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Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv Luv
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What the fuck man.
When is this CG used?
It's not, from the novels. Thankfully Martyrs does have some of them in the gallery.
Speaking of that, the Pham hugging Theo one is there in glorious HD. Can one of the rippers grab it? Phamfags need it, after what happened.
>They didn't even show Jurgen's tapes
Fucking hell.
Anett and Farka are good girls.
Farka's psycho face is scary.
>Jurgen's tapes
She's a Werewolf, she needs a proper and scary Warface or her colleagues will eat her up.
Did Theo feel any remorse when he offed his once-comrades in Lise's route one by one?
his last tape to Beatrix when she visits his tomb and he is begging her not to kill herself.
Enough to change sides once Katia's dumb speech comes on.
>Beatrix confirming she has noone after being betrayed
But who is gona listen to the tapes?
is that when she only got caught before losing to the d ?
Whta kind of bastards fuck her inmouto then betrays her.
Worst MC in the history of mankind.
The same kind that betrays his original unit, kills some of them, then backstabs his new commander due to a 15 year olds speech on the radio.
Does Theo have severe aspergers?
Is it possible to be a bigger fuckup than Theo?
Only if your name is Anthony Burch
I'm glad they're finally done with Schwarzemarken.
Hopefully Eurofront will be better, and they get Jun Fukuyama to voice Makabe.
Luna is shit and no one likes her.
literally lelouch
I wonder who'd Jun work better for. Makabe or Jurgen. I know Makabe rips off Lelouch, so he'd seem like a better fit, but then, Jun's more humorous roles might suit Jurgen better (and he'd have the theatrical/serious stuff to fall back to when shit got hot).
What is lelouch gona do to the BETA? Make them follow him?
But Makabe was in japan when the event in Eurofront take place..
you mean the real lelouch or Makabe? That one is just a manlet with a complex of inferiority regarding his brothers and paranoiac as fuck
>paranoiac as fuck
Oh boy. We have another Theo on our hands. May God have mercy on us.
I'm in love with Iris
No mercy for Axmann's associates.
Makabe the Youngest is harmless, you should watch out for his brothers though.
So how would you have written and presented Beatrix (either for the anime or VN)? Remember, she is still the main villain/antagonist here (at least in two of the VN routes), but you want her to have depth, be interesting, consistent, and realistic for her position within the story.
Is the Eurofront VN going to take place after Adoration?
I guess we'll have flashbacks and maybe a cameo at the end at best.
theo pls
When's the last time Muv-Luv was good, never? PTSD arc?
i think is going to end with Lion hive assault, so take place after Adoration.
Just treating her subordinates well and showing some distaste for some of her duties, even if only in private, would suffice. And at least in the anime, imply very strongly and much earlier, that Irisdina's "we were rivals in the Academy" is blatantly untrue. Going "muh Jurgen" comes out of the blue and doesn't work without more previous build-up than that that we got.
I wanted to protect that smile!
She doesn't deserve it and neither does Irisdina.
Two sides of the same ugly coin.
I would have either written her as a nonsense over the top sexiest psycho cunt we all thought she was a long time ago, or I would have inserted more moments to humanize her where her internal turmoil or depression would peak through. I get that she's supposed to come off as "fake" or "shallow" because that's the face she wears, but it still feels like a lot of wasted potential when you look at her whole backstory.
Also, I would have had more of a public face/private face distinction, as discussed in the last thread. Her public face could be that of a charismatic, likable, confident, glamorous, elegant, and energetic Major. People would love her, worship her, couldn't get enough of her; they'd be enthralled by her. Men would grow hot under the collar when she'd give them her attention, some women too. She'd almost be like a movie star or celebrity in a way, leading a bunch of rats with a pipe.
Her private face would be aggressive, slightly sadistic, angry, and spiteful yet still largely idealistic and confident. She's a true believer in what she does, and though she has some regrets, she suppresses them because her actions are necessary for her goal. This is the face she'd show to Irisdina and later Theo most of the time. It'd basically be close to what we got in the VN or anime. Her inner face would be that of a tortured soul crying out for help, but too damaged and in to toxic an environment to actually accept it. Basically her suppressed persona from BiS
Also, I'd rewrite the rebels so that their solutions are actually somewhat reasonable and make Theo's confrontation with Beatrix less "You're mean, I don't like your face. I hope Iris notices me" and "Your goals are terrible, you must be stopped."
