
Maybe it was me imagining things but did she enjoy it to a degree? It seemed like she liked a bit which is what really fucked me up.

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Another worthless thread by a phonefag.

anime isn't canon

You're fantasizing about being railed by a omnipotent demon god.

You fucking faggot.

Well it is slightly hinted in the manga too
No one ever has ever

>Well it is slightly hinted in the manga too
Youre just a complete idiot.
Read the manga, you see Guts its on the verge of losing consciousness from simply being close to Griffith in the first volumes due to the intense pain.
Now imagine having Griffith inside you.
Caska felt nothing but pure pain at that point which is why she went potato, the brain protected itself from further abuse and just shut down.

Imagine it: You're already in immense pain, due to all the apostles raping you, let alone your brand bleeding like mad just by being near them. Then the guy, who only a few hours ago, tried to rape you so pathetically that you actually felt PITY for him, comes and sticks his newly created monster dick in you. If you thought your brand was stinging before, BUCKLE UP BUTTERCUP! For now you've got A FUCKING GODHAND KISSING YOUR WOMB! This could potentially kill you from the pain alone!

No, buddy, she wasn't enjoying it THAT much. Or maybe she was, but the pain was too intense for words.

So, she lost that ability. No wonder she's retarded now.

Would consenting be equal to enjoying it?
I mean biologically, having a dick in her would stimulate her, but it is still rape.

>Well it is slightly hinted in the manga too
No, it's not.

Having a dick inside you can be pleasurable if you're prepped beforehand, not if the fucker goes in dry. In the film Griffith does just that, but in the manga he sticks a talon up her for extra measure.

Anyway, look at that pure hate Griffith has in his eyes in OP's image. Pitying him, rejecting his affections and winning the Gutsbowl wouldn't warrant any rewards for Casca.

Shes a tough girl and after every new adaptation it shows more and more how she is a slut for Griffith dick

that scene was made by a hentai studio, that's why. in the manga, you can seeno such "hints". what she does though is urge guts to look away, because she knows neither have the power to stop it, she knows it's going to hurt him and she cares about him.

Yep. It's rape, but rape victims can have orgasms.

It's a biological, not emotional reaction. Casca was still raped.

She was losing her mind and flitting back and forth to meeting her savior and being raped by him. Manga makes it clearer she wasn't into it.

Even tho these faggots while cry, slan a god confirmed that she liked it.

Spotted the spics.

I don't remember the manga or original anime having Casca enjoy it. I think it's only in that one movie adaptation.

I think Griffith enjoys sloppy seconds just as much as he enjoyed the old man dick.

Im not saying it wasn't rape but she looks like she enjoyed Griffith's demon dick alot more than guts choke and cry session. Plus slan confirmed her pleasure.

She did, in the manga it was the same

>slan a god confirmed that she liked it.
>slan confirmed her pleasure.

Why do you need your hand held?

The way she tounges him kills me and cuck boi guts

Don't really get the whole fucking obsession whether she enjoyed it or not, she was still raped and if she enjoyed it doesn't change that fact.

People can get aroused while raped, but that doesn't mean shit. She still got raped in front of her lover who had to chop his arm off with a blunt object, no wonder she went mentally insane.

>Why do you need your hand held?
are you familiar with "burden of proof"? you made the claim, i'm not about to go looking between 360 chapters to see what you meant. where does slan say casca feels pleasure?

Simply put, people analyze things and if you look at this scene then you can infer and foreshadow a characters actions, take for example if guts saw her enjoying it then he will be afraid of casca leaving him just like in recent chapters he wonders if casca will stay by his side after she is healed. Get over your triggered emotions and look beyond the explicit content. But luckily for triggered fags we will probably never see a rape scene in berserk ever again.

Reminder that Griffith did literally nothing wrong.

You sound underage.

I miss /fit/ tomboy Casca.

God you are one stupid fuck but holy shit hold my hand while i walk you through this ok? Slan comments on how various emotions (pleasure is a emotion) where gathered in that scene, now look at casca drooling, blushing cheeks and love juice flowing out of her over here now out of all emotions stated here how many can you connect with casca? So yeah she was raped but she still liked it so before you say its not a emotional reaction like this guy get out your feelings and think long and hard.

I can milk your prostate with my 10 inch Donovan and make you feel analjoy the likes of which only a man can feel. Does the pleasure of your filthy slut fagbutt count as consent?

