Libtard lexicon
that's nig speak or southern states lingo
>tax cuts for the rich won't trickle down
how is this a liberal thing
The apostrophe is wrong nigger
Seriously you guys need to go outside.
> ass
>be better
>like ugh, I can't even
>her body her choice
I say yall as part of my regular vocabulary.
Stay in california or whatever cucked stated youre in.
is this okay though?
>it's the current year
>literally shaking
>settled science
>fat acceptance
>healthy at any size
>body shaming
These words used to have meaning.
>Dangerous thinking
>literally shaking
I don't get how anyone can use this unironically without thinking "Would the fact 6 bazillion people tweet this term every day make me look slightly less authentic?"
>victim blaming
>institutionalized racism
It has a meaning, just a very narrow sociology meaning.
We have armchair sociologists just like we used to have armchair psychologists during Dr Phil's hayday.
>safe space
I don't get why they do that
Whenever they talk about community I get angry, that's literally a collectivist idea that a community should have rights more than the individual. It's ok to some level (you littering for example hurts society) but to use it to limit other pre established rights is absurd
>and that's a good thing
The word is "significant", you fucking illiterate creatures!
It's a Harry Potter thing. "We won't say voltemort XD"
They also frequently misuse the term "community." Check out the Roger Goodall speech where he keep pushing the football player and management "community" lol.
Boomer conservative lexicon:
the fact that they say it while being serious makes it funnier also I have even seen spaintards using the "it's the current year" one when catalonia chimped out
>dog whistle
That's just a Cali fag thing
>status quo
>the bottom line is...
How pathetic
I always thought it was odd how they are able to hear these dog whistles considering why actual dog whistles are called that
>reverse racism doesnt exist
I say faggot ass kikes and niggers all the time
>everyone thinks that...
>he doesn't throw his trash all over the place haphazardly
>victim blaming
this one drives me up the wall. There are tons of situations where you can at least partially blame the victim
>*insert something potentially dangerous*-phobia
This. Seems like Ya'll been gettin some retardation up in this tarnation.
>like literally
It's y'all because the apostophe replaces the letters that aren't there, in this case 'ou'.
t. Lived in Houston my whole life
>mfw I actually use that word
It's just a word. I don't over- or misuse it, it's just useful sometimes. Some things are just... problematic. What other word should I use instead?
Pic related
>preferring the French "people" over the Anglo-Saxon/Germanic "folk"
>What other word should I use instead?
>wrong on so many levels
Sad leftists stole it because folk is such an anglisc word (Volk).
>queer and oppressed “bodies”
Write down the most libtard text. At least 10 sentences.
heading to gawker media sites brb
>Higher education
These niggers be learning how to write documents, not accumulating knowledge or criticizing the sources in their hands.
Fuck universities and fuck public education.
>be leftist
>bitch about cultural appropriation
>steal and misuse southern word.
how the hell isn't this one in here yet?
which board is this
But equity is better. It implies that you worked for something. Equality doesn't. Everyone gets the same. Oh, that guy was just laying in his bed while you were working your ass off in the farms or in the foundry? Well, you know, that's too fucking bad, he has a (((right))), a (((human right))), to the same things you have, food, shelter, happiness, etc.
>alt right diction
>What level of new-speak are you on?
>I use 'bodies' instead of 'people', because bodies might be offended being referred to as 'people'.
they aren't people anyway
You notice the only people who seem to use this on the regular are all lefties.
This is unironically the worst word they use, and I'll tell you why.
The left has began equating violence with speech. Misgendering someone is violence. Being a conservative is violence. Taking away free shit is violence. Taking away free healthcare is violence. Not allowing women to abort 8month pregnant babies is violence. Owning a gun is violence.
This isn't even hyperbole. They truly believe that if you call them the wrong pronoun, you are violently assaulting them. The word allows them to be more victimized than they actually are.
This opens up the floodgates. If Trump is going to cause violence against the poor by taking away free healthcare, then these socialist degens think it's even retaliation to beat the shit out of Rand Paul and break his ribs. To attempt to execute Republican lawmakers. To murder your local government republican neighbor.
The worst word that they have in their lexicon is "violence" because they use it on situations that aren't actually violent but allow for actully violent retaliation.