>blue eyed father
>green eyed mother
>brown eyed child
>race is pointless
Blue eyed father
Other urls found in this thread:
I agree. Open border now.
>brown eyed mailman
You realize he's still white right? Are we about to see a whole thread of albino indians and blacks flapping their gums about genetics they can't understand?
side note: does the kid have the eye slit mutation?
>implying that bald-at-28 inbred faggot is his real father
>centuries of inbreeding
Your ancestors were bred for manual labor and it shows.
This. Eye color is nature's paternity test.
You do realize that also grandparent's eyes can happen, right?
Of course you do. Sage.
Green eyes are part blue and part brown. gtfo
Is this that Destiny manlet?
That dude isn't White, look at his fucking nose.
It's Negroid phenotype, which is from his Cuban side.
Are her eyes even green?
Implying Kate didn't fuck the stable master like Diana did with Harry. Show me when you can even see will in his face. Protip you can't.
The girl however is his.
Mother has blue eyes
father has brown eyes
brother has green eyes
i have blue eyes
That's normal.
OP's situation isn't.
your dad has to suck up some zyklon b in holo 2.0
>removing eye color from race means a lot of south koreans have just become white
according to this posters picture it isn't.
well green eyes are brown eyes with lesser melanin. also grandparents can cause a different eye color, since we carry their genetic information around
>Genes how do they even work
weeb poster with meme flag in a bait thread, i'm not even suprised
You guys are forgetting that Wills has Indian ancestors
I study Genetics, your situation is normal, OP's isn't, but I can't exactly eye color inheritance over a fast-paced imageboard like Sup Forums. Green eyes require a very very specific set of alleles, it's rare enough that your brother probably doesn't even really have green eyes. They're probably just a light hazel.
and almost no traits are Mendelian like you learn in high school biology.
all you niggers are sat here arguing about eye colour but I'm sat here trying to figure out if it's fetal alcohol syndrome
his philtrum looking pretty flat to me, lads
This chart makes no sense. Is this assuming the parents are white and most likely have a set of grandparent with light eyes?
As long as he's lactose tolerant, and has pink nipples he is white.
>Implying zipper heads aren't honorary whites.
We can be picky anons.
At least 12% of native Europeans are lactose intolerant, no matter the population.
It assumes they central European. It's also nothing scientific just a chart shown to pregnant couples so they know what to expect.
Is the kid in OP central European?
Mongoloid rape babies
Get off the proxy, cletus. We know its you.
So bitch cheated with a brown eye
No. East Asian mixture of any real amount stops at the Eastern Slavs.
The allele just never spread everywhere because it wasn't that advantageous, not everyone needed to drink milk their entire life to survive.
tbf she was probably drunk
I feel a trip to Maury is in your future.
what are genetics?
>Not knowing that green and blue makes brown
Me and all my brothers have grey eyes with one parent with green and the other blue
I have brown eyes and black hair. My body is white, not pale milky white, a bit darker. My ass is pale white though. A-am I still eligible for the ethnostate bros?
British royalty is German so yes.
I didn't want those feels. My four grandparents, my to parents got blue eyes and I will see the birth of the last generation of blue eyed kids in Germany
He is the chosen one. The one born with the Central Asian hyperborean warlord eyes.
The eye color of the ancient Kangz of Asia.
He's gonna build flying pyramids.
>>green eyed mother
>cucked by a brown eyed black bull
do you pass the blue blood test? your skin should be white enough for you to clearly see your veins(blue) through your skin
>kid would still have straight hair if a half-ape
Kate probably got CURRIED like her dead mother in law
Oh yeah I can definitely see them.
>jewish OP
>retarded shitpost
>thread is pointless
Isn't he an R1b prince?
His ancient ancestors from 6000-10000 years ago looked like Turkmen Russians.
He was born to be a kang during the quickening... the great test for the white man in the future.
He had to be born with the brown eyes of the original kangz and conquerors.
>green eyed mother
Here is your problem
>what are genes and alleles
Cant wait till he is King and starts invading what is rightfully ours
I think they're grey, it's just the light
>3 digit intelligence
naaaa you're right
time to open the borders
True Aryans have green and blue eyes, what, have you got whit in your eyes?
No, green is blue with gold in it, dumb sandnigger.
My parents have blue and brown eyes. Both my brothers ended up with green eyes. That chart is total bullshit.
>has way more blacks and musslimes per 100000 citizen in his country than germany does
blue and brown make green, you fucking idiot. That means brown was dominant between the two of them which cause brown eyes for their child.