Reported for underage Sup Forumsirgin.

Women are biologically programmed to enjoy rape, so yes.

The whole trauma thing comes from the contradiction between how they felt about it (they enjoyed it) from how everyone says they should have felt.

>Old casca is way better than dirt eating casca
Next chapter she might get healed unless griffith fucks it up or rapes her all over again

"pleasure is an emotion"? Do you think pain is an emotion too?

When will faggots like you who cry for mods every time some one shits on you leave? Go back to Facebook where the report button is your best friend.

you're imagining things, m8. she's drooling because she's half passed out from the pain. slan also comments how this is to be evil while we are shown guts. is guts evil? no, she's talking about the whole situation and how the emotions are mingled. it's referring to the whole idea of evil
>faggot this faggot that
learn to speak, fucknugget.

Reported for underage Shaft Sup Forumsirgin.

Kill yourself.

Yes it is but there is physical and emotional pain, the problem with pleasure is that it is largely a positive emotion. Hence guts current emotional delimma.

Hard to say. Remember her brand was probably reacting very hard to the fact that the Godhand were all gathered near her. So her body was probably on fire. Add to that the trauma of seeing her closest comrades brutally murdered, getting molested by a bunch of apostles and then regaining consciousness only to see her idol in some twisted form sticking his dick inside her.

So I don't think she "enjoyed" it in the natural sense. She was probably stimulated though. Remember her telling Guts not to look while Femto was fucking her.

I've personally never read such studies but from hearing countless testimonies of women hating both the emotional and physical experience id say no they aren't biologically programmed to enjoy rape let alone any sexual simulation. Casca on the other hand loves/d griffith so its a fucked up situation.

>is guts evil
You're not reading shounen where the protagonist is some "good guy" bud & let me tell ya guts is fucken evil even the author has said he was worse than griffith.

>Remember her telling Guts not to look while Femto was fucking her

I think that was less from her being stimulated and more about how explicit the act was. If someone you love is bleeding out right in front of you, you wouldn't want yourself being raped to be the last thing they see. I think this is reinforced by Griffith "punishing" Casca for saying that by showing Guts the full extent of what he's been doing, as seen here In a lot of cases the rapist can be someone that the victim knows or trusts, like a friend or family member, which makes it all the worse.

guts is not some good-guy marty stu, but he's far from evil

>let me tell ya guts is fucken evil even the author has said he was worse than griffith

Links or it's bullshit.

I wouldn't say Guts is evil, but he's pretty edgy. Then again, he's justifiably so given what's happened to him since birth.

Id agree with your first point if not for the inconsistency of the brands effects especially when guts was standing a couple feet away from all five members of the god hand and acted normal plus the author is pretty fucked up were i wouldn't put it past him to make her enjoy it if not a little bit plus with the new content out where she is almost begging for it makes it hard to over look.
Sure the trauma was there but what bugs me is when i read that chapter and saw her pleasure i recalled when broken griffith was trying to rape her and she just let him try as pathetic as it was.
Her telling guts to look away was to me a reaction of shame from her enjoyment and love for guts hence slans comment.

Guts is literally living on the edge because that's the kind of world he's in. He's as good as one could be under those circumstances.

I don't think good or evil should even apply to him, given his struggling motives. A lot of the time I think he just wants to be loved and cared about, emotions that he was completely deprived of after his adoptive mother died.

Are you in a rush or something? Slow the fuck down.

>normalfags ITT getting triggered by the topic of rape
Sup Forums really is dead

>implying Sup Forums was ever alive

Guts has notions of good and evil. His motives are usually self-centered but there's a point where his morals take over. A good example would be the murder of Julius, when he's spying on Julius and his son he feels bad because their relationship remind him of Gambino, but also because he's about to inflict them the loss he's experienced and he doesn't want to.

Fuck man i hate hand holding but i will look for the interview just for proofs sake. Buts seriously what good has guts done besides go on a unfruitful vengeance quest and get people caught up in his vendetta? Meanwhile griffith has saved more people in his city and pretty much subjected all demons! I will find the interview but use your memories for a second and tally up the good boy points these assholes have gotten and tell me who has more? Pro tip: they are both evil but one (I'll let you decide who) is definitely above the other.

You sound like your mother still holds your hand when you cross the street.

I have two fathers you faggot.

