clips.twitch tv/RespectfulImportantPotatoPeteZaroll
how will you ever recover?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sage goes in all fields
Can't wait for the inevitable Destiny v. David Duke match.
Sup Forums will probably call him an autist and claim that makes him wrong. Pretty ironic considering pol has the highest amound of autistic people per 1000 visitors
He is right, but pol is an echo chamber so they will ignore it.
destiny literally couldn't argue his way out of a paper bag
>link to twitch
>meme flag
That’s the guy that doesn’t know what philosophy means and said it was the study of “what ought to be” hahaha
Sorry cringelord, I don't watch guys who get slaughtered by holocaust deniers.
He's unironically describing himself, that's how he wakes up in the morning whilst telling himself those exact words, basically headlines from FakeNews. He's so emotionally butthurt from being destroyed by several right wingers that this is what he has to resort to, kek.
Also that debate was an adult with knowledge lecturing a child who can barely read, Ryan must have been so disappointed.
I don't like Destiny but he is right here. Trump has largely been ineffective and is continuing the same foreign policy that Hillary would've wanted (big reason why I voted for him was to stop that shit). He's a huge Zionist. He's falling pretty short domestically and you can't deny that he says some really fucking stupid things sometimes (ocean water, sounding like an idiot in Japan, etc.). The GOP is pretty shit at the same time but you'd think the master dealmaker could do something better. Hopefully Trump and the GOP can improve or the Democrats will completely destroy them come November 2018.
Sup Forums will have no response other than personal insults lmao
Sup Forums can't handle people that are this intelligent, so it's rare someone like him would even address any of Sup Forumss points. does anyone happen to know what his iq is? i feel like we might dealing with a literal genius here
Destiny cucks Sup Forums again with his partner lilypichu
>He's tiny fans
Make a tree and leaf
Sorry Pete, but you're not smart and you give shit arguments.
>this manlet
Sargin destoyed him to the point where he spent two hours afterwards on stream damage controlling.
He got rekt by alt-hype so hard that he removed the vid from his channel.
Lets blackmail this midget.
I bet the only guy making these shit threads is Destiny himself. Who the fuck watches some idiot streaming on twitch? You are all falling to (((ads))) and giving this retard clicks.
sage doesn't work while posting images retard
Seen this thread at least 5 times in the last week
along with these replies
your kind are scum, and are being watched
Is this a shoop?What a big head on such a tiny body.
Dude, just give Destiny a primetime slot already.
He's smarter and funnier than Colbert, Bill Maher, and Louie put together.
Not even joking.
People WILL open their wallets and throw money to watch this guy blow the fuck out of skinheads who think they're smart, only to watch their sadistic redpill melt under a laval lamp of truth.
Destiny is so fucking cool. Literally Mr. Unstumpable. Every single Nazi is forced to take the knee and suck his jumbo dick.
No he's really a disproportionate manlet.
>Sup Forumstards boast that any of its citizens can beat Destiny
>Every time hes on stream Sup Forums intellectuals dare challenge him
>All they can do is start with meme arguments
>Destiny rips them apart revealing the actual nerds behind the shitty arguments as they retreat using memes and logical fallacies
The hivemid with one of the strongest traffics on Sup Forums cant deal with a scrawny looking man; face it 4nerds. You brainlets will never get him.
Go home destiny
Never cared, nothing to recover from.
Nice shit post newfag.
Dude fuck off the entire chat parrots his talking points so they could all circlejerk together
Ask me how I know, I was a fag for fucking years
>clips.twitch tv/RespectfulImportantPotatoPeteZaroll
>Drone Strikes
>No policies
>Makes enemies of everyone
>Trusts Putin over CIA
>Pile of shit
Destiny is correct about Trump on all those subjects.
watching poltards become defensive after hearing the truth
Plugging your ears and going "lalalala" then posting on internet forums about how you totally owned someone of a far cry from intelligence
how do I watch this shit? Do I need a twitch account?
Literally all he does is "Prepare" for debates by gathering up as many sources as he can, ignoring all context and sometimes even the conclusion of the source itself, and then vomiting them out at people whom he then claims he "wins" against when they inevitably can't react quick enough or don't have their own sources.
