How do we get rid of civic nationalism?
How do we get rid of civic nationalism?
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Turn up the heat, it has a very short shelf-life.
Take away their crack and tell them to commit to the cause or fuck off.
>hurr it doesn't matter if you have the same right wing beliefs as us
>only your skin color, which you have no control over, matters
Opposition to civic nationalism is divide and conquer kikery.
found this shitskins
Nice counterargument.
>Thinking that temporary qualities will outlast permanent ones
2 weeks in poorest non-white neighborhoods.
2 weeks in poorest white neighborhoods.
"See our point now, retards?"
it isn't hard, they only exist now because merit doesnt matter nearly as much as affirming to beta orbiters they're secretly cool and everyone else just "doesn't constitution enough"
>not liking BASED BLACKS makes you a shill
Do you not understand what regression to the mean is?
Why do blacks ruin everything? Wherever they start congregating in numbers, the place goes to shit. Cinemas, shopping centres... they just ruin it for everyone else with their loud, shitty behaviour.
Wew what an edgy faggot. Were you like this in school Sup Forums?
Did they just copy and paste 1/3rd if the turds?
Show me one state where ethnic nationalism has worked.
USA under Jim Crowe? Fail.
Nazi Germany? Fail.
Rhodesia? Fail.
Apartheid South Africa? Fail.
Iceland or Japan? Not officially ethnostates and not enough incentive for third worlders to migrate there (language barrier no gibs, or cold as fuck and no career opportunities)
The closest you will get is Israel, but they can only pull it off because they have international victim status.
You cant the more you attack it the more it grows. If you were to suceed you would create a stateless world of anarchy where no one would be able to survive or prosper. It would be barbarism of idiots killing each other for any reason. Only a fool wants an end to civic nationalism.
If a chimpanzee decided jump on your desk, would you let it be?
I wouldn't be sitting in the classroom with a hood on flipping them off while it was happening.
Civic nationalism is white nationalism. No subhumans would be able to abide by the white man's ideological banner, thus deported.
Michael Jackson became white, anyone can.
>edgy to hurt niggers
Faggot detected
>Show me one modern state where ethnic nationalism has worked.
shit bait desu
What else could he do? You can't reason with niggers.
>Iceland or Japan? Not officially ethnostates and not enough incentive for third worlders to migrate there (language barrier no gibs, or cold as fuck and no career opportunities)
Ding ding ding ding. You just fucked you're own argument in the mouth in the same post. I don't know why you even bothered making this.
by opening borders
You can resolve things and not be a faggot about it. Slipping a girls leg is a very faggy thing to do.
honestly this. stop allowing the abortion of browns and let's get sweaty
>Show me one state where ethnic nationalism has worked.
I guess he was just to concentrated doing an assignment or some shit. You can see how she stepped on a paper he was writing on and that must have spilled the single bit of patience he had with the sheboons.
why be a white nationalist when you can create your own race by race-mixing? if you can correct your low iq example by marrying an asian or a jew. raise your hapa babies to be hapa ethno-nationalists nationalists and to preserve your genes
So I guess you can make your "white ethnostate" work by not autistically LARPing as one officially, but by simply cutting off all gibs to discourage boatniggers migrating to you.
That might work for European countries, but in le 56% land where you already have a significant non-white chunk of people, you cannot create an ethnostate without ethnic cleansing or mass deportation (to where?), both of which will be BTFO by international boycotts that turn you into starved trailer trash.
Get a sexy eceleb with high cheeckbones to shoot it down.
Are you referring to that subhuman shitskin?
The fire rises and the shitskins will be purged. War is the only answer
conservative women come off as sociopathic trolls who are just right-wing to troll. liberal women seem to be more genuine in their beliefs
It's called the knockout game and pretty soon white people are going to get tired of playing it
>Not pictured: Her boyfriend making whitey his bitch in front of the entire class
Grey sweatshirt is a girl, seems like an odd case of all-female education, and when she pushes the nigger you can see the faint outline of breats.
Get the civic nationalists to listen to fash the nation or the daily shoah. It's that simple.
No he wasn't, it's obviously a break and if he was doing an assignment in that atmosphere he's an idiot. He could have gone to the library or anywhere else and do it but he decided to be an edgy faggot about it.
Don't cut your self there son, be careful.
I know about it, don't think I don't think niggers are niggers, just saying don't go around solving your shit like a faggot.
you need to go back juan
artificial wombs and designer babies will easily solve the problem