Have you accepted Seike as your trap overlord yet? Railgun 89 is out and NT17 is in a week, let's get this going.
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We should have the preview soon, right?
Reminder that LO and Worst want to give birth to Touma's babies.
By the weekend I think? They came a bit late last time if I'm remembering correctly.
Here's the Railgun 89 link for anyone that missed it.
It did seem late last time. Then again I think everything was late the last few times, especially during NT15
Will please leave
That poster's going to be pretty upset when it's revealed that Will is the actual bullshit, isn't he? Assuming he actually believes it and isn't just (you) farming
Where can I go grab NT14+? I didn't realize I was missing those.
What a slut
>dat fucking distance between her eyes and eyebrows
Goddammit Haimura.
That's how alien anatomy works, user.
I can't make any predictions about what might happen or who will be involved but I'm sure that this volume will be both important overall and a crazy ride from cover to cover
She is an ayy.
b-but muh vagina bones!
I need more of Fran
Cute face and delicious legs. Are there even traps in the Kamachiverse?
When did Misaka learn to teleport? What happened ...
Why is her ass up in the air?
She Batman'd, Seike.
She's begging for it.
She's jealous that Ya is getting all that trap dickings.
No wonder I like Ya so much, she looks like an older Index.
She reminded me of Index too. Scavenger's stock rises with each passing chapter.
I wonder if Touma went dumpster diving again for that coat and pants, or did he do what anybody else would do and raid a store?
I want to fuck that ayylmao harder than Misaki would fuck an unconscious Touma
Why is she rubbing her butt against Touma?
Please no
I just forced myself through NT14. Kamachi.exe needs to take a fucking break so I can catch up.
Does it get better or are the next volumes going to be as difficult?
I don't care, Stiyl.
Yakumaru has a nice butt
Oh, Seike knows, she fucking knows all right.
>Does it get better or are the next volumes going to be as difficult?
It'll be tough if you dislike the school scenarios with the old classmates and/or hate Kamisato with a passion. NT16 helps his character but most people still dislike him. Personally I thought 15 and 16 were decent, but 17 feels like it's going to blow them out of the water.
Can somebody explain to me who the fuck inhibits the naked corpse girl? Is it like a random ghost?
15 is better than 14 just because of the lower amount of focus on Kamisato's bitches and Touma becoming a bully master. 16 is a post-apocalyptic monster movie where almost everyone liked different parts of it, so it was hit or miss really.
A spirit, like the one that inhabits Hirumi, only it is controlled by Estelle.
I love Kamijou's classmates and their antics, and I don't think I have anything against Kamisato necessarily. He's a neat foil for Touma.
I just can't stand his slut brigade and the insipid bullshit between Birdway and her sister. The only good part about that whole conflict was the hint at the end that it was set up Aleister
16 is a clusterfuck that throws the concept of continuity/flow/consistency/whatever out of nowhere just so Kamachi can experiment doing a post-apocalyptic monster survival story for no reason.
Yes, it was because of the autisms of Yuiitsu and Kamisato, but did we really need the entirety of AC down on it's knees for a week with no mention of the higher ups or Aleister who is supposed to be running the city?
But the strangest thing here is that it is better than the latter half of the novel solely because of the various actions and interactions Touma has with the rest of the cast, some even of the older cast mind you, as they are pitted in a situation hitherto they have never experienced, barring Touma, fighting for their lives. It is enjoyable despite the out of nowhere setting introduced.
As for the latter half, I barely read it, I got so bored out of my mind with Kamisato and his harem, and their nonchalant attitude toward fucking over the rest of the city while they stay in a mall, that I just dropped it altogether and hoped the next volume will be better, hopefully with Kamisato, his harem, and Yuiitsu finally out of the picture.
Anybody here have a link for Railgun S Stand Still ED? The Touma/Mikoto one.
I can't seem to find it
I had to force myself to choke down NT13 and am still stuck behind NT14. I really have no idea what has happened since other than what I gathered from reading the first tenth of NT16.
Honestly it's really just my overall hatred for NT coming to a head which stops me from progressing to the series. It was getting to the point where 90% of the entire setting seemed pointless, and I had no idea what the fuck 90% of the cast was doing while the sky was falling in Academy City.
Kamachi is gonna tie everything together so it's not pointless to try and patch up this arc I assume. I feel like he may have tried going a bit too wacky with stuff and it's starting to backfire, and NT16's ending was probably him realizing he needs to stop fucking around.
I don't think it was so bad up to NT11. Prior to that, everything sort of made sense. You had the usual players doing the things that they ought to be doing, ones that didn't have any reason to be involved weren't involved and those who were involved did things that fell in line with their character's or faction's objectives as outlined in previous events and novels.
But with NT11+ it's just been dumb bullshit or completely asinine events in Academy City itself. Some of the characterization has been decent I guess, but it's quite obvious that none of it matters. I mean for fuck's sake it took me less than one year to read up to NT12 from the very beginning. Since then it's been over a year and I still have never been completely up to date with a new release. New novels keep getting shat out and I can't be arsed to force myself through whatever one I'm currently working on
Remember when AC was a hyper-advanced, impenetrable fortress for the infallible god-king Aleister?
>Kamachi is gonna tie everything together
ayyy lmao
I am glad he struggles. He'd be another Aizen otherwise.