What did he mean by this?
Can we report this spamming retard yet?
>lost to sargoy
why is this fag still relevant
this dude. What a fucking joke
This. He's a low-tier debater. Anyone with a remote understanding of a given topic will crush him and this has been demonstrated numerous times in his "debates".
what truth is that? that he doesnt know what philosophy means?
Isn't this the dwarf that wants to have sex with his own daughter?
>Defeated and disempowered the Clinton Cartel
>Immediately pulled us out of TPP
>Personally convinced multiple businesses to invest hundreds of billions in the US
>Appoints conservative, constitutionalist SC justice that will serve for life
>Cuts funding for Syrian rebel groups and works with Russia, ISIS driven out of Syria within the year
>Massively reduced refugee program, border crossings down +60%, deportations on rise and sanctuary cities receiving crack down
>Jobs high
>VA being reformed
>Trust in liberal media at all time low, viewership down, while right wing sources grow and expand
>Republican fundraising nearly doubling Democrat fundraising
>Trump people have won every special election, even when majorly outspent, now even establishment Repubs are getting primaried out/not seeking reelection
>Received pledge from Islamic nations to combat terrorism, they have since isolated Iran and Qatar and are now even arresting their own (See: Saudi Arabia happening)
>Engendered first ever shift in Chinese policy/rhetoric re: North Korea, first to eat in Forbidden City since 1949, signaling a chance at a true partnership and peace between our nations that would create one of the most stable and peaceful periods in human history
>Undeniably respected by our nation's greatest rivals and their people, as evidenced by their very own words
Idk if you're a shill, or if you're just not paying attention. These are all off the top of my head, the list is much, much longer.
I love how Destiny always goes for the "Le virgin basement dweller" insult when he looks like such a mongaloid.
Congrats he knocked up some girl when he was young and hasn't gotten action since. I can't imagine anyone being interesting in some pasty, manlet, 56% skeleton. Lmao.
No one intelligent would debate a fucking Starcraft player anyway, so it's not like he's been really challenged.
If he debated pic related(hey, that rhymes!)...
Martin Skreli made him look like an infant
All the stormfags on Sup Forums are so fucking upset that they got eternally blown the fuck out by a soyboy manlet rolf
>low IQ
so this matters now?
how can we stop this man?????????
Wrong again Destiny, my computer is outside my room
>but what is a paper bag, no really
> im gonna need the numbers on rates of people actually getting into paper bags
>papers bags are a technicality, plastic bags have higher usage rates
>i'm so smart everybody who disagrees with me is a big dummy head
This would be cringe enough if he were normal sixe but this dude is a literal midget. There are unedited pictures of him standing next to a table where his head barely reaches the tabletop.
fake poster
is this what you do when no one bumped your thread in 2 minutes? sad
this is one of those ''if i say something enough of times people will belive'' type of things
what's wrong with his face?
>has destroyed JonTron, Sargon, Dick Masterson, NakedApe, NoBS, Lauren Southern, Nicholas J. Fuentes, Mr. Metokur, Roaming Milenial, in debates
>on one occasion destroyed those last five ALL AT THE SAME TIME
>Blaire White is scared of him
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply using the socratic method, the most basic logic people have had 2400 years to adapt to
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking if they really believe what they post online and watches them pussy out and start minimizing
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking them what it would take for them to stop believing their points of view and watch them flounder around
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply looking up where they get their "facts" from and finding they're bullshit taken out of context or made up on some kids blog
>only recourse the alt-right has is ad hominems and strawmen
Fucking run.
fuck retards like momo
>Ask me about my spergbody
Are you spergbody ready, pol?
>destroyed sargon
bahahahaha. he got so btfo he spent two hours on stream after sargon left in full damage control
we watch the same stream, nigger?