Guts's vengeance quest was objectively good though. He killed dangerous monsters that slaughtered hundreds, and by doing so he saved thousands of lives. And while saving humans wasn't his driving force, it still accounted for something in his mind. Basically he took all the right decisions (but still got fucked because life is hard)
Griffith stepped on thousands of lives whenever he felt like it. He took all the shitty decisions and got rewarded for it because fate is an asshole.

Two Milo-tier fathers with that profanity.

>Griffith gets man dick from stranger willingly
>Griffith gets Guts's sloppy seconds
>Guts gets fucked by Donovan unwillingly
>Guts fucks Casca willingly

When will Schierke fuck?

How will Schierke get fucked, in what position?

Will Schierke give birth to deformed baby, will it break her mind?

Will Schierke stomach bulge?

The necessary evil argument is such a bs excuse for getting kids, women and other living beings killed because you got cucked.

I find it so bizarre that people treat rape as some special sort of violence. It's really not worth to talk about.

And, yes, of course Casca enjoyed it. She fucking loved him, anyone would enjoy having sex with the person he loves, it's not something out of the norm. It just that in that scene both Casca and Guts have bigger problems to worry about.

He didn't get anyone killed though. If anyone killed people it was Griffith and his demons friends.

And yes, there's a limit to how good one could be under extreme circumstances.

Leave the loli witch alone she is in love with guts and he will protect her.

ITT: Proof rape culture is alive and well

So you would love it if your grandpa snuck in at night and resized all your holes for free?


>physical empotions
They are sensations you inbred fuckwit. You know why they are called that? Because we percieve them with our SENSES, not our emotions.
God how can someone be this stupid?

Does Guts ever interact with her? I highly doubt Schierke has ever spoken to him.

Sometimes I wonder if half the fuckers who post in these threads have ever read the manga. It's like their entire exposure to the series were the humorless films.

Guts good? While he was a lap dog or murder for hire griffith was saving people and giving his body & soul for his guild who signed a fucked up terms and conditions but still followed him, when guts killed the child he didn't repent nope he ran to griffith's side to be told a good boy but when he overheard griffith saying he had no friends he got his little feelings hurt not to mention he killed way more people during his time with the hawks than griffith did. Plus Griffith stopped more demons than guts or anyone could of hoped for which in turn saved millions of lives around the world.
Rape is literally a act of violence you edge lord.

who did he get killed? the children rosine had turned into insects? we don't even know if the process was reversible and they were actively attacking the villagers and animals. adolf and his daughter? he warned them about the dangers, he warned them not to go outside. they got themselves killed
it's not handholding, you retard. it's providing citation for your claims. did you just blow in from stupidtown?
it's good by proxy. his motives aren't (or rather, weren't) pure, he only wanted vengeance. he didn't hesitate using teresa as a shield, even though he actually feels remorse. his "alignment" if you will is another one of the things he's on the edge about

>I find it so bizarre that people treat rape as some special sort of violence.
but it literally is. the trauma caused by rape is never because of the physical action of penetration, excluding outliers such as monsterous dicks or too young holes. most of the physical trauma of rape derives from the struggle for dominance and could be there with or without the penetration. the rape itself is an act of psychological violence mostly, the feeling of hopelessness and lack of control

maybe read the manga? they have talked a lot and guts even knows about her feelings

In the movie adaption she obviously enjoyed it, doing lewd faces and kissing him back, she wasn't even crying.

As kids, Guts and Griffith aren't especially good or evil. Griffith has a dream and works toward it, him saving lives of subordinates by selling his body is pretty cool yeah. Guts has no opportunities and the only thing he knew was war, so he took part in war just like everyone, not good nor evil. You could argue Griffith was morally better than Guts at that time.
After that, it totally switches.
Griffith tells Guts to kill his rivals (which is understandable since they attacked him first), Guts takes the order, a child is killed. Guts is totally destroyed by that (see his dream), it deeply traumatized him and probably helped motivating him to get away from Griffith. And Griffith? He smiles after learning his plot worked, even though it ended in a child getting killed.
Guts tries to leave after having earned it, Griffith tries to get him to stay and doesn't care about killing him. More bad points for Griffith. Guts goes through the trouble to spare Griffith in a death battle, more good points for him.
After that, Griffith fucks over his whole army by fucking the princess and indirectly murdering 90% of them or something. Guts and Casca try to clean the mess he left by saving him even though Guts could've just fucked off. Griffith fucks him over in the Eclipse. He rapes Casca just to assess his dominance or something.
After that, Guts goes around the world slaughtering demons because that's the only thing left in his mind AND because they're murderous abominations. Griffith plays Castle (which incidentally saves people because Griffith needs people to play Castle).

