*sips tea*
*sips tea*
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Man, can't argue that sound as opinion
Can't argue with that
Ouch, Stormfags on suicide watch.
Sup Forums BTFO the fuck out
sage bad arguments can be found hear please refrain from making them: don-lindsay-archive.org
Can you figure out which one you are?
Gerloughmphf btfo
I was all for Barry at first. He was pushed hard and sounded like a great speaker.
It was after seeing him in the job for a while that I grew to hate him. What a worthless nigger piece of shit he turned out to be. Barry made me more racist that I ever would have been had he not become POTUS.
What a fucking trainwreck that guy was.
> if you disagree with us you are hateful
> and being hateful makes you bad
> but we're allowed to hate you
> because our hated is good
I just don't understand how someone can believe this logic unironically.
he's right u know?
Actually I hated Obama because he was a card-carrying commie. That's got nothing to do with race.
Any race can be commie. And I'd kill them all with a smile on my face.
nothing wrong with being racist. if you hate someone for the way they think, you're the one with the problem
> sips weak tea
You weren’t even old enough to vote then son. Obama represented America until he showed his true intent to hope to fundamentally change America. His change changed his hope into a hopeless freefall of morality and respect for our countries institutions
>We hate Drumpf because he a BAD MAN
>You hate president obongo because YOU A BAD MAN
>if you hate someone for the way they think, you're the one with the problem
Because the way you think is wrong. Simple as that moron.
>nothing wrong with being racist
The irony of there being nothing wrong with hating folks for the color of their skin, but judging someone for having toxic opinions is somehow problematic.
Go fuck yourself
>*sips tea*
I hate Obama’s because he raised my taxes. I hate Bush because he started spying on me. What did Trump do to you besides hurt your fee fees?
>Literary autism
I hated Obama because I hate liberals not because of their race. Checkmate.
You hate Trump because you're occupy demotards and call every right winger racist.
>trump is racist
All the shill threads have the same formula.
>insert a picture of some stupid and easily debunkable argument made by a thot or some kike-funded group
>name the thread POL BTFO!!!!!1111!!!!11!!!!!1
>trump is racist and so are you!
[Citation needed]
No logic at all
>calling someone's beliefs "toxic opinions"
Ugh, I can't even right now.
>The simple thought processes of a modern 'liberal' involuntary social marxist pawn
>I hated Obama because I hate niggers for being niggers
technically correct, enjoy your tea
You say that like it's a bad thing
The day of the rope isn't for niggers it is for traitors
first mate I'm a secondary school kid (English high school) and I've always had a problem with spelling. I don't see how either of these facts effect the validity of my argument, but since that seems to be the main concern of your comment I am perfectly happy to oblige, in the hopeful aim of being both truthful and polite (the latter of which you might want to try brushing up on, as I find if people can be civil with eachother in their disagreements the outcomes are usually far more illuminating). And finally, don't assume I know nothing of economics in practice because of my youth. A coman misconception is that experience guarantees knowledge but if this were true explain to me why I have be born into a world full of fools failing to make any decent change. You would assume more of the 80 billion people who have lived and died or the one of the billions of adults on this planet would have made decent progress and yet the world seems as unjust as ever. So don't believe that your age alone gives you any form of supirority to me. If you wish to reply again might I ask instead of making poorly formulated and badly thought through jabs at me, you stick to my beliefs and arguments.
how does it sound when you learn that your fuckboi's education was paid for by Soros himself
imagine being groomed for 30 years to become president by one of the richest people alive and having his fans coming here saying: you hated him cos you are racist
he was a puppet, didn't do anything he said he would do, wall street walked free, drone killing was rampant, he did what Bush started by continuing to pump money to the big corps that were responsible for the very failure he was elected to CHANGE
change ended being same old, same old
how can you be proud when you have been taken for such a ride?
I guess you are used to a black man taking you for a ride
racism is your only refuge
plus it exposed the liberal bias of the media
he even paid lip service to 'muh wage gap'
ps: you hate white pepo
I fucking wish Trump were racist.
Oh hey, thanks for the ammo. Do we even have to make our own propaganda anymore? Dems are true experts on alienating middle America, instead of actually helping them or gaining their support they'd rather import voters.
Go home to your mother!
Doesn't she ever watch you?
Tell her this isn't some communist day care center
Tell your mother I hate her
Tell your mother I hate you!
Racism has nothing to do with skin color you naive, uneducated simpleton
Racism and meritocracy are righteous paths to freedom. Commies gtfo
we hate obama because he is incompetent.
Obama and his failures/bullshit are the reason why people rallied around getting Donald Trump elected.
Let that sink in for a sec.
Literally every time you see "President Donald Trump" - I want you to repeat under your breath: "Thanks, Obama..."
>We hate bark oboingo because socialism
>We hate socialism because enough arse fucking from commie extremists 30 years ago
No i hate obama because he's a gay ape.
Are there any accounts of the right chimpin' out during Obama's presidency the way the left is chimpin' out now Trump is president?
At least when we say "Obama's a nigger and so are you" it's easier to prove
this guy gets it
>th-th-the right h-had t-tea p-p-party gatherings g-goy!