But now it's Laura who's the Aizen, and now she doesn't even appear anymore.
It still is for like 99,99% of the population. It's just that we don't give a shit about that 99,99%.
Nah, she's just laughing at Aleister's mess like I am. Laura probably didn't even do much.
Yeah NT16's scenario was bullshit, especially how quickly it happened.
>t-the bugs would have destroyed the city if we didn't turn it into a desert!!!
Come on now Kamachi. I don't know what the point of a hamfisted post-apocalypse scenario was if he was just going to do it in Heavy Object a month later.
It's hip to fuck bees
>crabfags will defend this
It's hip to fuck girls (male)
It's hip for boys that look like girls to fuck girls that act like boys.
> Kamachi.exe needs to take a fucking break
That would kill him user
He writes to survive, if he doesnt writes he will crash, like a plane
Thor and that one fucboi from NT12
Quenser. There's also the girl who specifically gets off to killing traps.
Sasuga Academy City. It's truly the city of the future.
"Wild night with Skuld" needs to be added to the HO doujins never list.
She's so fucking delicious, I could just pluck off her arms and legs and use her as a living onahole.
Just like Index.
There's a guy who crossdresses in Blood Sign but he doesn't have any illustrations since he's an unimportant side character. It also said he's not a trap, he just wants to broaden the world of fashion a bit.
This guy is the final boss.
>There will never be a doujin of Quensette being gangbanged for the 37th Mobile Maintenance Battalion
Kamikoto when
NT14 was a chore to read. If you like stupid banter, you will eat next volumes like happy meals.
Kamiaiai first.
No, saiai is for hamazura
>he literally picked takitsubo over this
Hamazura is the type of guy to take what he can get so he can fuck off and live a quiet life.
His very first job for Item was literally taking Saiai to the movies. He should have taken her.
>Mikoto can *teleports behind u*
Aleister stands no chance
Didn't she also teleport when she was in Nuit mode? Seems like she retained that trick in her normal mode.
But isn't Aiwass the master of *teleports behind u*? Does that confirm he's the final boss?
How the hell does Touma outrun her?
Remember when Kamichi was a good writer?
Everything turns shit after NT11, but the first volume i genuinely dislike was NT9
NT9 is a favorite volume for almost everybody, so I don't know what to tell you. Practically every series has a dry patch (NT11-15) but it depends on how they recover.
Does an alien imposter count?
Aiwass can't be the final boss, he doesnt gives any fucks for that
But he's the leader of the aliens.
Personally i really don't like Touma in any way.
All the rest of characters are top notch for me, everyone.
and now MARVEL used the main gimmik at Doctor Strange
Touma was always amusing but I never started to get impressed by him until the later NT volumes. Seeing him rack up losses is just something you don't see happen much. His suffering actually made me feel for him, but it does come down to preference.
Accelfags got it the worst because Kamachi basically took his presence from NT to make the Accel spinoff instead.
NT reminded people that this is still Touma's story and I suppose that if you don't like him that it would be annoying to read.
Kamikoto a shit, types MISAKA as she shitposts anonymously.
Well yeah, people tend to not like a story very much when they dislike the protagonist.
probably that's the reason why sales are lower and continue to fall.
A story like index can not be always centered on the protagonist, when this is boring and has no evolution for years.
Accelerator and Hamazura, were important factors when reading Index. They made the series was profitable, because it was not always focused on the same character.
Kamisato is not so interesting, rather, it's boring as a character.
The only thing that today keeps the series is Mikoto. It has all the attention lately.
And ..... Does Mikoto does not have its own series already?
I wonder who's behind that post.
Fuck off back to facebook you ESL shitter.
Wait,this slut's an AIMlien?
She claims to have been abducted by ayylmaos. Part of the Kamisato faction thinks it's bullshit.
Looking back at it, I just realized that the three Kamisato sluts that Kamachi made relevant were the only ones who were descripted in NT15.
>One was a pajama UFO girl with tons of antennae coming from her backpack as she used a giant balloon to float around. One was a ghost girl dressed in white who floated above the artificial fog machine at her feet. One was a pirate girl with an eyepatch, pirate hat, miniskirt, cutlass, and large musket.
I feel bad for you for having Kamachi that high, sure he is okay but no as he used to be nor he is on par with ZWI or HO.
>It's pretty much just "how many more wacky characters can we fit in before the arc is over?"
I don't think there is a single design I've liked post-NT10.
They can barely handle their lv 5s, single magicians can easily rampage and win vs the entire city whenever they want until Touma reaches them, and normal high school boys you can find everywhere can kill the top dogs. Do you really think AC would have done a decent job at defense?
>Touma wants to spend time with his family
>take a rest from that shit ruining his peaceful sport festival
>look at his personal cheerleader head crab
>this bitch demands his attention for the sake of having attention
He doesn't likes whimsical cunts.
Saiai didn't make any merit on top of that.
She just walked towards Kuriba ignoring trap master
>keeps the series
She was bait for sales and only worked for NT3 ever since then when she appears on cover sales has a slightly lower decrease on sales than usual.
I agree on the rest though, Accelerator and Hamazura added different character dynamics and make the series rich.
Mikoto is the sole reason this series continues to this day to be quite desu
Not sure if I would have read the novels if she wasn't part of the series myself