How come if you say anything on Sup Forums that disagrees with the Sup Forums hivemind, you are considered a shill, liberal, troll, etc.? I thought this board supported Peterson, the herald of free speech and discourse rather than yelling like a retarded child at an opinion you don't like?
How come if you say anything on Sup Forums that disagrees with the Sup Forums hivemind, you are considered a shill...
Because Podesta is going to be locked up! Any minute now.
>Say something stupid
>Get called out for being fucking stupid
There should be some kind of math question you have to solve before you post
It would significantly cut down on retarded fucking posts like OP's
this is an advertising free zone you degenerate
>Sup Forums is one person
Peterson is interesting, but on the whole he essentially advocates white genocide by inaction.
In his video "Principles for 21st Century Conservatism" he aggressively shills for being "friends" with "immigrant communities" and "moderate Muslims". He's completely folded on the demographic question, which is to say his idea of preserving Western Civilization is to pass it on to non-European descended people as they eventually become the new majority in our lands.
I understand why he does this, he's a bit like the so-called "skeptic community", they privately recognize the danger to us but regard what we would have to do to survive as being too terrible to carry out.
Do SJW's tolerate free speech on their virtual hugbox
No fuck off and go back to Deaddit
We tolerate free speech here but that doesn't mean we won't call you a kikeniggerfaggot faggot Jidf shill if your spouting liberal bullshit. Because your bullshit doesn't hold up to the light of truth
most people here are stupid people who think they're smart or are being deliberatly disruptive for various reasons
just assume that everybody here is retarded and don't believe anything you read here
Naw we just need to have some Race Realist Captcha's that should scare the liberals away
Sup Forums is for the most part, right leaning
In these times, being a conservative is considered
>politically incorrect
americans now are basically animals versions of the original americans who built the country. centries of inbreeding will do that to a population. cant expect them to understand anything except that they hate what fox news tells them to hate like peterson. If we range banned all americans the quality of this board would skyrocket
You get your opinion and they get theirs. That you are in fact a liberal shill. No one is shutting down your speech you are just wrong and the community is letting you know.
They have to read statistics and use the info to answer a question.
Sage. Move this thread to /qa/ mods
My dude if you live in such a bubble the cognitive dissonance won't allow you to change yourself no matter what outside information is presented
It's how the mind works
The only way to actively suppress stupid posts is to force some kind of problem that requires one to think for more then 10 seconds since it creates a way for people to take some time to think about the question which in turn makes them rethink the post they might be trying to post
This is why:
You've been in every single thread i've seen with the exact same pictures
Get a hobby my dude
Get a job
You don't get it do you jew. I can't wait to smash little baby jews into the ovens. Everyone knows you and the niggers are the scum of the earth.
The shoa is your future.
He got hate for nothing from SJWs. Imagine him as a figure of the alt-Right. He is old and he is still hardworking, why would you demand social isolation from him?
make better arguments
>I thought this board supported Peterson
GTFO Public Relations kike shill and take your bluepill (((Alt-Right))) professor book selling faggot with you.
>this is an advertising free zone you degenerate
Peterson also said that you will be harshly told whether your idea is fucking stupid or not.
So what do you want to say?
Peterson gets mixed support here. No, he's not what some call /ourguy/, but David Bowie is and he fucked 13-year-olds, was bi, and married an Ethiopian, all of which almost everyone here detests.
Does Peterson do a lot to turn people away from Cultural Marxism? Absolutely. Did he take a big risk doing? Sure, the U of Toronto could have fired him. It's safer to keep your head down. And this was long before he was making money as an e-celeb.
Not everyone needs to goosestep to make the world a better place and lead by example.
I have no complaints w/ the guy.
What are you talking about? I'm just observing that his "solution" is not a solution at all, it's a desparate kind of radical civic nationalism, he literally believes we can hand over our nations in tact to niggers and muslims if we try hard enough.
That's if we take his position at face value, as I've said I believe he knows it won't work but doesn't want to face up to the ethnic conflict that is coming.
>European flag
file name was a giveaway, you have much to learn if you want to attempt to be a shitposter larping as a shill. rookie mistake. I give you 5/10 for the effort
We don't do particularly well but we still do better than nearly anywhere else where free speech is concerned. can you think of anywhere else that allows both Communists and Nazis?
i think its funnier this way
Sup Forums does not stand for free speech.
Asked a question with a strawpoll added to it the other day, a question which would clearly show how full of crap most of you are and my topic got banned instantly.
Most of the crap said here is just LARP and selfdelusions.
OP is a faggot and we do support Peterson
this thread is cancer
>in all fields
>Sup Forums is a hivemind
Sup Forums is a free marketplace of ideas
>he can't tell honest discussion from shills trying to derail shit
Lurk Moar, you'll learn in time
Notice the kikes didn't bump the thread? Because Peterson's PR team will just start a more positive one
Time for debate is soon to be over. You cant argue with politicaly correct nuttjobs.
They have No real argues. Just alot of lies and fake news.
They have been brainwashed beyond repair. Why should we take Them serious?
They never even wanted a debate when we where trying to have One. But now, when they are about to get glassed. Now they want to have it?
No tnx.
You have to understand that it's a waste of time to explain something to a retard that couldn't realize it for himself.
I think you're a little off base there. Yes he doesn't want hostility directed towards immigrants, but he's also perfectly willing to entertain massively reducing immigration and has said it's valid viewpoint.
do us a favor a go back to >>>/leddit/
Getting called a shill, kike, nigger, troll etc, is all part of the discourse.
Nobody said your feelings wouldn't be hurt as part of the exchange. You're perfectly free to call us rural and suburban retards or whatever shitty lefty memes you come up.
Of course you'll have some insightless memers reply without adding to the discussion, just like any other place on the internet, but Sup Forums also usually has someone who will directly address your points. But of course you'll ignore them, because they called you a faggot while doing it. The whole culture here allows free discussion of ideas, but doesn't protect your ability to feel safe. We don't have to be polite about calling your ideas shit, and we won't be.
We also reserve the right to ignore threads that have been spammed or questions/topics that have been asked hundreds of times before.
For example: coming here and saying "How can a guy with an AR-15 assault rifle even compete against the military" will be hardly engaged with, because the question has been answered repeatedly for years
So fuck off, you faggot kike shill niggerdick loving cuckold.