Why are all of the best stand up comedians Jewish?
Why are all of the best stand up comedians Jewish?
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Doug Stanhope isn't Jewish m8.
Survival instinct. If they make you laff, you are less likely to hate them.
Richard Pryor wasn't jewish. Jerry isn't even a good comedian in his own right. The show was ten times better than his standup.
What's the deal with black people?
Dennis Miller is my favorite stand-up. Doesn't have a drop of chosen in him.
this is such fucking stupid bait,
jews don't work, they are worthless cunts
so they have to let you know how worthless they are
This, couldn't even watch Jerry's latest netflix special for more than 10 minutes before switching to something else out of boredom. Seinfelds alright though.
it is almost as if someone has led you to believe this
Highest verbal iq recorded in any ethnic group
Also explains why they are all in the media business
There's always a certain amount of self-deprecating humor in these kike comedians, it's a way to keep the jews off your radar.
"Oh I've got a TINY penis and I can't eat ham, hehehehe, I'm obviously no threat Mr. White Man." They don't want to reveal their power level
because jews have a sense of humor. Inbred racist rednecks who have sex with their sisters on the other hand, don't.
Bill Burr. A centrist asshole, but at least he's pretty straightforward about it.
ready to be mind blown
Hint: the best everything are jewish.
am I a cuck for liking the sarah silverman program?
shit was hilarious as fuck, literally the only female comedian ive liked until she got boring and retarded.
Don't know about that, but apparently they can sexually abuse teens and get away with it (remember his teeny bopper girlfriend?)
All Jews suck baby dicks and should be gassed.
High verbal IQ
Her entire thing is just shitting on White Christians. She belongs in an oven.
Athletics, inventors, mathematics. Jews are only good at 'theoretical' math, like Einstein. Nothing concrete, ever. Everything they 'prove' could be lies. For instance, Tesla was smarter than Einstein and thought he was full of shit and thought relativity was nonsense. He'll be proven right in time when Jews lose control over scientific and academic institutions and these ideas can be properly re-evaluated.
Am I the only person ever that doesn't like Seinfeld?
It's probably cause you don't get the references.
Because she's a guy.
No he sucked dick. Societal pressure tells you to like him.
whats the definision of a vagina ?... the box the penis comes in ....
Ford Fairlane the rock'n Roll detective !!!
Played by Andrew Dice Clay... now that is a standup comedian... other Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy like in his Raw and Delerious days.
A guy that can't even write down anything
>stealing everything
He didn't do anything and lived to his myth
Roseanne on the other hand, was brilliant writing from an all-american star. Not some kike with writing "you just don't understand, user"..."if only you were more intelligent you'd understand Seinfeld". It's a lot of the same Rick and Morty arguments fans make to cover their bad taste.
Carlin isn't Jewish
Maybe, but I dislike references-based humor in general. Pic related is the only exception.
Yeah sure Tesla wasn't smart. Kill yourself kike.
yo mama
No moral boundaries.
>goyim laugh at taboo jokes but are too constrained to make them themselves
he said best, not most overrated.
This is correct
It's because Seinfeld has so much contempt for both his target audience and his personal obsession with catering to them.
Jerry is one giant
>tfw too smart
there are a disproportionate # of jewish comedians, but they aren't the best.
Tesla was actually just a lunatic in everything outside of his small area of expertise.
Before you idolize him, you should hear his opinions of feminism and that women will dominate society as a bee colony. You'll hate him a lot more once you realize what a mouth breathing sperg he was.
Bill Hicks wasn't a jew, nigger.
Blacks are statistically the best at it.
>90 iq
>muh nostalgia for chappelles show
>even tho Dave didn't write hardly any of it
I don't know whether Roseanne was brilliant or not. I do know that back when I watched TV, there were 3 categories of TV show.
1) Switch the channel to something else
2) Mostly continue watching
3) You go online and watch all episodes
Seinfeld, Friends and stuff like that is something I'd just switch the channel. Roseanne was tier 2, something you could just watch and not be bored to death.
no mentions of norm so far, you guys are a bunch of jerks!
All the comedians you SEE are Jewish.
The entertainment business is the same as academia, banking, and the press. They have total control of it and help each other out at every level. There's already too many "white" comedians for tv. They want minorities. So they just make sure every "white" opportunity is given to a jew.
source: am a white comedian in New York and I see it happen everywhere.
You faggots always bitch about never having any redpilled, non cucked comics but you expect (((them))) to put us on the tonight show and stream us on Netflix. It's not gonna happen. You've got to actually find us.
they aren't
I don't idolize him, I said he was much smarter than Einstein, which in inarguable. He was an actual inventor and gave the world a breadth of new technology while approaching science in an unconventional manner. His personal opinion on women, which you've summarized in a way to persuade against, is unimportant and irrelevant. But that's okay, because those are kike games so have fun playing them.
"Yeah trumps great, did you hear what he said about women though, no way user!" Fuck off and apply at CNN.
Maybe you should work in a field of artistic expression with more to it than cold reading a crowd and recycling elements of the works of better writers
Seinfeld is shit, and always has been shit.
The best comedian ever was George Carlin. Was he jewish?
Best Seinfeld episode ever - go to the 1:45 mark and watch to the 2:04 mark:
>>tfw too smart
"Where do they get the expiration date for milk? Do you think the cows give it to them?"
Yeah Carlins a genius, I love the joke he tells about how no one lets him curse or how he smokes pot bc the man told him not to
Jewish humor is only good if it's edgy and completely politically incorrect and unconstrained, which is what it was until fucking 2004. Which is why comedy has almost never had a more unfunny time period.
I didn't think it was funny, but to each their own
Pure coincidence ... here your cookie
check my repeating numeralic signs goys
when they aren't just doing "whipipo be doin' dis" routines, yes, I agree.
But the correct answer is ... because (((they))) are fucking clowns ...
Because that's what you're told
Who are these jewish comedians?