get in here
get in here
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How old are you?
you did not provide a proper link.
stop appropriating our flag wh*Toid non-humans
Back to Sup Forums retard
I'm a retard. let's show the jews how accelerationism works
jesus you're retarded
This isn't Sup Forums at all you fucking retard
>/r/pol retard can't hotlink
color me surprised
Far-right idiots want to change their own flag to get mad about it. I thought they have already reached the lowest point possible, but surprise surprise
>only 70% is Christian
>Let's give the flag to a 5% minority
So you're both a Sup Forumstard and a newfag?
Wrong reply?
amerigoblino-tier thread
Can you just fuck off
I'm pretty sure this is bait
So you're from Sup Forums too? Upset that people don't want to partake in your plans?
This is cringe Sup Forums shit but the pics are excellently made.
I want to see it burn
I mean this is all your fault in the first place so of course you do
It’s pretty funny though. Do it for the sake of lulz
It has become Sup Forums
Link or you are fake news.
Sweden backs the vision of the EU:
"Against the blue sky of the Western world, the stars represent the peoples of Europe in a circle, a symbol of unity. Their number shall be invariably set at twelve, the symbol of completeness and perfection."
This IS Sup Forums
Fuck you Croatboy. The cross is staying
>the stars represent the peoples of Europe
at one point I'm sure that meant ethnic Europeans but evidently not
Not before it was moved here
it's called accelerationism you brainlet
Atleast go for one that's no so extreme ... I guess I could support some tolerance in the name of NewSweden ...
>literally using flags for a false-flag mission
cheeky bastards
hi guys its me from the previous thread
hell seger
not "change our hearts"
better design
I signed a petition in support of changing the flag #ForBetterSweden
It's... beautiful
>we are stuck at 280 signs
>sign the petition!
>make swedistan great again
Obvious kikery, divide and conquer shit thread.
No, go full or go home!
For humanity.
>make fake news articles and screenshot them
>make posters promoting the movement
>make explainers/memes pointing out the christian origin of the swedish cross
>send them to easily baited e celebs/distribute them on twitter, try to get leftists behind this movement
>false flag as the right and pretend to be against this movement
>false flag as the left and pretend to be for this movement
assume formlessness. push!
So Sup Forums have decided to try and demoralize Swedes even further? What is even the point of this?
shut up sven, sacrifices have to be made, it servers the greater good
its not demoralisation
the idea is that if the progressive agenda is taken to its extreme, people will snap out of their brain washing and see the light
>Muslim flag
Go fuck a goat.
enjoy fatima titis björn, you will have plenty of them in your country
This is gonna be such a huge failure. Even more so than the "it's okay to be white" campaign which resulted in a handful of insignificant local news articles that you all subsequently circle jerked over. Normies never even got word of the condemnation of those flyers, at best they saw some of them and went "that's interesting" and forgot about it an hour later. But the whole point of that campaign wasn't the flyers themselves, it was the backlash against them which never materialized.
would you rather your folk were complacent in this or angered and in opposition?
we are helping the right by exposing the left
We're trying to get you faggots to DO something for yourselves
The great Leader is with us!
Please, I can already see it on the map
Considering how far it has gone already, do you really think people will snap out of it? No, of course you don't, you dumb memeflag faggot kike.
It is funny because it is the flag of the people who have fought against islam for centuries
this is retarded and i'll explain why it'll end up fucking us over hard later. See, they'll without a doubt know muslims didn't do this and its right winged propaganda from the beginning. They knew that with its okay to be white (antifa groups even alerted some of their fbs that it was going to happen) only difference is whites were able to see the response of non-whites to something as basic and plan as "its okay to be white", nothing more nothing less but came with much hatred. This will fuck us over long term because after ISIS falls they'll probably set off a insanely large amount of sleeper cell attacks all over western europe which might even be bigger than 9/11. What we have to do after this is is bring up how many islamic terrorist attacks we avoided in europe (at least 1 every 9 days) just because of our anti-terrorist systems and how muslims are trying to remove them because they discriminate against muslims. The thing is though, our systems more than likely do. But here's what we avoid
>During this time period, there were 1811 Islamic attacks in 58 countries, in which 13168 people were killed and 12882 injured.
Doing this would just make that debate nothing more than "right winged propaganda", you stupid 12 year old
this is different from that campaign
the only requirement for success is media exposure, which they can not resist giving to us
and if we continue to distribute fake articles like pic related. they will be forced to engage the idea if only to debunk it, they cant say they are against the idea here.
Honestly, I see nothing wrong here. Sweden needs a coup de grace at this point. It would further serve the purpose of Sweden being a warning to the rest of the world. If it saves the rest of the West, do it Sweden.
