This thread is for discussing (((christianity))) and its contribution to White Western Decline.
Covering the deleterious effects of Christianity, with a special focus on the damage it has done to the native peoples of Europe as well as whites around the world.
There is a wealth of information posted on Sup Forums in this regard, but much of it gets lost in the cracks due to the fact that dialogue with Christians is like speaking to a stone wall.
Post articles, videos and memes exposing christianity for what it truly is. A Jewish sect which is now also the forerunner of multiculturalism and race mixing.
Who were the first Christians? The first Christians were all Jews. Christianity literally started as a sect of Jews for the goyim to follow.
When we call Christianity a Jewish religion, means exactly that. That Jesus was an ethnic Jew and the first Christians were all Jews. Christianity, Judaism and Islam are called Abrahamic religion for a reason. They are semitic, not European.
If Jesus was not a Jew, what was he then? A random white man born in israel 2,000 years ago? Were all of his followers white too or were they semites?
Supporting Christianity because some old Jews hate it, is pretty dumb. It's like saying Jews drink water so we should stop drinking water!
David Foster
William Reyes
Anthony Lee
"We will have to deal with Christianity in a tougher way than hitherto. We must settle accounts with this Christianity, this greatest of plagues that could have happened to us in our history, which has weakened us in every conflict. If our generation does not do it, then I believe it would drag on for a long time. We must overcome it within ourselves." -- Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler; Speech to top leaders of the SS, June 9, 1942 Berlin
“National Socialist and Christian conceptions are incompatible. The Christian churches are build upon men’s ignorance; by contrast [National Socialism] rests upon scientific foundations. When we [National Socialists] speak of belief in God, we do not mean, like the naïve Christians and their spiritual exploiters, a man-like being sitting around somewhere in the universe. The force governed by natural law by which all these countless planets move in the universe, we call omnipotence or God. The assertion that this universal force can trouble itself about the destiny of each individual being, every smallest earthly bacillus, can be influenced by so-called prayers or other surprising things, depends upon a requisite dose of naivety or else upon shameless professional self-interest.” –Martin Bormann
Many people due to misinformation, mistakenly believe that Nazi Germany was friendly to Christianity. This is not true by any stretch of the imagination.
Historians conclude that Hitler ultimately intended the destruction of Christianity in Germany or at least its distortion or subjugation to a Nazi outlook.
For those who are utterly confused, this ebook proves beyond any doubt that not only were the Nazis anti-Christian, but the Third Reich Leaders were actively working to destroy Christianity, both the Catholic and Protestant Churches.
another kike trying to start a divide and conquer thread, nothing to see here guys go ahead and sage
Juan Jones
Jason Thompson
Took my time to read this fully. Massive redpill! Thanks for posting this here user.
Jaxson Allen
>stop exposing our evil It's not d&c when you spread anti Eurpean propaganda like fedora meme and Odin drinks cum (which is a lie from a Jewish book) is it?
>Israeli flag No wonder you hate true nationalists. I'm no Christian dog, will never be pro Israel. In fact I say nuke Israel. Not my holy land.
Levi Edwards
The originator of the name Christ was executed as a criminal by the procurator Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius; "and though repressed, this destructive superstition erupted again, not only through Judea which was the origin of this evil" but also through the city of Rome, to which all that is horrible and shameful floods together and is celebrated.
When most of the Europe was still pagan. Announcing to your family that you had become a Christian could get you disowned.
As it should be - coalburners are a disgrace, be it of the flesh or the soul.
Sebastian Martin
Before Christianity, people naturally associated with their race. Christianity changed all that. It made people reject their ethnic and racial identity in favour of a purely religious identity.
>blaming Christianity for culture marxism SaaaAAGE
Lincoln Sullivan
Those women are culturally atheist.
Owen Fisher
>I'm agnostic, and I'll post a few of the things that are stopping me from being Christian (even though I'd like to be). I'd appreciate it if some kind anons could debate my arguments to see if I can convince myself to have faith
Firstly, human history has been going on for tens of thousands of years. Even today, some people go their whole lives without ever hearing the word of God. For others, they might hear, but the context of their life makes it incredibly difficult for them to convert (e.g. a Muslim in Saudi Arabia, with a devout Muslim family who would be horrified if someone in their family was non-Muslim).
What happens to all these souls? Do all or some of them go to hell for their lack of faith?
Chase Moore
If I understand correctly, God gave us free will and that is the reason why man-made evil persists in the world despite God's omnipotence. Each of us could be murdered at any time, and go to face judgment. In life, many of us go on a journey where we spend lots of our life in disbelief before something happens to transform our lives and give us faith.
