Im right wing

>im right wing
>*tips fedora*

Other urls found in this thread:



I don't see the issue.



Not an argument. Sage.

You are the german shitposter from /bant/. Go back

>right wing

90% of the spergs I see with anime profile pictures are liberals. Anime is low t.

fucking pwned


Low effort. Plebbit-tier. 0/10
Sup Forums is easy to trigger but you have to put at least a little effort into it.

Purely as a starter pack, those're good places to start.

>faggy magapedes come to Sup Forums only liking Trump and hating Mudshists
>learn the finer points of proper fascism and nationalism

left can't meme as usual.

Wew,i guess the left really can't meme



Judaism should also not be allowed
Anime is degenerate
Trump is a means to an end
There should be a shrine to the Pauls

left can't meme
I can't say that I know that feel tbqh

>Sup Forums is always right
>University is a scam, educate yourself here on Sup Forums instead
>Become christian as counter culture even though you don't believe in God
>Everything Trump says or does is good and right
>Discuss politics and economics? Nah, here's a nigger hate thread though

I would agree with the image if it wasn't for the inclusion of anti-Islam.


>yfw ''left can't meme'' is a bigger meme than anything the left-tards have ever made