>destroyed NakedApe
implying that trump is relevant. race realism is relevant though
Destiny getting destroyed on race realism and heritability by Ryan Faulk AKA The Alternative Hypothesis:
Destiny making excuses as to why he won't talk to Ryan again, and how he wants to get an "expert" to analyze Ryan's claims:
Destiny's "blacks use drugs at same rate as whites" lie debunked by Ryan (scroll down to 'drug crime'):
Destiny's "callback study" lie debunked by Ryan:
Destiny's "low-skilled Hispanic immigration is a net benefit for the US economy" lie debunked by Ryan:
im going to post a funny reaction picture at you and that makes you wrong
This list just made it painfully clear to me how little Trump has actually accomplished.
he started crying tho and left the stream
Holy shit your beyond asspained ROFL
deleted the link whoops
holy fuck that PUMPKIN HEAD
this meme was funny for a while, but now the quality of the average thread on pol is now so low, you can't distinguish anything from a slide thread
Why do you faggetniggers keep posting this gay manlet please stop, at this point im assuming its him posting this shit , but regardless please stop posting him i really hate seeing his face
Destiny call MrMouton Chubby!
Wait which one is photoshopped?
what the hell is wrong with the little guy?
i think he is in a different thread
I think I've posted on this trip in vg before, but I'll bite.
>Defeated and disempowered...
So "won the election." No one is disputing that. But your claim of "disempowering the Clinton Cartel" is pretty funny considering "LOCK HER UP" was a huge chant and Trump immediately lost interest in that after getting elected.
>Immediately pulled us out of TPP
The TPP had no political support in Congress, that shit was DoA way before Trump got in office.
>Personally convinced...
Eh most of the businesses he "convinced" either automated their shit or straight up lied, not sure what you think Trump kept in the US, would be interested to hear it.
He did get his SC nomination, even he couldn't fuck that one up, congratulations!
>Massively reduced...
Propaganda, kind of. I think he's increased deportations, but Obama had already massively increased deportations as well (he was referred to by Mexicans as the "deporter in chief"). Mexican presence in the US has actually been on a net negative (more leaving than coming) for the past decade now. Also Trump is never cracking down on sanctuary cities, rofl.
>Jobs high
Job growth has been the same as it was under Obama, look up the figures, I dunno what I can link here without it getting auto-modded.
Uh, where?
>Trust in liberal media at all time low...
Didn't the WaPo say they were posting record numbers for paid subscriptions? What's your source for this, Alex Jones?
>Republican fundraising...
Democrat fundraising is bad, Obama fucked this part of the DNC up MASSIVELY, nothing to do with Trump.
>Trump people have won...
They literally just lost VA governor, who was running a Trump platform...
>Received pledge from Islamic nations to combat terrorism, they have since isolated Iran and Qatar and are now even arresting their own (See: Saudi Arabia happening)
Nothing new here.
this whole post is lolsworthy
Yeah, and what's even more fucked up is that he doesn't even have a daughter.
kys tripfag
I feel like you are being intellectually dishonest
Sup Forums hates him because they can't refute is arguments. Nobody can beat him :)
I would too if my daughter was that hot.
Did anyone see Numberless Nick getting BTFO by him a couple of days ago?
Isn't he a grown man with a wife and child? Why does he sound like an 11 year old?
>Unironically watches this moronic manlet and likes him
Shove your cock into a sausage grinder, it's not like you're gonna use it anyway
hi destiny
Destiny if you're reading this thread, you need to accept the fact that you're just a lucky fluke. You started streaming right when it got popular, were decent at the popular game of the day (SC2) and were smart enough to play up your edgy personality when every other SC2 player was acting like a silent autist. Since then you've coasted on that success and have never achieved the viewers you got then. You have a small but loyal fanbase of autists who will give you money so you can make good bank, but you've completely failed to grow from their. Everything you've done, from your total failure at League onward has shown you'll never achieve widespread success. You lack discipline, have no idea how to grow a fanbase, and never follow through on real opportunities.
Just ask yourself this: if you started your career in the full market of 2017, rather than the little world of 2011, do you think you'd have any success, or would you be carpet cleaning the rest of your life?
Based destino
Hey Stephen, Harkdan here. I am replying to inform you that Soros will be doubling your salary starting next month.
He's not even good at debates its just that every alt righter is fucking retarded.