Does anyone know anything Muslim related that rhymes with reindeer?

Does anyone know anything Muslim related that rhymes with reindeer?



Are you rewriting Grandma got run over by a Reindeer?




Rudolf the red nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
When achmed hits the detonator
Rudolfs suicide vest blows

Is Sup Forums starting their 2017 dreaming of a White Christmas album already??
Can I get O leftist ree
O leftist ree o leftist ree


This one gets my vote

I'm dreaming of a White ethnostate
Just like the reich we used to know...

On the 12 days of Cuckmas my roastie gave to me 5 cuckoldings


0,0 beer

Live in fear, multiculturalism is here

eu muslim enabler

Grandma got run over by the peace van
Walking home from our house on generic holiday eve

You can say there's no such thing as giftman, but as for me and grandpa we believe.

We three kangz of orient are
Bearing bombs we come from afar
Hoping to kill kuffar


Grandma got gangraped by a Hajji