Really though, her and Katia are probably the ones who come off worse. I cannot believe that they made Martyrs Katia more like the pure perfect princess from the anime then the more rounded and traumatized one from the first VN.
They do it in the LN via Schmidt and Axmann taunting her about her Berhard connection, and later Walter's dialogue with her.
Katia is a mary sue though
The guy asking was talking about the VN and anime, so I responded to that. If such things were cut, it has only damaged the story.
Lise and Irisdina are way better though. Really, the big problem with Beatrix as she is written is that she isn't a worthy rival, from an ideological or a character standpoint, to Irisdina, yet their conflict forms the backbone of much of SM. You can't just keep hinting at depth, sometimes, you have to show it.
So did I, but Kouki stabbed us in the back.
Vivi deserved it.
> Really, the big problem with Beatrix as she is written is that she isn't a worthy rival, from an ideological or a character standpoint, to Irisdina, yet their conflict forms the backbone of much of SM.
I think they are leaning too hard into the Theo narrative. In Irisdina's route, where Beatrix is humanized the most, Theo is mostly pitying Iris in Beatrix's stretcher scene.
Not so much in the first VN.
Also, something I noticed, but there's 33 chibi CGs in the first VN, yet only like 3 in Martyrs. What gives?
Less to be happy/joking about.
The war has come home, after all.
First vn covers months and Martyrs covers about 7 days
Blame Katia, and blame Beatrix for being so stupidly unlikable. Oh sure, I'm not going to help you find the sole reason you're helping us, but I am going to intimidate you into fighting your friends while treating you like scum, slave.
Does she actually do this in Lise's route?
I want to beat Gretel like a worthless dog she is.
Lise tells him not to trust anyone and Beatrix relies on older tricks to try and keep him in line. A week is just not enough time.
>blame Beatrix for being so stupidly unlikable
We are blaming the guy overseeing the writing, because he has delivered something absolutely pointless, contradictory and depressing, both in and out of the story.
They should have drawn things out. How would Martyrs have played out if the BETA attack and the rebellion took place after a month instead of a week?
Reminder that Irisdina is a sociopathic whore who sees nothing wrong with people getting tortured and raped.
As expected of a blonde.
They should have not cut corners. A week is fine if you know how to pace it. Theodor working in the Werewolves and then betraying them after Katia's speech is just a copout.
I thought that response was reserved for Beatrix haters (I hate her too, but Irisdina sucks more than anyone. She's even worse than Axmann.)
That response is reserved for all inane posts that serve to do nothing but provide inflammatory remarks with little to no basis in reality or a faulty interpretation. Go back to /m/.
>BR was right all along...
that feel bad man.
>BR was right
Not really, no.
The problem is is that Lise's route should have been used to add a different perspective or facet into the story. That's like the whole point of a route in a non-eroge VN. Instead, we don't get any major insights or revelations into anything unlike Irisdina's or even Katia's route. I read a Chink describing it as the everyday or plebian route in that manner. It's the most straight forward, and shallow. You're only going into if for the imouto, and everything else lacks substance or context. They don't even really add to Lise's characterization either, and she suffers the same fate that Iris does in Katia's route in that she gets captured right at the beginning by the rebels, so we don't even get Lise/Theo interactions.
There's just too much fighting too. Think back to the original Muv-Luv or even Crest of Blood. How much actual fighting was there vs character drama or setup (or hype for the actual fighting bits)? That's because VNs don't handle action very well. Fighting should be reserved for climatic encounters. They should not overwhelm the rest of the story. This isn't some shonen after all.
However, in Martyrs, I'd wager the majority of it was spent in combat, which are again, not the strong point of most VNs. The characters don't even really reach any major revelations or are challenged like Takeru is. Katia remains almost identical to the naive idealist we started off with. The challenges Theo faces are purely physical for the most part (except from Lise, who is the most compelling antagonist for Theo). Nothing actually challenges his thought process or world view. Sure, he overcomes his fear and paranoia, but that's mostly through physical feats, and still pales in comparison to the growth that Yuuya or Takeru undergo.
Or lets compare him to Shirou, whose fights with his opponents not only challenge him on a physical or emotional level, but challenge the very core of his being. Shirou grows as a person from the conflict, Theo does not.
Question: how, exactly, in detail, does the defection to the Stasi in Lise's route happen? The exact process I mean. Does it occur after sleeping with her and she lets you in on it, does it happen when guns are being pulled out and you have to make a sudden choice, or what?
I probably missed it earlier, so forgive me if that is the case.
