How does Sup Forums read her manga?
How does Sup Forums read her manga?
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How'd you know i'm a girl
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Kissmanga on a tablet. I've tried downloading/converting and reading it on a kindle/tablet and it's more trouble then it's worth imo.
Online and I buy hard copies of things I really like so I don't ruin them by reading them with my greasy human fingers
Fuck you, i'm a boy.
>it's more trouble then it's worth
it's easy, so easy that this must be a bait, otherwise you are stupid
tablet in the bed, the most comfortable way for me
I stream it from jewtube.
Not to say that it's really hard to download just that it's an extra step and takes up storage. The only time I'll download is if I want it somewhere where I won't have internet. If the quality was better downloading I would be more inclined too but most the time you can barely tell the difference if any.
>Yotsuba& in English
Check out this pleb
With my eyes fool.
No need to announce to everyone you just started DJT user, we all know you'll lose interest in a week or two.
I have never cried so hard in my entire life. What a fucking tool.
I print the scans.
Manga Rock definitive
I haven't read her manga yet I'm work on getting all vol for watamote right now.
The entity, that is Sup Forums, is male.
What ebook reader does Sup Forums recommend?
Kobo Aura.
user, we're all little girls here.
HD or H2O?