This is a rare Saber.
This is a rare Saber
Other urls found in this thread:
This is a superior Saber.
Red can't even be compared with the color of royalty.
today I must remind them
Internal strife and an tragic end will befall you, unless you post "You are no true king"
You are no true king
Carnival Phatasm is the apex of type moon.
Nigga, there are like eight of the fucking things.
This is a feet saber
I'd tap that saberbutt.
You are no true king
This is an epic Saber.
I'm honest to god surprised there hasn't been a fate spin off with saber being every girl. I mean there enough versions of her right?
Depends on whether or not you want a Holy Grail War or just a Saber series.
HGW-wise. You'd be short a Caster class Artoria but then you could always just bullshit her into the Shielder class via Avalon in the way her Archer class is just Saber using a water gun.
Saber a cute! CUTE!!
I'd be fine with this Saber only series.
She's the main reason I'm a TMfag to begin.
Anyone ever though know, "doing" Saber?
No, this is a feet Saber
Gentlemen, I like Saber.
Gentlemen, I like Saber.
Gentlemen, I love Saber.
I like the original Saber. I like Saber Alter. I like aggressive Saber Lily. I like Saber Lion. I like Saber Nero.
I like her when she fights. I like her when she eats. I like her when she speaks. I like her when she complains . I like her when she sleeps.
Serious Saber. Shy Saber. Warrior Saber. Angry Saber. Hungry Saber. Corrupted Saber. Gao Saber. Happy Saber. Girly Saber. Male Saber.
I love every aspect of Saber that takes place on this earth.
what are you implying?
You are no true king
I don't get what you're getting at.
You are no true king
Is this a pasta? Because I love it.
This is Sabers sword
The legendary Sword Excalibur
He is a Sword with a great legend
Say something nice about him
this is a shameful Saber
Rex Quondam, Rexque Futurus. Now and forever.
Arthur shall return from Avalon
I like the Knights of the Round Table
Who're the two on the bottom left
Do they dance whenever they're able?
Lancelot looks so shitty with short hair and white armor
Saber and Saber
Saber proven slut of Fate series. Her lion ride only costs a few pennies.
Purple is the colour of royalty you ignorant fuck,
When will they do a Saber Only Grail War?
Arturia Lancer route when ?
It's 100 yen you cheapskate
How would you even go about "doing" a person?
You are no true king
Well first, you need to expand your meat to the limit, then you take you're ponos, put it in her vagos, and JAM IT IN !
What did he mean by this?
It is pasta. Not one I have seen for a few years though.
Arturia is really beautiful in her regular form but her grown up version really is incredible in the looks department.
I love feet Saber.
Hang yourself (for posting jeanne, not the footshit)
You are no true king
She is the truest of all kings.
How many other kings do you know that get their own ressurection myth?
>Whore of Babylon
>better than anything
You are no true king
I voted for her
>mfw this thread
>this doujin
>dat smug look with ahoge wagging
Saber is too fucking cute sometimes.
Blasphemy, Seibah is the only true king of Britain, now and for ever more.
Require additional Seiba
Doing? Doing what? Walking home with her or something?
Fuck her. She ruined Lalter for me.
Rare Saber with the best girl from Turkeyhandle.
Does saying that make current internal strife go away?
Saber is really pretty
Repeat after me;
This is SEIBAH
Here's the real Saber.
I bet that one's son isn't as nearly as cute or nearly as female, so he's inherently worse.
You are no true king
thats a really long torso. she's been eating too much
Did they officially reconcile? Mordred got over her daddy issues in Apoc, but AFAIK Saber still wants nothing to do with her.
You are no true king
>eating too much
Now you're just being rediculous user.
How did we go from this...
The only reason why she's not a fatfuck is because nobody in England can cook.
to this?
To this?
The same way we went from this...
to this
I've been reading the Apocrypha manga for Jeanne but honestly it's too retarded to be enjoyable, even comparing to other fateshit.
What is this expression trying to convey?
He's going to California.
Best Saber
Mordred is still a retard psychopath. They've never had a serious interaction yet. The summer event was all gags and the Lion King isn't a good guide to judge what Artoria would do. Though even the Lion King treated her as a pawn and blatantly told her she was using her and planning to leave her for dead.
I'm surprised none of you have dumped loli-saber living with Kiritsugu.
The panel with her in the fridge eating all of his food was deliciously cute.
I want to hold hands with Saber as we enjoy a nice stroll through town and have lunch in a resturaunt with a nice outside view and then go home to enjoy a nice evening with each other and then finally have consensual intercourse in the missionary position with the lights off and the blankets over us.
In wedlock.
For the purposes of procreation.
>reading Apocrypha
Can't make a judgment without actually reading it.
I want to fertilize every saber's eggs
(You) are no true king
>His favorite Saber isn't O.G vanilla Saber
>It would've been better if Saber was male
That has always been the case. But lately, I've had feelings about edgy Saber. I feel bad about it.