Christcucks btfo


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Fuck off fedoracuck.

>muh christianity made europe
Why is christian africa a shithole then?
"You're all one in christ"

we don't need 50 of these threads at all times

you kikes need to limit your divide and conquer efforts, it's becoming spammy

Umm... No sweetie :p

Mathew 10:35
For I have come to turn "'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law--

>muh fedora

How is your wife's black son user? Are you taking good care of him? You know his "real" father Jamaal Christensen Orthodox priest from Ethiopia will be pissed if you leave him alone!

This. Dumb Christcucks and Mud Mamas love to add the word "christian" to family values. Little do they know, Christianity is not only anti-white but also anti-family.

What are "traditional Christian" family values?

Like goat fucker Abraham trying to kill his own son? Or Jew Jesus encouraging European women to become degenerate nuns and stop making white babies?

Christianity is a Jewish sect which is now the forerunner of multiculturalism and race mixing.

Pro-White Pagan family values
Multi racial Christian v̶a̶l̶u̶e̶s̶ faggy morals


What exactly are "Traditional Christian family values?" Varg explains:

did jews create christianity to make europe docile?

>t. fedoracuck

One cannot simultaneously be Christian, Honest, and Intelligent.

If one is Christian and Intelligent, he is not Honest.

If one is Christian and Honest, he is not Intelligent.

If one is Honest and Intelligent, he is not Christian.

>check back
>tree hugger flag, literal roach, and BBC interracial picture saver all triggered by euphoria comment

The absolute fucking state of atheism. GG EZ

>fascist meme flag
>uses meme lumping together jews and christians
stormfront detected

Go worship your Jewish blood cult moon god, carpet riding shitskin.

>unironic varg posters

jesus christ you guys need to off yourselves, you're worshiping a literal cucked manlet. someone post the gif of him in his karate stance showing his black belt moves

1. Christians don't care about the earth or nature. Someone has to.

2 & 3. If you don't consider turkroaches and niggers your brothers you are commiting a grave sin and insulting Christ.

Gallatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

This is the ultimate redpill right here.


Literary creation, there were many gospels, not just the four (and the four already give very different accounts) and the accounts in every gospels are very different and contradictory, if what happens in one is true, then the other has to be discarded for it to be accurate, the gospels even make Jesus more of a god the older they are, initially Jesus is merely a holy chosen man, and before this, just a mystic, but as time pushes forwards he becomes a god in latter gospels.
Likewise different gospels present different tales regarding the apostles, in one gospel an apostle may be the dearest and most valued of Jesus's disciples, whereas in the other he may be little more than an ass, depending on what ideas or virtues are pushed and which other gospels are being fought. Likewise not only these apostles are literary creations aswell but Paul also, whom also has very contradicting and antihistoric situations placed upon him. Paul certainly cannot be detained by kings that aren't ruling a certain city because it happened in another time and the city was now under the power of others. This just goes on and on and you can only come to the conclussion that the whole things is a fabrication.

My theory is that it started with the gnostics, the gnostics needen't for his stories to be true, because their religion is purely experiential, I say this as a gnostic myself, so they concocted Jesus, then the whole thing kind of blew in their hands, got out of hand and even got them killed off on occasion.


because niggers can't do anything right
you teach them about aids and they decide the cure is to fuck a baby

u cent kno wut chrisdumanty iz if u not kikescuck!

>t virgin

The more Christian parts are less of a shithole. Conversion to Christianity has been shown to uplift communities beyond what they were previously in Africa.

Taken out of context. Jesus was using hyperbole to tell his followers that following him would require dedication. The Bible is filled with pro-family references. One quote taken out of context doesn't say that.

This. Nice divide and conquer attempt. Also watch this:

be ready for the next China's holy inquisition