>my religion is the one true religion, and you need to believe in it to be saved
My religion is the one true religion, and you need to believe in it to be saved
sorry, I'm not a pedo faggot and I will never adopt your religion
no matter how much you try to force it down my throat
But I don't have any religion you retard, lol.
you do, though, it's a religion based solely on love of self, seeking pleasure, and instant gratification
call it what you want, it's still a system of beliefs that controls your life and decision making processes
You still believe that religion will save you?
None of you know God, at all.
t heretic
>there is no new truth under the sun
>you're all slaves and I am god
t.Egypt thousands of years ago
They still ain't wrong.
>"if you don't worship muh god, it meas you're worshiping yourself!!1!"
Yeah, I already heard that, and it still is stupid.
Ah, another pagancuck that got btfo from another thread so makes a new thread to control the narrative. lol
The state of atheism.
it is still correct
you put yourself above all others
you can't refute it, so you call me names
it's okay, though, freedom of religion and all
but I'm sick of you shoving your beliefs down my throat while screaming about how tolerant you are and how bigoted I am
you are the bigot using the force of the government to mandate your religion at the state level
Henotheism has a lot of appeal to me for this reason, you can believe in many gods and are not obligated to worship them all.
>posting image made by a feminazi
>you put yourself above all others
Literally everybody does that. That's why believers think they are special and they have the moral high ground over others
>you are the bigot using the force of the government to mandate your religion at the state level
What are you talking about?
Never heard about that, seems interesting.
>Literally everybody does that
nope, you just don't know any decent people
>What are you talking about?
I really don't have time to list it all
but here's a few, because why the fuck not:
>sex ed
>gay "marriage"
>separate gender and sex definitions (they are one and the same)
>trans in bathrooms that don't match their dna assigned sex
>third sex option on government forms
>abortion on demand as a "right"
>mentally ill/faggots being allowed to adopt
>nope, you just don't know any decent people
You're deluding yourself.
>but here's a few, because why the fuck not:
I'm just a fag m8, I want nothing to do with trannies and I am against abortion
don't care if you hate trannies, thanks to your kind pushing for fag rights, I have to deal with their shit
also have to deal with gay/tranny sex ed being pushed on little kids...literally pedo grooming shit, mandated by law
guess that slippery slope was real, huh?
glad you're against abortion, there's hope for you yet
K queer. Keep me posted.
we wouldn't need fag rights and if christians didn't resist faggotry in the first place. it's all your fault really.
Christcucks btfo
>blames christians for faggots pushing degeneracy on children as "normal"
you do realize that you sound mentally ill, yes?
Hail Odor!
It must blow to lack a single spiritual bone in your body. I guess blowing bones instead is what gives you purpose you fucking faggot
>my opinion is the one true opinion, and you need to believe it to be smart
t. Everyone
You're a sinner in every single religion
>the easiest religion is the best religion
Reply to the post for eternal salvation, goy
teaching them that their skydaddy will send them to hell if they jerk off isn't exactly healthy either
>religion directly created by desertmen
>c-christianity is white guys, i swear!
I'm not talking about spirituality dumbass, but the dogmatism and the self-righteousness of certain religions is sickening.
>you need to believe it to be smart
More like, "you need to believe it to not burn forever"
So you atheists are threatening eternal damnation for apostates now? Fascinating.
>the world doesnt goes arround Jews, Muslims and Christians
>Christianity didnt build the western civilization
>it is all coincidence
Interesting digits
>Numbers 3:47 Thou shalt even take five shekels apiece by the poll, after the shekel of the sanctuary shalt thou take them
I see you now.
>it's another case of poz-loving hyperactive faggot on meth
>OP buttmad cuz most religions hold it universal that homosexuality is bad
wow religion must be stupid. really jarbled my marbles there bud.
Can't we all just hate Islam! Seriously.
What are you, a fucking faggot?
yes all false religion will gang up against the true religion
all i got from this post is the sound of you choking on multiple nigger dicks. regardless of religion, anyone who isnt retarded finds you faggots sickening. fuck off
We will time our attack during goat fucking time.