>tfw gf to attend BNP rallies with
Why even live lads?
>tfw gf to attend BNP rallies with
Why even live lads?
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I thought that said BRAP rallies.
For fucks sake lads
Goddamn, what a bunch of disgusting looking gremlins
Rate my nazi GF
BNP fell apart years ago. It's now a shadow of its former self.
Is that her on the left?
>tfw 6'3 and will never have a tall gf to power bottom me
there is a girl in my neigbourhood - she is 6'6
Eat shit and die faggot.
Is she a good looking Swede?
Also, is the meme about immigrants taking over everywhere true?
All that cellulite. Her ass looks like a bag of socks.
Snow yeti spotted
>Is that her on the left?
that has to be a shoop
>the nigger doesn't want death by snu-snu
Colour me surprised
>Eat shit and die faggot.
What if he is gay, and what if he is into consuming human excrement?
The manlet looks like a kike
she is ok looking for swedish girl
and let memes be memes
one thing is very true about sweden: we have way too many lefties cuckes here and i see no viable way to fight them off
Like it’s a question.
The average brit looks just about as disgusting as the average slav.
she's slammin
The way you spot a Slav is by looking at their plum nose.
Grenade attacks are totally normal dude. Hypercucks
If you are talking about the northeastern slavs then yeah, they look like mongol kids in adult european body.
Ex-Yugos are the best looking race in the world, no one comes even close to us.
>tfw no nazi gf
why live
>tattood whore
she's not a nazi, just a larping slut.
>tfw found a qt Christian white RN who works in a hospital
>tfw I hope I don't fuck it up
>tfw you will never cosplay as a SS officer with your gf
mein gott!
Surprisingly, I found her on tinder. There's only a few of us, but some people actually do look for relationships on tinder
You'll get better odds at church though, there's few things in life more in demand than a well dressed, young single white man with a job who goes to church
Most people who go to church here are old white folk and Portuguese families
Also, what kind of self respecting Christian women goes on online dating sites?
Be careful user, that's a red flag
try and take a pic and post it my dude
women telegraph their activities, if he added her on facebook he'd be able to tell what kind of person she is
I can't speak for Canada, but there's always more young women than young men at church. Women are more willing to believe in faith, so any man who also does is already winning in terms of odds
Nothing wrong with using dating sites, it's not bad unless you use them for hookups
>sticking your dick in a mi5 honeypot
Correct. The average Pole looks like the Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang if he was unemployed
Why don't the bobbies get their billy clubs and beat these animals?
Bestiality is a sin, it's a crime and the bible says if man lays with a beast he and the animal has to be put to death!
why is she dating a turk?
did she understand hitler?
why are white women so much trash?
Absolutely disgusting.
If they don't, someone else will.
Man, brtis are disgusting
post pics of this amazon. Facebook is public anyway
>bongs have the audacity to shittalk slavs
>this is a 10 in Bongistan
I don't know how church works in the USA, but here you go to the mass, listen to the priest and you go out. Unless you meant a church group, but those are for praying too, not picking up girls.
You white boys are fools. As a black man, I would marry that in a SECOND. Same goes for Lena Dunham.
Church here in the states pretty much always ends with coffee and little pastries at the door after they let out, and people mingle around and mingle. There's tons of people who you see every Sunday, and you chat and see how their doing. It probably comes from rural America back in the day, when you'd only go into town on Sunday for church and shopping
>this is the state of the British right-wing
This country is lost lads.
british police are a fucking joke
GOT.. this guy has major big woman fetish.
>modern britain
Really pretty honestly
hot as fuck, I’d bang her if you need me too
Is that guy from a Lord Of The Rings Movie?
damnnnn the uk is scary, all grey, those garbage women, pakis and muslims everywhere...
"slag" indeed
the death of the white Brit
Sounds kind of cool actually.
>implying these are the average brit
It's comfy as fuck, there's nothing like small town Midwest. It's still white America
>cops literally getting beaten by foreign hooker ass play
lowest common denominator
This is why London fails, because muh dick. Oh well, you might just delete all the books about Shakespeare, culture and art, muh ass and dick wins.
If only you weren't heretics.
What, because we're mostly not catholics?
>>If only you weren't heretics.
>Says the idol-worshipping ritual-cannibalistic heretic
I'm just playing, dude
Fuck off, Sven
Top bants, I was about to start reminding you that Ferrari lost the F1 championship
OP's pic is literally 1/10. That negress is much hotter desu.
What a fucking thot.
What a goddamn shame. I can tolerate a couple of tattoos in not visible areas if they're as hot as her, but she's totally ruined. Neo-Nazis are degenerate trash
>Ferrari lost the F1 championship
Typical Italian """management""". And that faggot Vettel is no Schumi either.
Those cops are being ASSulted
And Sunday school, Friday night youth group (if enough youth) and Wednesday night bible study / prayer group, and church activities like volunteering to mow the lawn, do maintenance. UU churches are more like you describe - a basement full of social causes and coffee and pastries, afterward.
There's only really one race Vettel can be blamed for, Baku. Singapore was pretty much just a wrong place wrong time issue, and Ferrari's reliability just shit itself after the summer break. Shame, I really don't like Hamilton. I was so happy when Nico finally won it last year
She's a solid 8.5.
I'm rooting for Max now.
>cow splotch pattern
the joke writes itself
degenerate/10, probably doesn't know shit about treditionalism, only tries to be an edgy fringecunt due to no moral compass
Why are your sluts so disgusting?
that cellulite dude.
brits got poor taste.
>wanted to save
france continues to disappoint.
The dimples on her ass were made for Brit teeth