Weird. I campaigned for Obama AND voted for Trump. How's that jog your noggin?
White and Yellow text.
I was heavily bluepilled all my life. I was blissfully ignorant of the ways of the world. When I went to the US to study, it was just the start of how later the leftist propaganda tools of education would turn all nascent young minds into their socialist SJW cannon fodder. Hell, I even took kike propaganda course such as literature of the Holocaust. That's how fuckin' bluepilled I was.
But then I began to see the cracks. It was when Obama got elected. I was one of the few who actually swallowed his garbage hook line and sinker. I thought, yeah this guy would help race relations. How naive I was.
I think the first redpill was when our country was just about to become yet another puppet state of that socialist madman Chavez, propping his own little puppet here to bleed us dry. I thank the Powers That Be that our military wasn't brainwashed and ousted the puppet that was our president. And what did we get? We had him go whine like a little bitch to all leftist news outlets including CNN and there was that bulldog dyke roastie Hillary yelling like a banshee and trying to get an embargo on us just like Cuba. That's when I knew the leftist commies were in control of the US and they would've screwed us royally.
That was how I knew Obama was an incompetent idiot, regardless of his skin. Then Trayvon and Ferguson happened and well...the rest is history.
When I learned Hillary was again running, I hope and prayed that the american people would wise up, but that's when I noticed "they" were prepared. "They" were playing the long game. "They" had everything set up. Nothing was going to stop "them". Until Trump came and basically kicked the chessboard over.
Do I like that cheeto-tanned tacky-toupeed clown? Not in the slightest. But he was indeed the lesser of two evils and I saw how much the "press" was dumping negative garbage on him without a verdict. That's when I stopped reading all the news outlet sites. and discovered Sup Forums.
obama is a smelly nigger
lol nobody gives a shit about being called racist anymore
find a new scareword, retards
>le Obama is communist meme
>I'm a racist, but I don't want to be called racist.
I will never be accepted here as I'm just some south-of-the-border beaner from a country that is basically Murder Central and where the vast majority of illegals come from. But hey, this place opened my eyes in ways I never seen.
And why do I post this here? Because to prove the leftist shill wrong. I hate Obama. I hate Trump, but I hate Obama more because he was an incompetent leftist stooge who pushed back race relations to level that are impossible to calculate. His skin color be damned. I know plenty of black folks and unlike the gibsmedats and dindus, they are hard-working people and good citizens. So any cry of me being racist falls on deaf ears.
Wanting to pay less in taxes is racist now
I hate Obama and I'm black. I also support Trump.
Does that make me a racist.
there was % of blacks ,latinos and other who voted trump they are racist yea? You faggots got only one card in your and you always playing it.
Wow shills out in full force ey
only liberal art degree cuck would make this. This is a poem , nothing more
What are you, a teenager?
Holy mother of kek
How low she has sunk.
actually I hated Obama for being a liar.
i hated Obama for demanding for gun control while arming mexican cartels
i hated Obama for expanding Dubbya's neocon wars across the middle east
i hated Obama because the MSM immediately began pretending Obama wasn't slaughtering hundreds using drone strikes and keeping Gitmo running to MKUltra new islamic leaders who'll obey the CIA's commandments (funny how many Islamic State leaders came out of CIA dungeons, just a coincidence I'm sure :^))
i hated Obama for claiming the Bankers were Too Big To Prosecute
i hated Obama for demanding everyone be forced into providing corporate welfare to Wall Street megacorps while pretending it was a good thing
i hated Obama for playing golf while the Gulf filled with oil
i hated Obama for abusing spying, not even a conspiracy theory he was caught red-handed spying on our allies and on our citizenry. Repeatedly.
i hated Obama for purposefully inciting racial tensions
they're the racists because they forgive the hypocritical, lying, warmongering neocon nigger because he a gud boi dindu nuffins
Is there any actual evidence of Trump being racist? Always curious.
Let's be honest. The term "racist" is being used so often because it triggers so many whites in a way that cracker, honkey, wite boi, cum skin, or any other alternative has failed to do.
So right. The politics of his regime and alikes made a lot of people racist. Fuck Black Lives Matter.
Found the Huffington Post account. Do all you cunts just share one desktop that's logged in here?
*sips piss*
Please don't take me to jail for wrong-think.
This image alone is why I elected Trump.
Our rhetoric is too good
I voted for Obama twice.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt in his first term, called it "bush's legacy's fault".
Voted for him over Mittens because Mittens was a trainwreck and the worst choice of the two, but still hoped he'd make good on his promises to do more of what he promised in his second term.
But, nope, he decided to divide this country like never before, passed social justice EOs, and fucked up everything worse than Bush Jr.
Now I'm stuck with a $700 medical insurance bill that used to be $300.
It provides worse coverage, and my visits cost $125 instead of $20.
Obama's administration was a joke and a disaster.
name something trump has said that's racist
everyone remember to sage shill threads
same. I shoulda saw him for the two faced hypocrite he was after the whole megaupload incident. Every year with him got progressively worst.
No, I don't hate Obama because I'm racist. I hate him because he's black.
No, I wanted to like Barry.
But then his platform was just continuing Chertoff policies.