GQ’s citizen of the year!

This is GQ’s citizen of the year. Maybe Sup Forums can tell me why he won such a great award?

Nigger of the year...

Goyim's Quarterly

At this point, I'm convinced the media only pushes him because they know that if any team signs him, they can have something to obsess over. If teams won't sign him because he'd be a distraction, maybe the media shouldn't make him one. He's a potential golden goose.... that's the only reason they care.

Swap out pl*Bbit for GQ and the results are still the same.

Every. Time.

Well to be fair, he did single-kneedly destroy a highly profitable American industry.

That's pretty niggerish, considering all they do is destroy.

I wouldn't say he destroyed it. Just damaged it. Sure, ratings are down, but they're still making a shitload of money.

Maybe he chugged on a barrel of israeli horse semen and managed to impress his reptilian pedophile owners.

unemployed nigger thats suing former employer for gibs after causing millions in lost valuation - Nigger of the year.

on another note the thought of calling him a "citizen" when the nigger is kneeling for the nations anthem is another little shot at people who love this country by the jews that run GQ.


until the rumored rape allegations come in that is.

Wish people would stop glamorizing niggerdom. Guess they just need to be enriched.

Because its a fashion magazine and he's got big hair.

>Next up, look this guy's how big hair he got.
>And he even supports (insert top 40 issue/cause)!
>Buy these products he use on big hair.

I should be a fashion writer.


Good times. kek.

looking forward to it

Editor-in-chief is a gay man who put together Keith Olbermann's "Resist" show, which shows he clearly hates Trump. Trump personally shit over the NFL for kneeling; Kaepernick started the kneeling.

He is black, but not **too** black




don't forget about the stingrays

Looks like Dustin Hoffman with an afro wig and makeup.

There's some dude that believes there will be a staged murder of Kaepernick. He's basically being used as a pawn to cause division among people. Although I don't think he's important enough that his staged murder will have much of an impact. It probably means the response will mostly be staged as well.


Gay Quarterly