The US makes European politicians follow the US idea of 'only constitutions matter, mix as much as you like'. Because Europeans are autistic they then make shit constitutions AND start mixing. I hate being stuck between Le 56% States and European betas.
Friendly reminder that Europe's immigration problem is America's fault
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daily reminder that EU trash is ruining society. Before the internet, everything was fine. Then you fucks from EU got to "voice your opinion" on matters of the world, and everything went to shit. We got brexit and trump because of you ignorant EU fucks. Fuck off and stop ruining everything.
>he thinks he's not a european beta
>up to 300 trident missiles just sitting around on submarines
you know what to do boys
amer*cans are the ultimate beta bois
I dont care if its our fault your elected officials love islam. Nor do i care if you get arrested for a butter knife
The way you Europeans strawman the US reminds me of how black people are always bitching about "the man" keeping them down.
what does that say about you? you're literaly their lapdog
Nah they're free defence, literally our Bitches, Now show flag you literal yuropoor subhuman, I wanna see how many times we've raped and pillaged your shithole
>blame someone else for your problems
>Its America's fault that Europe voted for lefty politicians that will gib dem that for so many years that it pushed the status quo of political discourse so far left that it killed Christianity and traditionalism on their continent while ushering Marxists fuck nuts who willingly flooded their nations with violent refugees from incompatible cultures.
no Bong, your kind made its own bed
Careful bong or I'm going to report you to the queen for viewing extremist far right propaganda websites
Best get to eradicating your problem then
What do we have to do with your countries embrace of the third wolrd? Half if not more of your voting populace believes you owe the darkies for imperialism or what have you. Get fucked.
>The US makes European politicians follow the US idea
>US elects trump
>EU votes to open up their anuses for shit skins
totally not europe's fault
>Americans: America rules the world! Everyone has to do what America says!
>Also Americans: Europe is fucked up! Why don't you do something about it?
>Americans: America rules the world! Everyone has to do what America says!
This is totally something American say, and not something European say that Americans say
We're following your lead, like when you betrayed ourselves and France at Suez, and handed dominance of North Africa and the Middle East to Arabs and Niggers.
The American is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, lardass, idiot, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a mutt and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “Whiter than you Muhammad.”
Quit being sissy cuckold betas and determine your own policy then.
So you're saying that Americans DON'T routinely brag about their unchallengeable power? They don't brag about their global hegemony?
Besides, if we don't have to submit to American will, why are there so many American military bases in our countries?
In part yes. but in part we are also at fault for being morons and not standing up for ourselves
Look up the Suez Crisis.
You doomed the white race forever you stupid mutt. aren't gonna do anything about it? Pretty alpha Mr.Brit
What the absolute fuck is all this d&c towards America shilling on here lately?
There’s so much of it that it feels forced & unnatural, alot like the glow in the dark flat earth psyop..
>Globalists Lost Control of America & are now trying to turn everyone against it
Really makes you Think.
I'm glad we're not the only ones that have noticed it lol. The 56 face has been memed so hard and fast it's not even remotely triggering anymore. It's just a shill tool
It's your fault for not having a wall.
Yes, it's the US' fault Europe has no border control and the EU is forcing countries to take in illegals.
UcucKs have been taking in Pakis since the 50s.
They are the Nazgu1%
Why don’t CIAniggers know subtlety after all this Time?
The average is 5.5? I thought it was 4. This is very unsettling.
>the US rules the world
>the EU does its own thing
Pick one
>So you're saying that Americans DON'T routinely brag about their unchallengeable power? They don't brag about their global hegemony?
Having the greatest amount of hard and soft power =/= absolute control over everything. Yeah Americans brag about the US's reach and influence, but the myth of omnipotence is yours not ours.
exhibit A: "muh Russian collusion" fags
>Besides, if we don't have to submit to American will, why are there so many American military bases in our countries?
because you let
because your government doesn't mind the US subsidizing your national defense and my government enjoys the the power projection capabilities that having basis on your soil entails.
If you think the US government can bend the will of your government then Sadiq Khan would have perished in an unfortunate "accident" months ago.
I've been having fun with it
If you're country doesn't want us there, they would kick us out. We are there because you want our protection.
Every post with a mutt meme is full of screeching Americans and then the mods delete the thread out of butthurt.
Americans are just very insecure and don't understand piss taking. They'll laugh at French people being run over by Arabs but dare point out that their country is only 56% white and they'll start crying.
I blame the jews, not the americans
I'll blame the anglos before I blame those idiots useful to the jews.
Because it hasn't worked here yet so now they're just brute force tactics. This includes all shills. They used to be pretty clever with their baits
Literally the U.S. manufactured the immigration crisis to weaken Europe. The high level kikes in Europe just helped. It is not exactly the U.S. We both have the same problem. JUDEN!!!
european nations fault for needing german gibs. Germanys fault for needing USA bigdick.
USA fault for being weak to those big khazar milkers.
Jews fault because they got to jew.
Maybe ayy fault too.
Just two months ago there were a bunch of threads of people asking how to become Americans and now all of the sudden the board is infested with forced mutt memes
>waah this upsets me it's a shill
it really isn't, americans on here DAILY act as though they're the whitest beings on earth. Unlike recent immigration to Europe America has had two centuries of crossbreeding with blacks and mexicans, interracial couples are extremely rare in Europe.
