging for money. However, despite all this, the Catholic Church is the best version of Christianity out there. DEUS VULT
>Francis: “… unity is a grace that one must ask for, and it’s also why I say that every form of proselytism among Christians is sinful. The Church never grows through proselytism… Proselytism among Christians itself is therefore a serious sin for Christians.”
This "Pope" literally teaches that it is a sin to try to convert Protestants and others who are on the road to hell.
>Francis: “Because it contradicts the very dynamic by which we become and remain Christians. The Church is not a soccer team in search of fans”
He thinks membership of the Catholic Church is like membership of a soccer team, and not the only path to salvation.
"Pope" Francis is a heretic and the Vatican II Church is false. This is undeniable.
Connor Lewis
kek fucking shilling mutt >becoming catholic ye sure dude thats why you got a ton of christcuck desert people memes and lingo already
Parker Smith
Phyletism is heresy, you'd have to burn all of Sup Forums
Daniel Bennett
Francis was made pope because vatican thought we would have even more leftism in the world, and figured if they picked a deus vult pope, the church would be targeted for destruction by the powers that be.
>being Episcopalian >wanting to "do it right" by showing up to a Catholic mass for the first time ever on Christmas, the busiest day, making some poor bastard who goes every Sunday attend the crappy basement overflow service
John Gray
>Have to attend RCIA classes >Have to make commitment in time >Not like heretical protties who think you show up your saved.
William Sanchez
Catholicism is the only way, friend.
Carson Parker
if you want to get married in a Catholic church it's actually kind of a pain in the ass and you and your fiance would both have to do RCIA first
just go to a mass one weekend and talk to the priest afterward, also it's considered rude to participate in communion if you haven't had the catholic sacrament of first communion.
Christopher Peterson
Traditional catholicism is the ultimate red pill. Try to find a Church run by FSSP or other traditionalis branches who don't adhere to the mainstream ecclesiastical bureaucracy.
Unfortunately, the Church post-Pius XII has been infiltrated by masonic and satanic forces but there is still much resistance from true catholics, if you look behind media images. Remember, the Church was founded by Jesus Christ himself and he said that not even the gates of hell could overcome it.
Ethan Robinson
>heretical protties who think you show up your saved Ofc not all of them are that way but clearly being a good christian yet not attending church is miles better than being a trash human being but attending every sunday.
Sebastian Diaz
>it's considered rude to participate in communion if you haven't had the catholic sacrament of first communion
It's not simply "rude", it's very sinful. You should be in the state of grace, if you want to participate in communion. Confess.
Cameron Morales
> it's considered rude to participate in communion if you haven't had the catholic sacrament of first communion.
This is the state of contemporary "Catholics," they think mortal sins are nothing but mild breaches of etiquette.
Connor Thompson
Missed the entire heretical part.
Angel Flores
Hello, Baptistfag here.
People say Catholicism is cucked, and that's true, it is right now. BUT, that doesn't mean you abandon it. Do your part in helping cultivate pre-Vatican II Catholicism anywhere you can.
Fight dammit, don't cave. Go to Catholicism, and make it better.
Carson Jackson
>Ofc not all of them are that way but clearly being a good christian yet not attending church is miles better than being a trash human being but attending every sunday.
More disgusting heretical beliefs from a "Catholic." Someone who goes is Catholic and goes to Church every Sunday may or may not go to Heaven, even if you think they are a trash human being. Someone who never attends Church and never receives the sacraments is GUARANTEED to go to hell. You CANNOT be a "good christian" without being Catholic and attending church and receiving the sacraments.
Sebastian Reed
being episcopalian is sinful too so it doesn't matter plus he can just go to confession later anyway. calling it rude or saying "DON'T TOUCH THE WAFER OR YOU'LL GO TO HELL" has the same effect of making him skip communion and by my not acting like a psychotic church lady he might even go to mass.
rudeness is sin
Jose Nelson
RCIA, just ask your local parish priest. If you were baptized then you don't have to be re baptized. However you will need to make your first confession and then receive the eucharist and receive confirmation too. Catholics, and all Churches founded by the Apostles, believe that the consecrated bread and wine become the real body and blood of Christ and eucharistic miracles confirm it to be true.
You can't receive communion during mass unless you're free of mortal sin but you'll learn about that. Also, Catholics are against contraception and sex outside of marriage, breaking that means you're in sin which you have to confess. So it's a big obligation, being a good Catholic, or Orthodox for that matter, is no joke.
John Turner
I agree both are lacking, but if someone is a trash human being, I mean to say they arent even attempting to be better people, as in lying during confession, just blindly going through the motions to check the box. That person is not getting into heaven.
Caleb Ross
Saying that a mortal sin "doesn't matter" is vile heresy, and you are AT BEST a material heretic for making this post. You need to go to confession as soon as possible.
>saying "DON'T TOUCH THE WAFER OR YOU'LL GO TO HELL" has the same effect of making him skip communion
Telling him not to take communion is an act of great charity, because you are preventing him from committing a grave mortal sin. What you are saying is Satanic. He HAS to skip communion unless he is a baptized Catholic in a state of grace.
Angel Murphy
I just converted from catholicism. Its whole existence is for the sake of institutionalizing christianity was intended to be about faith. catholicism is more about the commands of man than of christ and god.
I am becoming a Born Again. Faith is above all else.
Jackson Watson
if you act like such a dick that no one wants to go to mass, isn't your behavior in effect damning them to hell? catholicism is not contest to be the holiest person, we're all sinners.
William Parker
Also, you choice of words is funny. "Touch the wafer"? Do you actually attend a Church with the disgusting Protestant practice of "communion in the hand"? Communion not taken kneeling on the tongue is a grave act of disrespect towards Jesus Christ. It's no wonder you are spouting these heretical Protestant beliefs, since you have been trained to disbelieve the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist by this practice.