Knowing my fellow swedes, there would be some angry comments on Facebook while the new flag would be praised on primetime TV. There's a reason there's an "angry swede that keeps his fists in his pockets" stereotype.
so you'd rather die out like castrated faggots?
this will happen for real eventually, would you rather wait till then?
i love sweden, i want you to know where this road is taking you before you actually get there
So that's why you go on about how Sweden have to be "sacrificed for the greater good"?
It is obvious here that most of the people in this thread are doing it beacuse they want to humiliate us further. You faggots have been calling for the destruction of Sweden for years now.
perfect perfect body. god damn.
>This is gonna be such a huge failure. Even more so than the "it's okay to be white" campaign which resulted in a handful of insignificant local news articles that you all subsequently circle jerked over
You're right that this operation would be a failure but its okay to be white did everything we wanted. Did you not want the media to cover it saying "Lol its not okay to be white" ? Here's how the average american saw that
>"So...? Is it not okay to be white?"
You gotta make them think. Its okay to be white was great for pushing white america closer and closer into our hands and from the GOP and republicucks
It's so bad that it might work.
You have my blessing user.
This is dumb.
Because Swedes would actually be fully on board with it and the reinforcement through symbolism only accelerates the islamization and death of native identity there,
>White pride world wide
I didn't said they didn't. The resemblance from the op was funny and ironic.
lmao "A new country"
I want to see more of that
Is that a cuckoo bird you underappreciated gem, you?
>so you'd rather die out like castrated faggots?
So making our nation more fucked up will help stop this how? Wow you're pathetic.
>this will happen for real eventually, would you rather wait till then?
Yes, since Nationalistic support is actually growing, we would have an easier time defeating this in a year or two.
>i want you to know where this road is taking you before you actually get there
Sure, we didn't know, thanks oh mighty jew.
Now fuck off.
>cross and crescent in the same flag
Muslims would chimp out
you are either being emotional or you are being dishonest user
i am sad that it has come to this but these are the facts:
you, the swedish people, have been damaged badly by your immigration policy, you are the rape capitol of europe with a 400% increase from before migrant intake. the damage is done to your people
your flag does not show that, your flag is a facade that hides the damage of islamic immigration,
do you think people will be happy to see the flag change? they will be outraged. it is better to happen now while you still have the chance to fight back.
Such a sudden change will ignite anger in manny and end up blowing up the current swedish gov
>the reinforcement through symbolism only accelerates the islamization and death of native identity there,
this is what Sup Forums wants
the five tips of the star could represent the poeple from the five inhabited continents
digits confirm
only good come from this
You Don't get it do you.
If this works, and they change it there will be a revolution within 1 month, that will hopefully lead to civil war and thus restore the nationalism in sweden for real. It will cost a lot of lives but it will work. Hopefully we will see remove kebab 2.0
user i dont believe you are being honest.
it is not worthwhile to spend our time crying over the damage done to your country.
it is worthwhile to work on drawing attention to it.
and in a year or two you will be demographically cornered, this will only grow nationalism further.
would you rather wait till everyone has been personally assaulted before the tide turns? how many more rapes do you need?
yeah they kinda look similar. I hope they dont take it serious and change their flag
Thats why its perfect.
If they fall for it, they are signaling everyone that they are beyond recovery and that bullshit about refugees never changing culture for the worse or the politics will be exposed.
If they don't, we would have fed the fire against leftards.
It's a win-win situation
I think you're both misreading this, the only result of this campaign is to drive more people on the fence in Sweden to the right. Its not about "sacrificing" anyone its about demonstrating whats happening in a shocking way. It is pro Sweden.
I agree the childishness with which people with big issues in their own countries (literally all euro countries including the east and ex colonies are under threat) just like to tease others instead of standing with them. Grow up
The immigration right now is 30 000 a year and we have started throwing a lot out, it's not getting worse, the situation is stagnant, but with more news coverage whidh makes it seem like it is worse. But in reality this news coverage is already waking people up to the truth and nationalism is getting stronger, take a look at the reasent pols.
dont listen to the butthurt svens and olafs.
this might fail, but it wont do any real damage except hurting swedcucks feelings.
>sign up or turn into swedcuck in your sleep
Agreed. The nations which are hardest into liberalism will go hardest against it when it collapses. Look how the Netherlands went from radically hardcore Protestant to Liberal in like 15 years. This will be like that
plus if we can get e-celebs/fake news outraged over this then we can get the message out to everyone
it's easier than you think to get their attention
that over 10 times more than here, and we're pissed as fuck
that is the media and goverment releasing pressure user, they are trying to slow down the process so the public will be less angry