>pick runaway with her
>you'll then meet up with her in some woods later
>turns out she's tricked you and Beatrix shows up araing
Then Beatrix debriefs you over a cup of tea and inducts/impresses you into the Werewolves, handing you a service pistol.
Well shit that's probably the biggest reason Beatrix is seen negatively in Lise's route. The nigga hardened himself for a jump across the border and instead he's put in the stasi.
I think the fact that she hands Theo a stasi pistol is kind of proof that she puts her trust in him to an extent. It's surprisingly quick how long it takes before he's assigned a MiG and given a stasi patch, but then, from Lise's Requiem, she did swear to reunite Lise with Theo.
And she'd completely blindsided later by him betraying her. She sounds almost disappointed with herself and you when she says that you were still 666th as she dies.
>She sounds almost disappointed with herself and you when she says that you were still 666th as she dies.
its kinda sad if you couple this with her death in Irisdina route where she says all her friends abandoned her.
Betrayal (especially of loved ones) has been established as being Beatrix's biggest berserk button.
Is there anything not crushingly depressing about Beato? For fuck's sake it's like the world is out to fuck her over.
At least in Irisdina's route she got to be h-happy for a little bit
The really ironic thing is that she actually saves you from Iris earlier when you freeze up, but it's rationalized as her just wanting to fight Irisdina, not actually wanting to save Theo.
Pham was too good for that world.
>but it's rationalized as her just wanting to fight Irisdina, not actually wanting to save Theo.
Theo's rationalizations are usually off mark though.
>turns out she's tricked you and Beatrix shows up araing
Is he mad at Lise as a result?
>it's rationalized as her just wanting to fight Irisdina, not actually wanting to save Theo.
Theo is a dick
Dresden wasn't enough
Et tu, Theo?
Seriously though, even here, where her death is quick, dirty and painful, her final thoughts turn to Jurgen and her regrets over Iris.
So what is she saying there after the whole "I can't believe you betrayed me" bit?
Iris seems to get off easy. Only dies in one route, and it's nowhere near as messy or painful sounding as Beatrix's. Actually, Beatrix probably has some of the worsts deaths of any of the characters in SM. Sure, Pham was gory, but it was instantaneous. She doesn't even feel it, whereas Beatrix is always conscious and barely coherent for her deaths. It's so bad that age won't even show it (or they're just lazy). Sucks to be Beatrix, I guess.
About to run this for the first time. Changing system locale won't mess anything up right?Can I change it back, since I heard there some issues. I'm on w10
The only thing locale messes up is you'll see Jap characters for some programs. It doesn't cause real problems, and if it does it's because you're dumb and doing something else that's wrong.
>Iris seems to get off easy.
Apparently in Lise route she sends Lise to Axmann's jolly rape camp, then she tries to kill Theo (who gets saved by Beato)
But in the end Theo helps Iris kill Beato.
Yes, and yes.
If you're a weeb, you should have your system locale defaulted to Jap anyways.
>Iris seems to get off easy. Only dies in one route, and it's nowhere near as messy or painful sounding as Beatrix's
She bleeds out from an easily treatable abdominal gunshot wound after days of torture in one route, and presumably dies in a second, and is put into a coma in a third. Not really comparable to Beatrix but it isn't all sunshine and rainbows for her either.
She doesn't send Lise off, Axmann tells her he can make Lise sing like a songbird, and Iris OKs it. And what do you know, he did just that, allowing for Iris to really fuck Beatrix up.
>and Iris OKs it.
After being goaded and taunted by him.
>presumably dies in a second
No, she lives through Lise's route. She even shows up leading anti BETA operations in the final ending slide.
Alright then. I was working off another set of spoilers I guess.
>She doesn't send Lise off, Axmann tells her he can make Lise sing like a songbird, and Iris OKs it.
That's pretty much what i meant with "send lise off".
>coma in a third
It's kind of implied that she wants to remain there. She opens her eyes for a bit, looks around, then closes them again. Apparently Beatrix's final conversation with her breaks her as a person, much like Axmann's drugs do to Lise.
I want to heal her with headpats and tell her it'll be okay
well the rebellion that she had to violently kill her onii-chan's waifu and her husbando's imouto to achieve didn't do anything to stop her country from getting fucked over by BETA, eternal sleep seems like a nice vacation all thing considered.
>The disc image file is corrupted
Wut. Trying to do it natively in w10. Should I try daemontools?
No, never daemon tools.
What then