But what if we are killed before this transformation occurs? Take, for example, CS Lewis - someone who was for a time an atheist, before being convinced of God's existence and becoming a famous Christian apologist. What if he had been murdered while he was still an atheist? Would he have faced damnation because, at the time of his death, he denied the existence of God?
How can we explain the existence of non-man-made evil in the world? Take for example a child who develops a terminal illness, that ensures it spends most of its short life in considerable pain, and bringing grief to those who love it, before dying. Why would God create a human who is biologically pre-destined to suffer and to cause suffering?
Nathaniel Roberts
But Atheism is not inherently anti white and pro jew like christianity.
Henry Stewart
>fedoras trying to pass the meme off to Christians Nice try, schlomo
Joseph White
Christianity had nothing do do with Rome's fall. It'd already split a century before and had been overly degenerate for years. If anything Christianity saved the Eastern Roman Empire from that same fate.
Sebastian Williams
Among my most favorite of Hitler's quotes.
Aiden Smith
No one said that christianity is the root of western civilisation? Must be a slow day for christcucks.
Jayden Adams
>>if you don't worship the god of the jews and don't want a jew to be the lord of your fellow white people you're a kike How does that make any sense, user?
David Allen
>Christianity is a form of Cultural Marxism. Brainlet confirmed
Just as a daily reminder: Christianity is divided in many many cults and sects(like mormons, seventh day nudist etc...) And some of them are not even doing the holy sign when at church.
Adrian Cruz
You're an uneducated moron. Your fag religion is dead and it's never coming back.
Jason Robinson
THIS. SAGE AND HIDE D&C. We can argue about religion in the ethnostate
Angel Rogers
With christianity around we have ZERO chance of getting a white ethno state. The degeneracy you see now in the west is what true Christianity represents period.
Pagan Europeans were able to sustain this desert cult because they were pretty rightwing and nationalist back then.
Thomas James
This further proves his point. Christianity is degenerate. Look at the world today. Paganism has been dead for 1000 years. 1000 years of "social progress" for black, arab and jewish christians.
Nathan Morales
Julian Kelly
Have another one bro!
Lincoln Cox
Christian Jenkins
John Morales
Jeremiah Davis
All because of culture marxism
Ethan Cox
Thanks for posting this, user.
Jaxson Edwards
Why all the saints look so dark and weird? Is it because Christcucks were bad at art or is it because of race mixing after adopting Abrahamic religion?
Charles Evans
Parker Mitchell
Pol hates they're enemies anyways so why even bother with hypocrites and bible cherry pickers?
Christianity, sprung from Jewish roots and comprehensible only as a growth on this soil, represents the counter-movement to any morality of breeding, of race, privilege: it is the anti-Aryan religion par excellence. Christianity—the revaluation of all Aryan values, the victory of chandala values, the gospel preached to the poor and base, the general revolt of all the downtrodden, the wretched, the failures, the less favored, against ‘race:’ the undying chandala hatred is disguised as a religion of love.” -Friedrich Nietzsche – Twilight of the Idols (Chap. 6)
Ryan Phillips
Remember no papists Catholics aren't Christian
Jeremiah Stewart
>(((The New York Times))) Nice source you got there christfaggot.
Levi Peterson
Baptist, Catholic, Evangelical, and Protestant. Same (((religion))) different sects.
Nathan Clark
M8 wot? The bible outs the Jews as, and my Latin is rusty, "synagogue of Satan"
Juan Wright
Some people believe Orthodox Christianity is un cucked, pro white version of Christianity. But this is simply not the case.
Christianity literally started as a sect of Jews. The first Christians were all Jews. The Christian god is Yahweh. Abraham was a Jew. The only name jewier than Abraham is Yahweh.
All types of Christianity are inherently multi racial unlike Germanic Paganism which has racial element to it.
"Orthodoxy rejects the teaching that churches or countries should be divided along racial lines. For, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus' (Gal. 3:28). And again, ‘They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one Shepherd" (Jn. 10:16)."
>I don't like the reality you've given me, so rather than disprove the post, I'll just start the source is not credible Grabbing at straws OP, Hitler was one of us
Jordan Scott
Sebastian Moore
There is no hell and all religions in the end worship the same Creator. Reincarnation Past life or even current life Karma. People die it's part of the contract of joining the physical world is you die at one point.
Joshua Butler
This is a weak ass attack. Christ was above race nonsense since he was not of this physical world. Blacks were still made separate from whites so God must have some kind of issue with them.