That literally doesn't happen you larper. Any American that gets triggered by le 56 face is a vpn false flag. Now please commence spamming them at me, it doesn't bother me
>crybaby Brits
>100th anniversary of their fateful, "brilliant" decision to not back up their German imperial bros against the Frenchies
>you take the continent, fritz, we'll take the seas
>instead, ignite devastating conflagration
>US sits back, watches and loans money to the "winners"
>so fucking dumb they do it again a generation later
>cries like bitches as we factor their old colonies into our new commercial empire, one by one
Top kek.
its not shilling its getting rid of low iq retards getting offended by mutt memes
yes totally not europes fault that some burgers tought it was a good idea to become the world police and poke into conflicts they have no business in
for example the german grundgesetz/mainlaw (defacto so called constitution) was made by allies and the last paragraph even says that it is valid until the german people will create a real constitution, there are around ~40 US bases in germany and all politicians seem to be controlled by the Atlantic Bridge
The most accurate post ITT bulga-bro
Hehe, sue us
All I’ve seen the Last 2 Years is Brute Force Tactics.
You’d think they’d get the hint that nothing is sticking by now.
>throw open your borders to people who you didn't have to help
eurotards are like children
Not my problem your constitution is dogshit.
America is not, and never has been, our friends. They funded the IRA as another one of their little projects.
I thought it was cute how Bostom was one of the main sources of this, then cried when a pair of muzzies set off a single bomb.
they are more revolting than unfunny like every other fad meme. who fucking draws these?
>Europe's immigration problem is America's fault
border policy is internal matter
Well don’t forget that’s the very same IRA that YOUR intelligence agencies corrupted.
Don’t act like you of all Countries Don’t interfere in other’s affairs.
Soros paid 18 billion to leftists organizations, suddenly this meme popped up not 2 days later
try and tell me its a coincidence
>you let
What was the "no American military bases party"? Where was the referendum?
>doesn't mind the US subsidizing your national defense
You're such a fucking chump. The American bases are to make sure we remain on script, and also to be the draw of any attacked launched from them, so if you bomb Russia from Britain, Russia bombs Britain, and America gets off scott-free.
>If you're country doesn't want us there, they would kick us out.
So they'd leave if some Brits walked up to the base and asked them to?
Now We Know how he reacts when he Loses grip of a Country.
lol salty cunt.
good g*y
burgers, he's acting up again
why not just close the borders?
i dont need 18 billions dollar to made fun of burgers.
dont worry i still hate kike.
America is the Jew. They saw nothing wrong with betraying Israel at Suez, and their closes ally has always been Saudi Arabia, not Israel.
He's like the rest of the impotent leftists here
Tbh mate they're not nearly as common here as the media wants you to believe. But I get what you're saying, I'll be the first to admit we've got our own problems
So when did the US tell the EU to accept illegals? Trump has been saying Islam is a problem in Europe for how long?
Kek that one is actually funny
Literally what is wrong with betraying israel?
You just exposed yourself.
Hold on, you cunts CREATED israel!
And you blame America for wars & immigration?
Fuck right off.
The an*lo is Truly the lost tribe.
You know it's jews. Dont try and act dumb and say they are just american when the real issue is the jewish influence within both american and european goverments
I'm not talking about the meme itself, i'm talking about the spam, it's being spammed on every fucking board, it's not triggering and very few of them are actually funny or well done, at this point it's just obnoxious spam.
see the pic you posted is at least humorous
>German imperial bros
If we were bros why were they attempting to challenge our navy?
>you take the continent, fritz, we'll take the seas
So why did they have a navy at all, never mind one that was beginning to challenge ours?
> our new commercial empire
See this as example of bragging about Europe being under the control of America.
>pretend you dindu nuffink and call Europeans "cucks"
>Don’t interfere in other’s affairs.
We don't pretend we don't. America feigns total powerlessness as it exerts its will.
Is this a Soros funded meme?
>Brits still mad at the Kaiser
wew lad
Mind your place in the backseat, mm-kay?
>What was the "no American military bases party"? Where was the referendum?
IDK faggot, why don't you start one?
>You're such a fucking chump
>he says as he boosts about his socialized healthcare
>as his nation spends less on national defense than fucking France
>The American bases are to make sure we remain on script
this vague statement is very convincing
>and also to be the draw of any attacked launched from them, so if you bomb Russia from Britain, Russia bombs Britain, and America gets off scott-free.
I can't imagine how hard your life mist be, being this stupid. Russia has missiles and ICBM's ready specifically to fire at the US if for whatever reason the US attacks Russia since the end of WW2
America wuz a good boi, he dindu nuffink
kek, that's a good one
also nice Hitler numbers
>it's all those colonials, they caused this!
>it definitely didn't start with our own Magna Carta
If we go back far enough we could blame any country for any injustice under the sun. Quit whining and do something if you're so unhappy about it. And no, flooding this board with spam doesn't constitute as doing something.
So should I not have countered your point?
>Mind your place in the backseat, mm-kay?
As long as you accept total responsibility for the plight of Europe.
don't think your immune to this, fellow sub-human.
the ongoing "war on terror" is part of the Trotskyite plan to destabilize middle eastern and African countries creating massive welfare migration leading directly to European islamization. Many EU politicians are arrogant humanitarians who fear being called racist or xenophobic by international jewry, so they open the gates to the barbarian hordes.
the ongoing "war on drugs" is part of the Trotskyite plan to destabilize central and south American countries creating massive welfare migration leading directly to the amerimutt epidemic. Many US politicians are arrogant humanitarians who fear being called racist or xenophobic by international jewry, so they open the gates to the barbarian hordes.
Friendly reminder America has been usurped by Jews and Jewish lackeys like the OP
Where in my post did I call yurops cucks?
By 2018, the average German will look like pic related.
No one force you to take in those FAKE refugees from SOMALIA and all other african countries that pretended to be from Syria.
we should have rounded up and executed all of our communists back during the red scare
>it's another yuropoor blaming the USA because it's somehow our fault because they are cucked
S*r*s owns 1/3 of the EU parlament