Grayson Rivera
are you a member of the Pope Pius X society?
Wyatt Gonzalez
>if you act like such a dick that no one wants to go to mass, isn't your behavior in effect damning them to hell?
You are right now trying to excuse a mortal sin. Do you realize that? You are a puppet of Satan. You will answer before God for not giving someone they information they needed to avoid mortal sin when you had the chance. As I said, you are at best a material heretic, and you need to go to confession as soon as possible.
Dominic Hernandez
Catholics will embrace the fake aliens coming as their messiah and there will be a one world religion. Catholics will be at the head of it. Walk the fuck away from that satanic religion.
Carter Gutierrez
Who, me?
Angel Murphy
no, the autistic canuck.
Kevin Brooks
Evan Gutierrez
No, they are fake traditionalists who still acknowledge the false Vatican II sect as the true Catholic Church.
Connor Garcia
i'm sure he's cooler with people who were literally excommunicated than me for trying to be nice to someone trying to convert
Jackson Gray
"Trying to be nice" to someone by enabling them to sin is what Satan does. If you truly wanted to be "nice" to newcomers, you would make sure that they know not to take communion and thus prevent them from endangering their immortal souls.
Dylan Gomez
Indeed, only bishop Williamson is worth listening to now, Pius X society has been infiltrated and 'brought' back to the conciliar church.
Lincoln Foster
pardon my ignorance. sorry dude.
>pic unrelated
James Bell
Catholicism is the way to go. It does not mean blind support of the institution of the Church either, as protestant propaganda maintains. I am a Catholic and I firmly believed that our church leadership is far astray, and even on the path of Satan in some cases. But beliefs like that are nothing new or unusual to us Catholics. If you read the Divine Comedy, you'll find Dante espousing similar beliefs about the Church figures of his time as well.
Catholicism to me is more about a massive community of people all across the world, spanning countless languages, cultures, and regions, all united by a common belief in Love, Peace, and Light as shown to us by Jesus Christ. It is a beautiful thing, and one that I only hope strengthens and grows through the ages.
I would also add that one thing we Catholics do better than any other sect of Christianity is keep our own sinful nature in mind. I've found that protestants are really the ones who are prone to be judgemental of others in their community, to shun, to gossip, to turn their backs, the reprimand as if they were righteous when they of course keep their dark own secrets.
Ian Miller
Brayden Sanchez
Dont let the Pope deter you. There have been hundreds of good Popes and alot less then that of bad ones.
True - its all about community. You dont need to go to church to be closer to GOD. It can help many but walking through the mountains can bring people closer to GOD as well.
The sense of Community is one of the biggest factors in why Catholics continue to attend.
Alexander Moore
How can you believe in priests if they are commanded by a devil's guided leadership?
t. convert willing Prottie
Carter Allen
Catholic Priest go through very tough schooling on their faith. You cant just become a priest. Any schmo can read a bible and think he is an expert. Its like that fool that runs that fake Mega Church. He is a leftist and claims he is a pastor.
I rather take a chance with a Priest that went through schooling . You are right - there are many bad ones but there also many good ones.
John Jenkins
Well, it is a very old heresy called Donatism which claimed all priests must be basically perfect in order to administer the sacraments. It doesn't matter how the bishop acts or the pope, what matters is that the priest is saying mass according to the Roman missal and administering sacraments according to Roman rites. It's not relevant what the priest believes or his bishop believes, the administration of sacraments is what matters, even if the priest who is administering is a sinner or doesn't believe in all dogmas of the Church.
We have 1900 years of Church history to rely on, no matter what the popes of the last 50 years tell us.If I were a betting man, I would always bet on the tradition.
Jackson Ortiz
most priests have little interaction with those in charge. those priests also have a better sense of right & wrong and will occasionally bend a old, autistic rule of the church if the situation is just (ie. let a woman who's husband left her give and receive communion)
Noah Nelson
Catholics aren't Christian
Christian Mitchell
> 56% person talking
I see, cheers for clearing that up
Mason Hill
Avoid post concillar Vatican II Catholicism. RCIA is usually a very poor formation in this vein. As others have noted in this thread, traditional Catholicism is the ultimate red pill. You can find the Traditional Latin Mass by googling “Latin Mass Directory.” At a traditional parish, your education will be rigorously Socratic and Thomistic, not the “God is love.... M'kay.” nonsense you'll get at your average dumbed down Novus Ordo parish.
Someone asserted in this thread that Eastern rite Catholicism didn't suffer from the reforms of Vatican II: this is patently wrong.
The Link to Most Holy Family Monastery should be avoided. While its online content appeals to the red pilled's paranoia, the information is very misleading especially on matters of can on law and ecclesiology, the main fronts of Luciferian assault.
Andrew Ross
Lol so Catholics are so desperate for members they are poaching Episcopalians
Rot in hell lizards.
Ian Evans
>moved to the city
There's your problem number one. All city Catholic's are pozzed, aka Catholites, they sin throughout the week and then they go to confess on Sunday, and then repeat the cycle. Also cities are full of degeneracy and liberalism. You don't want to raise your future kids there.
Try to avoid novus ordo mass, you should attend a traditional Latin mass.
Samuel Martin
Most catholics don't even confess mastrubation, sex outside of marriage and contraception. But they receive communion nevertheless. Just imagine the all the sacrilege that happens every Sunday.
Adrian Rogers
>Episcopalian wants to join the true church. >Somehow this is the church poaching.
So this is the power of guitar playing, pony-tailed youth pastor Protestantism