Michael Fisher
Pic: Orthodox missionaries helping the next generation of Christians to reach Europe. Remember, you need Christianity so Jamaal Christensen can finally baptize your white daughter by impregnating her with his devout black christian seed.
Justin Bennett
It's pretty widely accepted that Christianity was the cause of the West's rise, not fall. Europe was an inconsequential shithole under the guidance of Odin. Notice how the West is declining along with influence of Christianity. Also funny how you took a meme of a prototypical atheist and made it about Christianity.
Not going to entertain clueless neckbeard atheists and autistic pagans. Saged
Dylan Hernandez
>reeeee everyone who isn't religious is a militant atheist
What I I just don't give a shit, but just support rational traditional family structure?
Ayden Murphy
>helping blacks makes you a cuckold Seems like your projecting your own tastes and insecurities here.
Logan Howard
Hunter Brooks
All I see are pagan larpers using "skeptic" and the forced "amerimutt" memes. This screams shilling. When are you shills going to let off? Do you not see your irrational and almost preternatural hatred of Christianity actually reveals you like all of us are convicted and constrained to make a choice in this spiritual battle between Christ, who has already won, and Satan the great liar and black foe of the world. God loves you guys, he sent his son Jesus for us all.
Aaron Scott
It's so funny when people clueless of Christianity attempt to criticize it. 'Original sin' specifically included disease, famine, infant mortality, and dying during childbirth as a consequence. If you ever opened up a Bible and read the first few pages you would see this.
Logan Walker
I could agree with some of those explanations, but I don't think they're Christian beliefs. Are you a Christian?
Thomas Edwards
>race is nonsense You are such a precious little jew worshiping faggot.
Zachary Taylor
reminder: anti-christian posts are shills or fedora cucks you wonder why christianity is constantly shat on by liberals and the media? the jew
Austin Ward
Yes. These teaching were on of the original churches. Too radical for most people in most times it seldom took root outside of isolated areas.
Jaxon Brooks
You'll be reborn as a nigger in the congo at this rate.
Benjamin Turner
Cameron Morris
"Why do the heathen rage?" -David
But really though, you're a faggot sodomite.
Adam Myers
Can you list any historical Christian theologians who have similar views? I'd be interested in exploring it further.
Jacob Bennett
Nice job posting liberal propaganda. Remember when the Jews criticized the Passion of the Christ for it's negative portrayal of them, and then went out of their way to disgrace Mel Gibson? Notice how the Christian voting block is constantly criticized in the media? Remember how Christian countries were the ones expelling the Jews from their country for the entirety of history? Ever notice how Europe grew to a global power as a solely Christian country, and then declined with the increased presence of atheism, Islam, and Jews?
For a religion you cucks claim is some kind of Jewish conspiracy, they really seem invested in trying to destroy it as much as possible.
Lincoln Lopez
>atheists >logic >facts
Andrew Russell
Edgar Cayce is you best bet. There is a River is a great introduction to his works.
Xavier Phillips
yeah dudes fuck any traditional religion where we don't fuck trees or animals, check out my odinist furry podcast. The ethnostate bathouse will support all of the white genders. No way that jews want me to adopt a dysfunctional lifestyle. You mad christ-cucks?!:^)
Jose Hernandez
Christianity exists to undermine the white race.
David Parker
Christianity teaches that a Black Christian is exactly as good as white Christian and a white infidel is subhuman. Christianity has been telling the white man everyone is equal in the eyes of the god.
The left is the most Christian whether they admit it or not.
Mason Martinez
Yes goy, betray jesus christ who called out the corruption of the jew and took away their chosen people status and gifted all men with god's righteousness. We killed him for that - and so should you to anyone else who stands in our way, goy! Hahahaha!
Fucking retard. You don't deserve to post under the great flag of Fascism. Burn in hell, heretical degenerate faggot.
Blake Turner
Fuck off, yid. Take your kike god, your kike messiah and your kike holy book and stuff them up your hebe-loving arse.
Aiden Lee
Nope John 1:12
retard Leviticus 20:13 and Romans 1
2 Thessolonians 3:10
Being a whore is a sin you fucking retard
Samuel Robinson
A Christian black probably acts like a much better person then some white trash Varg who burned churches and stabs people in """self-defence"""
Ryan Hill
Always meme flags with the D&C
Aiden Brown
christianty teaches to judge by character. go fuck yourself, you useful retard. fbi and cia are behind the "alt-right". it's divide and conquer. same technique used throughout the ages. you need to lurk more.