By any moral standards, Griffith is the evil one and Guts is a light gray.

Did somebody say Rape Culture?

The films are shit.

>it's good by proxy. his motives aren't (or rather, weren't) pure, he only wanted vengeance
Vengeance was his prime motive, but humans were taken in account too. As you said, he used Theresa as a shield but felt bad about the state he left her in, it was a hard but necessary decision, not necessarily motivated by good or evil, but still taking these boundaries in account.

In the long run if we detach from our personal connections with these characters griffith saved way more people than guts ever did. But this manga does a good job of having the reader hate the common folk or weak who deserve death as guts likes to put it. In the end griffith became a god who has subjected the demons a known enemy of humans & guts is slowly becoming a monster for a girl who may or may not want him in the end (i hope she doesn't cuck him again)

The number of people saved doesn't matter in determining whether you're good or evil, it's the choices that do. Just because Griffith's cool castle involve people being around to suck his dick doesn't mean he's a great guy for playing castle for his own sake.

Also, he probably killed more people than he saved. Falconia is one city, the rest of the world is filled with monsters.

Even males can be made to have an unwanted erection simply by mechanical stimulation, it must need skill from the rapist but I heard that it's possible and that it's had been done by female rapist on male. But some guys here would say that they cannot be raped by a woman because they would always consent.

>griffith saved way more people than guts ever did.
Are you one of those faggots who completely or conveniently forgot what Falconia is?

I am said male who cannot be raped by a female.

>griffith saved way more people than guts ever did
are you talking about post eclipse griffith? you seem to be forgetting FUCKING FANTASIA. monsters fucking EVERYWHERE.

Griffith saves a entire mega city worth of people where as guts saved... a handfull of prostitues, children, three adults & ??? Potential some people from slaughtering apostals (even tho some where helping people in the big picture)
Im not saying Griffith is a gud gui but i rather be in his city than behind angery pants mcCuck


You're not worth it.

>where as guts saved... a handfull of prostitues, children, three adults & ??? Potential some people from slaughtering apostals (even tho some where helping people in the big picture)
Just killing Rosine resulted in hundreds of lives being saved. He did that for 2 years.

Griffith spawned dragons and shit all over the world and saved a handful of people from his own mess. He might even sacrifice them later on.

>Griffith saves a entire mega city worth of people
>i rather be in his city than behind angery pants mcCuck

I'll just give you the benefit of doubt and think you don't know what you're talking about and are just baiting for replies.

The other god hand might but im sure griffith's dream involves people so no he most likely won't but im sure guts wont care about the people griffith is saving form the other hand as he is chopping him up into little pieces like he did to mozgus while he was warding off the acid from the people.

Hmm be on a demon bait boat or a safe city hmm what ever shall i choose.

It doesn't matter whether Griffith sacrifice them or not, he still is (at least partially) responsible for spawning the demons he's saving them from.
Mozgus had it coming too

The boat is at the safest place on earth (unless Griffith finds them)
The city is full of bloodlusted monsters

>im sure griffith's dream involves people so no he most likely won't
>a safe city

Here's your (You).

are you forgetting how guts basically fucked up the whole daka legion, various pishacas and even the kundalini mostly by himself and with some help from the party? he saved vritannis from the first wave there. and no matter how many griffith saves, the lives he's caused to vanish balance it out. not to mention that they go directly to the vortex if he interacts with them
>b-but muh mother of all omelettes
save it, pal. he has done nothing to help the world, only to destroy it

Manga: A bit
Anime: Not really
Movie: Yes


Just consider the ugliest girl of course with no birth control at all. Still OK? Even if there is no pregnancy risks because it's a grandma? Isn't there anything you wouldn't be OK with? Also any relatives would turn you on? Ending up tired?

look at that filthy strumpet, she's enjoying evety second of it!

The only reason i would ever join up with guts crew over a comfy city and i mean this in the most sincere way is if i can take buddy up with farnese and schierke

Wait no one said she would be unattractive... wtf i hate female rape now.

I don't remember anyone else molesting her besides Griffith