as everyone knows right now, seems like poles are a bunch of neonazis marching in nazi marches
wtf is going on?
as everyone knows right now, seems like poles are a bunch of neonazis marching in nazi marches
wtf is going on?
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They are awake like never before.
Similar things in Ukraine. They never got over socialism governing them and now they turned into big nationalist crybabys although it's nationalism what fucked them back in 39.
poles get the gas too tho
We were already "nazi" year ago, fakenews is so fucking slow
>Sup Forumsand
>marching against invasion
>actually believing that will stop it
because back in 1939 in september, the Nazis slaughter al commies in poland.
At least we don't need to build ovens or death camps now, half of the job is done.
It isn't. Poles hate nazis. And commies. And rotten West.
Well, West chimped out over our march so..
I guess they are worried?
Otherwise they would not care about us
Based Claudio
>al commies in poland.
and more too
Because they saw what happens to your country if you aren't.
what nation do you belong to, besides either jizzreal or the nation of islam?
What people fail to understand is that everyone is getting Jewed, whites, slavs, blacks, Native Americans, asians, arabs, hell even other Jews.
kek, pollacks can crack jokes now too, fucking love it
the (((western media))) freaked out about it, meaning all jews and their puppets
Fuck off.
It's like spirits of all these SS-men killed in Poland by Soviets rose up and dug into minds of all Poles, giving them their views. Poetic.
Poland already knew what some Jews are doing even before your grandmother was born.
>Polish-Soviet War 1920
kek. Poland is /our/ country
First of all wtf are you a leftist doing on pol, second they aren't Nazis the are just nationalists that love their country and do the want to be 56%
I belong to the citizens of this world.
Wow, you're a full-fledged retard, aren't you?
I can tell by you're flag, you waste of skin...
Do not
Pic related. Leftist cried racism so we gave them that.
You've just prepared us for /our/ final task.
We are not neonazis, we are patriots. If you said such stupid thing like this during the march you surely would regret your words.
Where's that pic from?
"First squad: the moment of thruth". If has nice German and Soviet aesthetics, despite being a commie propaganda
/pol land is manisfestation of pol's desires
This. We are thankful for Hitler helping us get rid of commie scum.
Never heard of it. Must be a shit country.
Fells great to be american polish mutt
They are not.
There's only this one scary photo with red smoke and media's "allegations" that this was somehow a Nazi march.
It'd be fucking stupid to read reports like this at face value in this day and age, there's always spin applied.
The death of individuality.
Why are you in America and not Poland?
based poland
Poland is actually nationalist, due to the migrants flooding europe
The jew has been named. We know its tricks.
Its time to die jew.
the Sup Forumsish peoples are awakened
why must they persecute the Sup Forumses in this way?
Daily (hourly?) reminder that all leftists are lying propagandists-via-proxy.
not really. they only appear to chimp out because they have always set their eyes on you, waiting for the moment you'll fuck up.
Damage control. But we cannot be stopped anymore. Not this time.